
We choose finishing materials for the facades of private houses. Types of facade systems. Modern design of the facades of private houses Facing the facade of the house

The final stage of the capital construction of a private house or cottage is the finishing of the facade. And here, as a rule, a question arises that is relevant for all owners. Owners of private buildings want to know how to cheaply finish the facade of the house. Wall cladding should not only be of high quality, but also attractive from an aesthetic point of view. But at the same time, few owners are willing to invest in material that will allow the appearance of their home to become exclusive. After all, few have the opportunity to afford a solution for finishing external walls without taking into account their cost.

However, in search of an answer to the question of how inexpensively to decorate the facade of a house, one should not go to extremes either. Stopping at the budget option, you should give an objective assessment of the characteristics of the selected material, in particular, its ability to withstand wind, frost, sun, rain and other environmental influences. After all, there is hardly any need to learn from experience the saying that the miser pays twice.

Finishing the facade is very cheap, of course, impossible. However, the selection of the building material, which, with other similar performance characteristics, will have a lower cost, is quite real.

Best finish

What should be the characteristics of materials for high-quality and inexpensive finishing of the external walls of the building? When choosing them, the owner of a private house should first of all pay attention to the following:

The number of textures and colors offered by the manufacturer;
- resistance to appearance of visual defects and to fading;
- similarity with natural material, especially if an imitation product is considered.

The next criterion is durability. A facade made of inexpensive material can be a real headache for the owners. After all, it will require annual repairs. What is the best way to finish the facade of the house inexpensively? Liked materials that have a good service life. This should be the main selection criterion.

Competently approaching the solution of the task when solving the question “how to finish the facade of the house inexpensively?”, You will need to consider the total cost of the entire external cladding. It should include:

Financial costs for the purchase of one square meter or kilogram of material;
- the cost of components, necessary equipment and tinting;
- the cost of installation, as well as preparatory work.

In cases where the selected material options have equal characteristics, it is worth paying attention to the final cost of their use.

Types of facade structures

Asking yourself how to finish the facade of the house inexpensively should be at the design stage. Indeed, only in this case it will be possible to correctly allocate the budget, as well as to develop the organization of sound insulation and heat saving in advance.
By type, facades are divided into:

- "wet", created when using building mixtures;
- “dry”, equipped with fasteners (self-tapping screws, dowels, nails, etc.) by mounting the material.

By the presence of a gap between the cladding and the outer wall of the house, the facades are divided into ventilated and non-ventilated. They are installed in various ways. In the first case, there is free space between the house and the cladding material, which serves to ventilate the air and remove moisture. With non-ventilated facades, the finish is attached directly to the wall.


How to finish the facade of the house inexpensively in terms of material, while obtaining a durable and quality finish? One of the most common options is decorative plaster. This is the simplest and most popular method, the use of which can protect and decorate a private house. Today, manufacturers present a huge number of plaster compositions on the building materials market, which differ in the type of surface obtained and in their main properties. Those owners who are wondering “how to decorate the facade of the house inexpensively and beautifully?” Can use plaster, which has the following advantages:

Aesthetics due to the existing rich assortment and a wide choice of colors;
- water resistance, not absorbing and not passing moisture;
- the ability to withstand temperature extremes and the influence of the sun;
- excellent sound and heat insulation performance;
- good strength, as well as the ability to withstand small mechanical stress;
- ease of installation and no need for expensive equipment;
- low price.

Among the disadvantages of plaster are:

The possibility of cracks;
- peeling of coating layers;
- appearance of spots on the surface.

However, it should be borne in mind that all the shortcomings of the plaster are associated with its improper installation. If no mistakes were made during its implementation, then there is practically no risk of such problems.

Plaster happens various kinds, differing in the components of the mixtures. This should be taken into account by the owners who are wondering how inexpensively to decorate the facade of the house. So, distinguish plaster:

- acrylic;
- silicate;
- silicone.

Consider the most budget options in more detail.

mineral plaster

This material is especially good for those who are considering various options to solve the question: "How to decorate the facade of a private house inexpensively?" A photo of this finish is shown below.

Mineral plaster is a budget and therefore the most common composition. In addition to low cost, the material attracts attention with a wide range of colors, excellent resistance to direct sunlight, as well as the development of microorganisms in it.

Mineral plaster is fireproof. In this regard, it is often used when a flammable insulation was used when facing the house. In addition, mineral plaster goes well with any building materials. Its main disadvantage is the low degree of elasticity. This is sometimes a significant problem when a building shrinks, when many small cracks appear on its walls. A similar nuance should be taken into account by the owners of newly built houses. On average, the material can last from 12 to 16 years.

Acrylic plaster

What is inexpensive to finish the facade of the house? Acrylic plaster is quite suitable for solving such a problem. It is somewhat more expensive than mineral, but at the same time it is devoid of its main drawback. Acrylic plaster is more elastic, which does not damage the facade when the building shrinks. In addition, this type of mixture is more durable. On average, its service life is 18 years.

Among the shortcomings of the material, one can single out its flammability, which should be taken into account when choosing a heater. In addition, such a surface collects dust well, which will require further careful maintenance of the outer walls of the building.

silicate plaster

How else can you finish the external walls of the house and at the same time achieve their maximum durability and quality? For this, silicate plaster, which is made with the addition of potash glass, is perfect. It is to this component that the material owes its remarkable performance properties. Such plaster is the most durable, without losing its properties for almost 30 years. The material is sufficiently elastic, which allows it not to crack when the walls shrink. It does not attract dust too much, and the dirt that has fallen on it is washed off the surface during rain.

Of course, such plaster, in comparison with those described above, has a higher cost. That is why its choice directly depends on the possibilities of the budget of the owners of the house.

Facing brick

How to decorate the facade of the house inexpensively with your own hands? Among the most popular materials are facing brick. For these purposes, a special decorative material is used. Such a brick is called front, facing or facade. It has an excellent appearance, rich in a variety of shades, shapes and textures.

In addition, such a material has excellent stability indicators in terms of its ability to withstand the harmful effects of environmental factors.

ceramic brick

How to finish the facade of a house from aerated concrete inexpensively? For this, ceramic bricks are suitable. It is made from clay that is fired. Such material, familiar to everyone, has the following advantages:

- environmental friendliness;
- good heat and sound insulation performance;
- resistance to temperature extremes, and, in addition, to fire and bright rays of the sun;
- cheapness.

Among the shortcomings are:

Not always exact geometry;
- the presence of limestone inclusions in the composition, which stand out in a darker color;
- the possibility of destruction or shedding in case of poor-quality mortar;
- a high degree of water absorption, which reduces the frost resistance of the material.

silicate brick

This finishing material is made by autoclaving a cement-sand mixture into which special additives are introduced. It is due to the simplicity of its manufacture and the cheapness of the raw materials used that silicate brick is considered the most affordable of all such types of cladding.

Among its advantages are:

High strength;
- exact geometry;
- environmental friendliness;
- good soundproofing properties;
- low price.

This material should be paid attention to those who do not know how to finish the facade of a wooden house inexpensively.

Among the shortcomings are:

Not the best decorative look among bricks;
- significant weight;
- low thermal insulation qualities;
- high degree of water absorption;
- low frost resistance.

Facade concrete tiles

This finishing material is produced on the basis of quartz sand, cement, filler, as well as various additives. Its advantages are:

Moisture resistance and durability;
- rigidity and strength;
- wide choose;
- low cost.

Among the shortcomings are:

Weak resistance to temperature changes;
- a lot of weight when used for a "wet" facade;
- often come across products with inaccurate geometry.


How to decorate the facade of a frame house inexpensively? When solving this issue, it is worth considering one of the most easy-to-handle modern decorative materials- siding. It is offered by manufacturers in a wide range and in its own way. performance characteristics very durable (up to 50 years). In addition, siding has excellent heat and sound insulation properties.

Siding can decorate not only frame house, but also wooden, brick, as well as any surface. Ennoble this material and a building that has long been erected. This material is vinyl and wood, metal and cement. Consider the most a budget option similar cladding.

Vinyl siding

This lining is made of polyvinyl chloride. In its appearance, it can imitate brick and stone, as well as wood and other natural materials.

Vinyl siding is the most popular material used for cottage facades due to the following:

Long service life;
- resistance to temperature changes, corrosion, sun rays and fire;
- low weight;
- relatively low cost;
- a wide range;
- ease of installation and further operation.

Often, the advantages of vinyl siding include its resistance to various mechanical damage. However, with a strong impact, the integrity of the material is broken.

The disadvantage of vinyl siding is its inherent high level of coefficient of linear expansion. This feature must be taken into account during installation. In addition, vinyl siding has low thermal insulation qualities, as well as the complexity of repair if it is necessary to replace one of the elements.


Quite a lot has been said about the dangers of this material until relatively recently. On this wave, slate has already begun to be somewhat forgotten in private construction. However, this issue should be fully understood. Yes, in the old days, asbestos was used for the production of slate, which was unsafe for health. To date, the material of this component does not contain.

In this regard, those who do not know how to inexpensively finish the facade of the house should purchase flat sheets of slate. They are perfect for finishing frame houses, as well as buildings made of gas silicate or aerated concrete.

A very interesting version of the facade is the use of various combinations of flat and waved slate sheets when facing it.

As soon as we have Vacation home, we are looking for options for how to inexpensively decorate the facade of the house. There are a huge variety of materials on the modern market, so owners of private buildings have the opportunity to choose what suits them best in terms of financial capabilities. It’s not worth choosing absolutely budget options, since after all, a residential facility must be reliably protected.

We choose wisely!

Finishing materials for the house are aimed at giving the exterior a special look and protecting it from various external influences. To make the facade presentable, you need to take into account a lot of little things:

Many are looking for solutions on how to finish the facade of a house cheaply. But it is worth remembering that the total cost of finishing consists of several components - the price of material, components, equipment and the price of direct installation.

We work with a wooden house

It is important to choose materials for finishing, taking into account the characteristics of the house and the material from which it is built. So, the owners of wooden houses strive to emphasize its naturalness, naturalness, therefore, most often they refuse to finish. But in some cases, you can’t do without it, since wood is a material that is not resistant to various atmospheric influences. How to decorate the facade of a wooden house to emphasize its natural beauty? Before answering this question, it should be noted that the cladding process is not an easy one, since a number of the following works are required:

Material for a wooden house: brick or plaster?

Experts say that any timber or log cottage looks very beautiful in itself. But if you still want to give it a completely different look, then we suggest evaluating a number of materials. Before finishing the facade of a wooden house, you need to competently approach the process itself, not forgetting such an important stage as insulation. Not the easiest way to finish a wooden structure is plaster, which is laid only on the crate. The use of plaster is good because you can give the facade a spectacular appearance. Experts say that this method is too laborious, and therefore rarely used. In addition, plaster cannot boast of a variety of colors.

Among the popular materials is brick: it allows you to significantly transform appearance building, ensure its high fire hazard, increase the resistance of walls to frost and moisture. But work is carried out only after the building has completely shrunk, the brick is fastened to special metal fixtures, and the load on the foundation with this choice will become much higher, so you need to think about strengthening it at the design stage. Since it is not an easy task to decorate the facade of a private house with bricks, it is worth entrusting all calculations to competent specialists.

Siding, PVC panels or tiles?

Often wooden houses covered with siding. The popularity of the material is due to its affordable cost and ease of installation. Experts say that such a finish will become a reliable and practical protection for the house. The advantage of choosing this solution is the variety of color solutions, that is, your wooden house may look different. So if you are looking for how to inexpensively finish the facade of the house, choose siding: it is easy to care for, it is durable and does not deteriorate under the influence of natural factors. In addition, the installation of siding is carried out on the frame, which means that it will be possible to insulate the building.

PVC panels are rarely used in decoration, but their advantage is in imitation of different surfaces. In addition, they are resistant to mechanical stress. It looks interesting on a wooden surface tile, which is attractive practicality. But, as experts say, working with this material is not so easy.

Foam block house

Many modern cottages are built on the basis of foam blocks and aerated concrete. The popularity of materials is explained by the simplicity of working with them, and durable operation. True, there are several nuances that should be taken into account before finishing the facade of the house from foam blocks:

To put the facade in order, experts advise using the following methods:

  • ventilated facade: it can be built using siding, lining, decorative panels;
  • facing brick: its use allows you to think through the ventilation holes, which will ensure natural air circulation between the wall and the finishing material;
  • plaster mixes;
  • simple staining using which have good vapor permeability.

These are the most best solutions for those who are looking for an option than to finish the facade of the house from aerated concrete.

Frame house

Such buildings attract attention because they are economical in construction. But with the finish you need to be careful, as there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account:

What to do with the above? Many experts recommend mounting any hinged structures based on a vinyl block house, siding. This coverage attracts affordable price, simple installation, reliability and durability, so this system is in high demand today.

The frame house looks beautiful when sheathed with clapboard, wooden siding, block house - in general, materials that emphasize the naturalness of wood. Such structures look solid, presentable and fit beautifully into the surrounding landscape. You can give some effect to the facade with the help of facade decorative plaster. And to express the individuality and solidity of the cottage will help tiling, natural or artificial stone.

Thus, we see that there are many options for how you can finish the facade of the house. But in order for your choice to be truly conscious, you should pay attention to the merits of each material and its approximate cost.


This material is liked by both buyers and experts for its safety, ease of installation, ease of maintenance and beautiful appearance. For example, in most European countries, this material is most often used to decorate houses. And given that manufacturers guarantee a service life of about 40 years, you can protect your home for many, many years. As for the price, the material on average costs about 200 rubles per 1 sq. m., if we talk about vinyl siding, the basement is more expensive - about 500 rubles per square meter. m. But still, for those who are looking for how to cheaply finish the facade of the house, this material is best suited.


This coating can make the facade of any house beautiful and worthy of attention. In terms of structure, we have a moisture resistant and breathable material. There are many varieties of it - acrylic, mineral, silicate and silicone plaster. But in terms of texture and color scheme, the material is very limited, besides, before facing, it is required to additionally paint the facade. Experts note that this coating will last for 10 years, while it does not differ in resistance to mechanical stress.

The process itself is not the easiest - for finishing a house with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 150-200 square meters. m will take at least 6-8 weeks. And in advance you will need a primer on the surface to protect it from atmospheric influences. The cost of a kilogram of plaster is from 40 rubles. for 1 kg - this is the simplest variety, silicate and silicone plasters are expensive - they cost from 100 rubles per kilogram. On average, about 3 kg of material is consumed per square meter.

Block house

How to inexpensively finish the facade of the house if it is made of wood and you want to emphasize its natural beauty? Experts suggest paying attention to a type of lining - a block house, the front surface of which imitates a rounded log. With environmental friendliness and naturalness, the material is not durable, and the appearance of the surface can be spoiled by cracks and other defects that are characteristic of wood. In addition, you will need to constantly update the surface of the block house with protective equipment. The cost of one square meter of material varies between 400-1000 rubles.

ceramic brick

If the appearance of your home is more important to you than the cost of finishing, choose facing ceramic bricks. It attracts attention with ecological cleanliness and natural composition, frost resistance and durability and good sound insulation. It is necessary to decide in advance on the color and texture solution before finishing the facade of the house. A photo of such houses shows that a more luxurious coverage cannot be imagined. Plus, it will last for decades. True, in terms of cost, this material cannot be attributed to the budget - after all, high quality and durability cannot be cheap. One square meter of cladding will cost from 1200 to 3000 rubles.

Facade tiles

A modern and reliable building material is facade tiles. It is durable, resistant to moisture, durable and is ideal if you are looking for a beautiful solution to the question of how to finish the facade of the house. A photo of the finished surface emphasizes all its beauty, however, the installation itself is not simple. In addition, careful preliminary preparation of the surface is required, as well as control over the straightness of the seam. In terms of quality and aesthetics, facade tiles are not inferior to bricks, and at a price they are much cheaper - 1000-1500 rubles per square meter.

When it comes to facing the facade of a house, which material is better to decide can be quite problematic. The choice of material will dictate the design of the building and the affordability of façade materials. The modern market of finishing materials offers a wide range. You can preview the photo, get advice, the better these or other options.

The facade of the house is his calling card, the way other people see him. It is important that the owner's preferences fit into the overall picture of the street, because often the unsightly appearance of the house can seriously spoil the relationship with neighbors.

Why facade cladding is necessary

In addition to the decorative function and creating an aesthetically attractive appearance, facade claddings play a protective role for walls, preventing the negative impact of natural and other factors on supporting structures:

  • precipitation;
  • the impact of temperature changes;
  • formation of condensate;
  • ingress of spores, the development of fungi and mold on the surface and in the thickness of the walls;
  • exposure to UV rays.

A well-lined house will not be subject to destructive factors and the owner will save himself from additional expenses for repair and restoration work. We can say that investing in a good facade of the house, you can very profitably invest in your comfortable living.

Types of cladding of facades of houses

All types of facade cladding of houses used in the decoration of external walls are divided into 4 types of decorative and protective materials:

  • plaster (finishing and decorative);
  • stone (natural and artificial);
  • siding (wood, plastic, metal, metal-plastic);
  • materials based on expanded polystyrene.

To determine which material is better for facing the facade of a house, you need to analyze the positive and negative qualities of each separately.



Plaster is a very popular facing material. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, the walls are protected from moisture while remaining breathable. Silicone, silicate, mineral, acrylic substances can act as binders.

Plaster itself is limited in the range of colors and textures, but this is fully compensated by the ability to paint for the facade. This technique is often used when deciding on original design. It also offers 2 types of texture: rustic or rough. Plaster as a finishing material will last about 7-10 years. However, although manufacturers improve the material, plastered walls are subject to mechanical damage.

To finish the walls of the house will have to spend not only strength, but also time. For clarity: 200m 2 walls require 8 weeks for finishing. In addition, this material implies a wet application method, before which it is necessary to prime the surface. Facing the facade in this way will depend on the weather, temperature conditions on the street.

Plaster imposes restrictions on some heat insulators. Acrylic plaster denies the use of mineral wool, as it has low vapor permeability. Mineral plaster is compatible only with aerated concrete.


There are ceramic and clinker facing bricks. The products are based on clay - a natural raw material, which is processed within the framework of repeatedly tested technological processes.

The ceramic look has long established itself as a high-quality, durable and visually attractive material for the facade of buildings. It is beneficial to decorate external walls with bricks, because the material is characterized by a low degree of moisture absorption, excellent sound insulation, and can withstand low temperatures, which is important in the Russian climate. The brick is compatible with all types of thermal insulation materials that can be laid in the space between the walls formed during cladding.

Clinker bricks are also suitable for cladding the exterior walls of a house. They have excellent physical characteristics, in addition, the features of the production technology make it possible to obtain material without characteristic voids.

To ensure that the design, based on the appearance of the masonry, does not lose its aesthetic qualities, care must be taken to ensure that efflorescence does not appear. The cause of this defect may be a poorly prepared solution. A facade finished with brick is guaranteed to survive 150 freeze and thaw cycles. Such finishing is planned at the construction stage, since the brick implies laying on the main foundation. If the cladding is done later, additional reinforcement of the base is necessary.


It is also possible to clad external walls facade tiles. This option is not afraid of exposure to moisture. The material is strong, durable and reliable in its performance characteristics. Laying tiles requires skill and good foundation preparation. It is necessary to maintain a straight seam, which is almost impossible to achieve without experience. In addition, until the material is laid, it is quite fragile and, if handled carelessly, is fraught with the formation of chips and scratches. Tiles are cheaper than bricks and this is its undeniable advantage.

When choosing a tile, careful selection is required. Good appearance and quality must be combined with high performance. This is the case when expensive does not mean quality. Tiles can require extremely difficult maintenance in the future. There are options involved in the insulation of the facade. Walls lined in this way do not need additional insulation, which will really save money.

Porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware slabs have proven themselves as a material capable of participating in the most stylish and daring design solutions and at the same time do not require significant labor costs. The aesthetic appearance of the facade is combined with the excellent protective properties of the facing material against adverse environmental influences.

This facing material can seriously save time and money. The initially high cost of porcelain stoneware in the future will help to avoid additional costs for repairs and maintenance work on the facade of the building. It turns out to be a profitable investment.

This is a reliable and long-term protection of walls from destruction. According to its characteristics, porcelain stoneware is one of the most durable types of material for facade cladding. In addition, the plate installation technology is quite simple and does not require special skills. The material is resistant to temperature extremes, high humidity and aggressive chemicals. Such a facade will last for many years without needing repair and maintenance.

Porcelain stoneware provides great opportunities for the implementation of design solutions. A wide range of colors and textures practically does not differ in price, which allows you to freely experiment.

This decorative and protective material helps to improve the microclimate inside the premises. Walls become thicker, thermal insulation improves, which means that heating costs become much lower.

Porcelain stoneware has only two drawbacks:

  • significant weight of the plates themselves;
  • if the installation is performed by a contractor, then the cost of services will be quite high.


There are 2 types of siding - vinyl and socle. The positive aspects of this material include safety, simplicity installation work and easy care. A certain disadvantage of this type of facade decoration is called a deliberately artificial look, which not everyone likes.

Despite the fact that manufacturers claim a service life of up to half a century, in practice this is far from the case. The materials from which siding is made are quite susceptible to the effects of environmental factors. Exposure to low temperatures provokes deformation of the siding, and hot sunlight causes burnout and the acquisition of an untidy appearance of the building. Nevertheless, siding remains a highly demanded way of finishing facades due to its relatively low cost.

facade panels

A large number of builders and those who have used this material to renovate their homes agree that facade panels- a simple and reliable cladding option for the facade. He appeared relatively recently, replacing the lining. Facade panels are used both as an independent material and as components of a system of ventilated facades.

Facade panels are based on both natural and synthetic materials. Glass, PVC, metal, aluminum, copper, wood and timber, even porcelain stoneware. Options can vary greatly. There are large and small options. The range of panels includes narrow profiles, sandwich panels, polymer panels, profiled sheets.

Positive aspects of facade panels:

  • resistant to temperature extremes, high humidity, any precipitation. The facade is reliably protected from any influences;
  • high resistance to corrosion and UV rays. Contribute to maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the house at high temperatures outside;
  • installation is carried out regardless of the season, while alignment and other preparation of the walls are not required. Fastening is carried out mechanically, directly on the external wall, or on a previously installed supporting structure. It is possible to use building screws, staples or nails. Laying occurs according to the principle of a puzzle;
  • Both horizontal and vertical installation is possible. Can be used in the design of cornices and decorative elements building;
  • convenient for reconstruction work, renovation of old buildings;
  • fireproof - do not burn, do not smoke.

With all the variety of advantages, facade panels have their drawbacks:

  • there are still limitations for use in harsh climates;
  • if necessary, installation by contractors, the work will cost a round sum.


Natural stone is many times more durable than most finishing materials. Such a facade will perfectly cope with climatic changes, is practical, durable and beautiful.

The advantages of using stone are the following qualities of the material:

  • natural color palette, unique texture;
  • environmental friendliness due to natural origin;
  • resistant to moisture, perfectly insulates heat and sound;
  • usage natural stone- a sign of the high status of homeowners;
  • self-assembly is possible.

Natural stone is divided into types of facing format:

  • tile "Euro-2" - the most popular for facing external walls. Has parameters 600x300x20 mm;
  • wild stone - presented in the form of the so-called "plates". It has an irregular shape, the corners are neatly processed;
  • slabs - in the manufacture of a solid block of stone is taken as the basis. The most expensive type;
  • die - scraps of material are used for manufacturing. Aesthetically pleasing, but more expensive than tiling. Parameters 300x30x20 mm;
  • "Moscow fur coat" - the material, as well as the cost of its installation, is the most expensive in price. A distinctive feature is that the dimensions are respected while maintaining the torn effect of the base.

This type of facing materials is valuable because it allows you to quickly modify any facade or interior design. During reconstruction work, it is possible to completely change the appearance of the building, while abandoning labor-intensive, expensive methods. In addition, cassette facades are used in the installation of ventilated facades.

Ventilated facade cassettes of metal and composite type are complete structures. They have curved edges, through which the modules are connected into a single coating. Such a facade is resistant to changes in weather conditions and mechanical damage, durable, rigid.

Release form may vary. Most often these are long strips or rectangular parts. Operational parameters are modified taking into account technological needs and design solutions.

Facade cassettes made of galvanized steel were the first to conquer the construction market. Often they were supplemented with a polymer coating. Aesthetically attractive models, durable, resistant to corrosion processes. This type of finishing materials gives a wide range of colors. However, there was a significant drawback: a small thickness with a large surface area led to the formation of a deflection, the so-called "lens effect". Therefore, small sizes prevail in steel products. They are widely used in the decoration of small architectural forms.

Aluminum facade cassettes are a later version. Their service life is superior to the steel version, they are much lighter. This allows you to seriously reduce the load, both on the structure and on the fastening system in the case of a ventilated facade. This quality allows them to be used on dilapidated buildings. The facing material is durable, resistant to climatic features, completely fireproof. The most versatile facade cassettes using a composite are produced with 2 layers of aluminum, between which a filler is placed - mineral or polymer. An increase in thickness contributes to the fact that deflections are no longer formed even if the size of the plate is quite significant. The protective polymer-decorative layer makes the products aesthetically attractive. They are used in all categories of structures.

Block house

Block house is considered a variation of the already well-known lining. Outwardly, this finish resembles rounded logs. It is a natural, eco-friendly material. Its disadvantages include high cost, fire hazard and relatively short term services. In addition, the surface of the material may have processing defects - knots, cracks, even wormholes.

When purchasing a block house for decoration, you need to make sure that it was kept in dry conditions. Otherwise, decay processes may begin. In addition, the wooden facade must be additionally treated with special compounds to protect it from adverse climatic influences. The cost of a block house varies depending on the type of wood used.


In this segment, the choice is very wide. First you need to understand what kind of cladding is required: facade board, block house, wooden siding or lining. All these materials are freely sold in the construction markets.

The palm at the lining. Panels made from processed boards have a tongue and groove system, which makes installation simple and does not require special skills. In addition, the lining has a very affordable price compared to other types of material. This material is quite light, it does not overload the building structure. Lining has long proven itself in the decoration of external walls, does not lose its relevance.

Imitation of timber is one of the modern materials used for sheathing. At the end of the installation, the wall looks like wooden beam. The material is similar to lining, but also has distinctive characteristics:

  • installation is carried out horizontally;
  • it is mainly used for finishing brick buildings, it requires additional insulation of the structure. Laying a heat-insulating layer requires the installation of a crate;
  • connection of panels according to the tenon-groove principle.

Which material is better

Everyone chooses cladding materials based on needs, design project and wallet capabilities. For convenience, positive and negative characteristics can be presented in the form of a table.

Name of finishing material pros Minuses
  • attractive appearance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • breathing;
  • long service life
  • susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • limited variety of textures;
  • few colors
  • environmental friendliness;
  • frost resistance;
  • low water absorption;
  • soundproofing;
  • the possibility of using a heater;
  • excellent quality;
  • attractive appearance;
  • long service life
  • the possibility of efflorescence;
  • the need for planning during the construction phase;
  • the need to strengthen the facade
  • moisture resistance;
  • high strength;
  • long service life;
  • cheaper than a brick;
  • there are species involved in the insulation of the facade
  • styling requires skill;
  • you need a quality foundation;
  • before laying - fragility;
  • may require complex care
Porcelain stoneware
  • saving money and time;
  • no need for preventive maintenance and repair;
  • the material is durable, easy to install;
  • resistant to sudden changes in temperature, high humidity, chemicals;
  • does not require special care;
  • contributes to a favorable microclimate inside the house, reduces the cost of heating the building
  • large weight of the plates;
  • high cost of installation services when attracting contractors
  • safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of care;
  • low cost
  • artificial appearance;
  • short service life;
  • fragility;
  • exposure to frost and ultraviolet
facade panels
  • resistance to temperature extremes, high humidity, any precipitation. The facade is reliably protected from any influences;
  • high resistance to corrosion and UV rays;
  • contribute to maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the house at high temperatures outside;
  • installation regardless of the season, alignment and preparation of walls is not required;
  • mechanical fastening.
  • laying takes place according to the principle of a puzzle;
  • horizontal and vertical laying is possible;
  • convenient for reconstruction work;
  • a wide range of imitations of natural materials;
  • fire safety
  • some species are quite expensive;
  • there are restrictions for harsh climate conditions;
  • when installed by contractors, the work is expensive
  • natural color palette, texture;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • moisture resistance, heat and sound insulation;
  • prestigious;
  • self-assembly possible
  • expensive material;
  • requires certain skills
  • allows you to work in a short time;
  • used in the installation of ventilated facades;
  • resistant to changes in weather conditions and mechanical damage, durable, rigid;
  • aesthetically attractive, durable and resistant to corrosion processes;
  • a wide range of colors;
  • fireproof;
  • are applied in all categories of structures and buildings
  • operational parameters are modified taking into account the technological need and the design solution - you need to select;
  • small sizes prevail in steel products due to the possibility of deflections
Block house
  • naturalness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • attractiveness
  • high price;
  • short service life;
  • fire hazard;
  • the possibility of defects;
  • susceptibility to decay processes;
  • the need to protect
  • wide choice in the segment;
  • materials are freely sold in the construction markets;
  • have a thorn-groove system, installation is simple;
  • the material is light, does not overload the building structure
  • it is necessary to understand what kind of lining is required;
  • the need for additional insulation of the structure;
  • laying a heat-insulating layer needs crates;
  • additional surface treatment is needed to protect against moisture, mold, fungi;
  • possible mechanical damage;
  • some species are flammable

The key to a good result is a competent, meaningful choice and approach to work. In this case, regardless of the material, the facade of the house will become the pride of the owners, the envy of the neighbors.

The facade is called the "face" of the building, its finishing part, which, in addition to the representative function, also performs the function of protection. It is the facade, which is the hallmark of the house, that allows you to transform any unsightly building, making it attractive and even respectable. The main thing is to professionally approach the choice of finishing material, taking into account the requirements for the appearance of the building.

In this article, we will talk in detail about modern materials for facade decoration, get acquainted with the requirements for them, and also study the advantages and disadvantages of each of the finishing materials.

Facade finishing materials

The modern market of finishing materials suggests paying attention to the following types:

  • Facing brick;
  • Facade panels;
  • timber imitation;
  • Thermal panels;
  • Stone;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • Clinker tiles;
  • Sandwich panels;
  • metal cassettes.

Requirements for modern facades

The variety of materials for finishing facades often confuses the buyer. In addition to their appearance, they differ in composition and properties, which means that it is necessary to clearly understand which material is ideal for a particular structure. So, what you need to pay attention to when choosing a facade:

  1. Reliability and strength. The outer coating of the building must withstand the loads exerted on the structure, as well as be resistant to possible mechanical damage;
  2. moisture resistance. Materials for finishing the house should not let moisture through. The appearance and durability of finishing materials largely depend on this.
  3. weather resistance. In addition to moisture resistance, Decoration Materials should not collapse and change color under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  4. fire resistance. Ideally, the finishing material should be non-combustible. In reality, these are quite rare, which means that for your own safety, the choice must be stopped on one that, when burned, will not emit dangerous toxins;
  5. Frost resistance. The coating of external walls must withstand cycles of lowering and increasing air temperature without loss of performance;
  6. Wind protection. An important criterion in the choice of materials for the facade. In particular, this applies to slabs and hinged panels, which must be securely fastened to prevent structural failure and panel fall;
  7. Environmental friendliness. Living or long-term stay of people in the room makes the issue of environmental cleanliness of finishing materials one of the key ones.
  8. Biological stability. This characteristic implies the protection of the finishing material from the effects of insects and rodents and other pests, including fungus and mold.
  9. Life time. Having decided to decorate your house with a beautiful facade, you want it to serve with dignity for 10 years or more, without requiring replacement every 2-3 years.
  10. Ease of installation. Some types of wall decoration are easy to install, which a non-professional can handle. And that's a significant money saver. Other materials will require the involvement of a qualified team of installers.
  11. Ease of maintenance. Most bleaching materials do not require special care, while others must be taken care of. So, for example, wood wall decoration will require additional painting or treatment with special impregnations.

Nevertheless, the main criterion for choosing a facade was and remains an attractive appearance. Therefore, we next consider modern views finishing materials, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages.

Facade decoration with decorative plaster

This is one of the most common finishing materials. Properly selected plaster will provide the necessary level of thermal insulation and hide unsightly seams, protect the facade from adverse external factors and allow you to achieve such beauty of the facade that no other material, even marble, can provide.

This finishing material is a mixture in which one of the fillers (silicone, acrylic, silicate) is added to the two main components (cement and sand). Various combinations of components allow you to get a variety of types of decorative plaster, each of which differs in parameters, characteristics, application methods and, of course, price.

There are several types of decorative plaster:

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Appearance. The abundance of colors and shapes of decorative plaster allows you to satisfy the needs of the most demanding customer. For those who will not be surprised, we can offer structural plaster "", which has a non-standard look and gives the building object a unique aesthetics. But "" plaster is distinguished by a special sophistication, capable of imitating valuable types of stone and bringing to life the most daring design decisions.
  2. Durability. Most of them perfectly resist external negative factors. For example, silicate plaster is not afraid of precipitation and does not absorb dirt, while silicone plaster is not afraid of frost and sunlight. With these obvious advantages, this material lasts 15-20 years, and some, such as silicate plaster, 25-30 years.
  3. Versatility. Plaster perfectly fits on a variety of surfaces, ranging from wood, and ending with metal, brick and concrete.
  4. Affordable price. This is a key factor that speaks in favor of plaster. With all the variety of types of this material, its durability and ability to withstand external negative factors, decorative plaster can please with a very low price compared to the same facing brick.
  5. Ease of application. To Work with decorative plaster pretty simple. Even a non-professional can master the technology of applying this material.
  6. surface cleanliness requirements. Decorative plaster is applied to clean, primed walls. This is especially true for metal surfaces.
  7. Marked surface. Some types, such as acrylic, are soiled and may become contaminated during operation.
  8. Weak elasticity. Some plasters have poor elasticity. In particular, this applies to the mineral. Over the years, such a facade can become covered with cracks.

Mounting Features

Working with decorative plaster is easy. It is enough to dilute the mixture to the desired consistency and apply it to the surface in an even layer with a spatula. It is only important to finish the wall as a whole, and not a separate section, so that the joints do not catch the eye.

If the wall was insulated with polystyrene foam before finishing the facade, the plaster should be applied to the reinforcing mesh. When decorative plaster is applied to a tree, the wood should first be protected from moisture, because otherwise such a facade will crack.

Otherwise, all the charm of working with decorative plaster is achieved by the ability to work with a trowel on dried material. To get acquainted with the process, it is worth watching the video tutorials.

Important advantages of mineral plaster: good resistance to temperature extremes, has antifungal additives, looks good and is able to decorate the facade. It is also important that this finishing material has a very reasonable cost and is available to almost everyone. For those who seek to finish the facade with their own hands, mineral plaster will be a good choice, because it is easy to apply.

It is also a very common type of decoration for building facades. The stone wall looks solid, beautiful and stylish, immediately turning the most ordinary house into a medieval castle. The stone can be used both natural and artificial. Naturally, the stone is durable and reliable, its durability is beyond doubt.

Stone decoration is able to keep the temperature well, this is important in climates with large seasonal temperature differences - for example, in summer the stone is able to keep cool inside the building, and in winter, on the contrary, it is warm. This finish, whether natural or artificial, is environmentally friendly and completely safe for human life and health.

The disadvantage of the stone is its decent weight - not every building can withstand such a finish. For stone finishing, a solid foundation is needed that can withstand a weight of several tons. Another disadvantage is the cost, of course, not every owner can afford to finish the facade with stone. Of course, in this case, an artificial stone can help out, which has similar properties, and outwardly looks very close to the original. This option will cost less.

The facade trimmed with stone already visually turns the house into a kind of fortress. This finish looks spectacular and expensive, and therefore has attracted buyers for many years.

When choosing a stone facade design, remember that it will serve you for a very long time, therefore, take care of all the nuances in advance. The stone is also perfect for additional decoration of the facade, finished with other materials. The decoration of the facade with natural or artificial stone looks very colorful in combination with similar decorative elements on other objects of the estate, for example, a gazebo, paths, curbs and the like.

Finishing the facade with facing bricks

This material can be called a classic facade decoration. Facing bricks appeared long before any other types of facade materials and have not lost their relevance today due to their incredible reliability, durability and excellent aesthetic characteristics. Agree, no other material will allow you to turn an ordinary country house into a medieval castle. And the facing brick copes with this task perfectly!

But the key advantage of this material is that with the brick facade you, in essence, have an additional wall.

Facing bricks are made from the following materials:

  • silicate;
  • ceramic;
  • hyperpressed;
  • clinker.

Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages, and therefore can seriously differ in price.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Durability. Facing brick is the most durable of all finishing materials. Even the simplest of the options - silicate brick is able to maintain its properties up to 70-80 years. What can we say about durable, which will stand for 150 years or more!
  2. As we have already said, when finishing the facade with this type of material, an additional wall appears in your building. And this is a powerful protection in cold weather, combined with excellent soundproofing properties. We can say that in terms of frost resistance, facing bricks have no equal.
  3. Environmental friendliness. Brick is an environmentally friendly material and does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere even when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Fire resistance. The facing brick does not burn and does not smolder, does not emit chemically hazardous substances under the influence of fire. On the contrary, it can become a reliable protection of your home from a fire.
  5. Does not need care. This material does not get dirty and is resistant to mechanical damage. If necessary, it can be easily cleaned and washed.
  6. Price. It must be said that facing brick is one of the most expensive finishing materials. And not every person can afford such a facade.
  7. Material weight. Brick weighs more than other finishing materials, which means that the buyer may have problems with its delivery and installation.
  8. Difficulties with installation. Considering all the subtleties of facade cladding with such material, it will not be possible to work with it without professional skills. Moreover, the severity of the brick involves the installation of an additional foundation for such a facade or the use of anchors for fastening. Otherwise brickwork may crack or simply collapse.

Mounting Features

This is a rather complicated process, in which it is necessary to take into account everything to the smallest detail: the mass of the future facade, the strength of the cement mixture, the presence of a foundation and many other nuances. So that the brick does not collapse, and cracks do not go along the seams, laying should be carried out only on a previously erected foundation. As an option, in bearing wall it is necessary to drive in anchors that will hold the brick facade.

It is more reasonable to entrust work with this material to professional masons. This is an additional expense, but, as practice shows, such a solution will save you from many problems in the future.

Facade cladding with porcelain stoneware

This material is made from natural ingredients: clay, quartz sand, feldspar. This mixture is diluted with water to the desired consistency. This is followed by firing at high temperatures and pressing. The result of the process is a beautiful durable porcelain stoneware tile.

Such a cladding looks impressive and is able to decorate any facade, usually even very fastidious customers like it. In addition to its excellent external data, porcelain stoneware is a durable, weather-resistant and reliable material. Walls finished with porcelain stoneware will serve in their original form for many years, since this material does not change during operation.

There are many varieties of this material on sale, for example, porcelain stoneware is distinguished:

  1. Matte. This is a surface that has not been processed after production - it gives the finish an interesting appearance.
  2. Polished or satin. Externally, the tiles look like they are covered with a layer of wax. In production, this effect is achieved by adding mineral salts.
  3. Glazed. It looks like ceramic tiles, as it is opened with a protective glaze. It gives it additional strength properties and a glossy layer.
  4. Polished. The surface is specially polished with abrasive nozzles. This porcelain tile is not to be missed, thanks to its sparkling rich color.
  5. Structured. Especially often used for facade decoration of private houses. These are porcelain stoneware tiles with various textured patterns. It can be simply embossed, rough, imitate the texture of wood, and so on.
  6. Mosaic. The most difficult to lay, like any mosaic - only true professionals can perform this work qualitatively. But the facade, finished with mosaic porcelain tiles, will always attract attention, no matter if it is made from a standard set or the owners preferred an exclusive option.

The disadvantage of porcelain stoneware is, first of all, its large weight - that is, not any foundation will be able to withstand it. And also - the complexity of installation, only truly highly qualified specialists can lay it beautifully and efficiently.

Facade cladding with clinker tiles

It is also very common as a finish for facades of buildings and fences. We can confidently call it the leader in outdoor cladding materials. Due to its attractive appearance, good performance properties and a variety of colors, clinker tiles clearly outperform other similar materials.

Clinker tiles are able to withstand high and low temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, and moisture without deformation. And with all this, it is much lighter than porcelain stoneware or facing stone. Its only drawback can be called fragility - careful attitude is important for her both during operation and during transportation and installation.

Siding appeared on construction market relatively recently, but has already managed to win the love of millions, and all because this finishing material is considered the cheapest in the field of "dry" installation.

Unlike most other materials, siding facades are ventilated, which means they save the building from the appearance of mold and fungus. Pleasantly surprised by the variety of types of siding. Depending on the building to be clad, you can choose the following type:

  • wood.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. A large assortment. Given the variety of shapes, colors and materials, the consumer will definitely find the most suitable option how to finish country house, and for the facade of a supermarket in the center of the metropolis. For example, vinyl siding is the cheapest and most popular in private construction. At the same time, metal and fiber cement options are more often used for finishing banks and offices.
  2. Durability. Vinyl siding can stand without replacement for 10 years or more, while metal trim lasts up to 50 years! True, it should be noted that vinyl siding is fragile and easily damaged by mechanical stress.
  3. Almost all types of materials for finishing siding can boast of resistance to precipitation. Acrylic siding does not fade in the sun even at +80°C and is resistant to chemicals, while vinyl siding is not recommended for use at temperatures above +50°C and below -40°C.
  4. Environmental friendliness. Wooden siding is made from environmentally friendly materials. Along with the fiber cement option, it is considered the most environmentally friendly. But the same cannot be said about vinyl siding. Created on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, over the years, as well as under the influence of the sun, it can release harmful compounds into the atmosphere.
  5. Thermal insulation and sound insulation. Most of the finishing materials from siding do not have thermal insulation properties. The best in this regard is wood siding. In any case, insulation and protection against extraneous sounds when finishing the facade with this material must be laid separately.
  6. external attraction. Fiber cement siding is considered the most sophisticated, imitating any finishing material, from wood to decorative stone. True, due to the high cost in Russia, it is not common.

Mounting Features

Finishing the facade with siding will not cause any particular difficulties. The purchased panels are attached to any surface, but there are some nuances. It is possible to fasten the panels directly to the walls only if they are wooden. In all other cases, to begin with, you will have to sheathe the facade with a crate, and these are additional costs for the material and increased labor intensity.

A huge advantage of siding over other materials is the system of locks that are located on each panel. Thanks to them, the panels are simply inserted into each other and attached to the crate through the factory holes with nails or self-tapping screws.

Initially, siding was called facade panels, but only the basement of the house was usually clad with it. beautiful shape with imitation of brick, wood or stone, the owners of houses liked it and they began to decorate the whole house with it, hence the name facade panels came from, because. they began to be used to decorate the whole house, and not just the basement. Over time, manufacturers began to produce various models of facade panels.

Types of facade panels:

  • a metal sheet;
  • fiber cement;
  • asbestos cement;
  • wood chips;
  • vinyl, polypropylene;
  • sandwich panels.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Strength and durability. In terms of strength, facade panels, of course, do not reach the facing brick, but, given the presence of two layers, they are noticeably superior to siding or plaster. Not for nothing that the declared service life of this material is 50-60 years.
  2. Heat and sound insulation. These panels are produced with an additional layer, which can be both insulating and soundproofing. A striking example is the well-known sandwich panels.
  3. Weather resistance. Such material perfectly withstands temperature changes, and can be used in regions with temperatures from +50°C to -50°C. In addition, these panels are ventilated, which means they save the structure from mold and fungal infections.
  4. Light weight. The considered facade material is light, and therefore one person can mount it on the walls.
  5. Fire resistance. Facade panels are made of non-combustible materials and are not prone to burning or smoldering. The only "weak link" here is vinyl and polypropylene panels. Under the influence of fire, they warp and smolder, releasing harmful substances into the air.
  6. Facade maintenance. After installation, these panels do not need maintenance, and if necessary, they can be easily washed with water and detergents. The only thing is that wooden facade panels must be varnished after installation.
  7. Price. Depending on the material of manufacture, facade panels are 3-10 times more expensive than siding. 1.5-2 times more expensive than plaster. At the same time, such an accurate imitation of stone or brick is several times cheaper than natural brick.
  8. Ease of installation. Compared to installing siding, installing facade panels is harder. In addition, to create such a facade, you will additionally need to purchase additional elements, and these are additional expenses. At the same time, it is easier to mount such panels than to master the finishing with facade plaster or lay facing bricks. Facade panels can be installed independently, without the involvement of specialists.

Mounting Features

Facing with the material in question involves the installation of a crate. On the one hand, this is a minus, since it requires spending on material, and on the other hand, an advantage, because insulation fits perfectly under the crate. As in the case of siding, the panels are engaged with each other with the help of special locks. It remains only to attach them to the crate with self-tapping screws. It is only important to remember that the installation of facade panels is always done from left to right and from bottom to top.

- a wonderful natural material that has become a worthy alternative to lining and block house. Most often it is used for wall cladding of country cottages, cottages and baths. And this is quite justified, because you want your own house in the bosom of nature to look not like a stone or brick statue, but to please with warmth and comfort, which only a natural tree can give.

Wooden panels imitating timber may differ in thickness (up to 35 mm), width (up to 240 mm) and length (up to 6 meters). Materials for the manufacture of such a bar can be:

  • Linden;
  • larch;
  • pine;
  • birch.

In addition, panels are divided into classes:

  • E - top class;
  • A - first-class material;
  • B - material with small defects;
  • C - material with flaws.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Durability. It is worth recognizing that the imitation of timber is one of the most short-lived materials. As a rule, it is used no more than 10-15 years.
  2. decorative features. Wooden panels imitating timber outwardly look excellent. In addition, they can be varnished in various colors, from white to burgundy black.
  3. Light weight. The lightness of the panels does not create a load on the house. Panels can be mounted on walls by one person.
  4. Heat and sound insulation. The tree perfectly dampens sounds and keeps heat well, thanks to which it is cool in summer in a house with such a facade, and noticeably warmer in winter.
  5. Facade maintenance. This material must be varnished every 2-3 years to protect it from environmental influences. Otherwise, the timber may rot or dry out. In addition, the appearance of such a facade will have to be maintained by regular rubbing of the panels with wax.
  6. Fire hazard. This is the biggest drawback of this material because the tree burns beautifully. And given that the panels are varnished, it also releases harmful compounds into the atmosphere.
  7. Loss of appearance. After about 5-6 years, these panels begin to darken, losing their former freshness. To solve the problem, white varnish is used.

Mounting Features

To finish the facade with an imitation of timber, you will have to fill a wooden crate on the walls along the length of the purchased panels. The crate is stuffed in increments of 60 cm.

The process of attaching the braces is not difficult. At the bottom, the board has a mounting groove, and at the top there is a comb, thanks to which one beam is easily inserted into another. Such bars are attached to the wall with nails (if the wall is wooden) or dowels (if the wall is concrete). This installation can be done by one person. If there is a crate in a day, you can mount the facade of the whole house.

Thermal panels are called universal insulation for external walls, which in addition creates a beautiful appearance of the building. They are very similar to ordinary facade panels, with the only difference being that the thermal panel is a multilayer material. Its internal part can consist of different components:

The outer part of the thermal panel can also be different and made of different materials:

  • fake diamond;
  • clinker brick;
  • marble chips;
  • polymeric materials;

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Durability. According to the manufacturers, these panels can serve for 30-50 years without losing their properties at all, without fading in the sun and without being destroyed by water due to the influence of the external environment.
  2. Thermal insulation and sound insulation. The name of the panels suggests that these panels provide not only the beauty of the facade, but also warm the house.
  3. Environmental friendliness. Most types of this material are made from environmentally friendly materials. True, among them there are PVC panels that cannot boast of this quality.
  4. Weather resistance. Thermal panels can be installed in any region, but they are targeted at northern latitudes, where temperatures can drop to -80°C. In such conditions, they behave excellently.
  5. Price. It must be said that thermal panels are a rather expensive material, which surpasses both siding and facade panels in cost. Only facing brick is more expensive.
  6. Ease of installation. Most panels have notches and ridges on the end walls, making them extremely easy to assemble on the wall. You can even cope with them alone, because the weight of one panel is 5-7 kg.
  7. requirements for accuracy of work. There are special requirements for the accuracy of mounting these panels. The fact is that if the outer layer of such a panel is damaged, it will have to be thrown away.
  8. thermos effect. The panels do not actually let air through, which means that without ventilation in a room with such a finish, a thermos effect may occur.

Mounting Features

Considering that thermal panels have an insulating layer, they need to be installed on the most even surface. It may be necessary to plaster and prime the walls before installation.

Panels are attached to the wall with adhesive. Moreover, each panel has grooves, thanks to which it engages with the other. In addition, the panels are attached to the wall with mounting nails.

It is only important to understand that after installing the thermal panels, it is necessary to seal the seams between the plates. This must be done with high quality so that the heat does not leave the house and the effect of installing this facade does not disappear.

Facade decoration with sandwich panels

This facing material consists, as a rule, of three layers: polymer or metal on both sides and a layer of insulation between them. In the form of insulation, polyurethane is usually used. Such a finish wins among other types for its thermal insulation properties - they, perhaps, will be the highest here.

The panels have a completely safe composition and low weight. Installation is easy to do even on your own, as it does not require special tools or skills. However, right technology laying sandwich panels is still very important, because if it is broken, there is a possibility of freezing of the joints - and this is unacceptable.

Sandwich panels are convenient and with their low cost, if desired, everyone can afford such a facade finish.

Cassette facade

Metal cassettes are currently very widely used, both for facade decoration. public buildings, and in the decor of private households. This is an excellent version of ventilated facades - this way the walls of the house do not deteriorate, and at the same time they are provided with reliable protection and a presentable appearance.

Cassettes are mounted on special rivets or self-tapping screws, it can be done both in an open and closed way - it depends on the wishes of the client and the type of finish.

This material is reliable, resistant to all kinds of aggressive factors, whether it be atmospheric phenomena, temperature or fungus. It is impossible not to notice its fire safety and environmental friendliness.

Cassette facades are provided in a variety of options. The number of colors, sizes and textures will amaze the imagination of even the most fastidious buyer.

The only drawback of cassette facades is their decent cost. However, when choosing materials, keep in mind that such a finish can last more than fifty years, which means that it fully justifies its price.

In fact, there are many more types of facade decoration - in some cases, the owners prefer to use a non-standard approach or little-known materials. The most common ones have been mentioned above. Relatively speaking, they can be divided according to the mounting method into “wet” and “dry”. The first ones are mounted using special mixtures that are applied directly to the walls of the facade. The second ones are installed using special fasteners; between such a finish and the wall there can be a gap, an air cushion or insulation is laid.

The choice of material for finishing the facade is not an easy task, here you need to take into account all sorts of subtleties: the location of the building, height, its appearance and dimensions. It is important to provide the most harmonious combination of facade decoration with other objects, a fence, a general view of the site.

Well, and of course, taste wishes are important - classically strict design, romance or modern - different styles involve the use various materials in color and texture. Modern building hypermarkets can offer an extensive range of finishing materials, you can make right choice for every taste and wealth.

How to transform the "face" of your own home and make it unforgettable? The theme of decorating the facade is inexhaustible...

The variety of finishing options is dictated not only by the need to decorate wall structures, but also to protect the material of the walls from external environmental influences.

Ordinary brick, cinder block, aerated concrete, foam and gypsum blocks have either low decorative qualities or poor resistance to any precipitation, wind and temperature extremes. Even a material such as silicate brick, which has an attractive and reliable appearance, is inferior to its facing counterpart in most respects.

This is a kind of lining, the front surface of which imitates a rounded log. Economical and environmentally friendly material.

Finishing with a block house or imitation of a bar is best done on a double wooden crate. The first serves for laying insulation, the second - for creating a ventilated gap and mounting the cladding. Ventilation is needed not only for mineral wool, but also for wood. In addition, each panel must be treated on the inside (to protect against rot and insects), as well as on the outside (to protect against precipitation).

It is used for finishing walls with low vapor permeability. Insulation plates (polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam) are fixed with an adhesive solution and fixed with dowels.

A fiberglass reinforcing mesh is mounted on top and thrown with a solution (this is necessary in order to avoid cracks at the joints of the insulation plates). The top layer is rubbed, and after it dries, facade plaster is laid on it, which is then primed and painted with exterior paints.


Literally from English "siding" - "outer skin". One of the leading materials used in housing construction.

Installation of siding is exceptionally easy and installation usually takes place at a high pace of work.

A supporting frame (crate) is required, which can be arranged, for example, from a metal profile or a wooden beam. As a heater, foam plastic with a thickness of at least 20-40 mm is used.

The use of a heater such as mineral wool due to its ability to absorb atmospheric moisture, it requires the creation of an air gap.

Types of siding:


Gives the building a finished, aesthetic appearance. Inexpensive, durable and elastic material. Before use, we advise you to weigh the pros and cons based on incl. for environmental and fire reasons.

It is also advisable to inquire about the performance characteristics of the products of the selected manufacturer before buying. Cases of swelling, warping, cracking, increased brittleness in winter and uneven burnout in spots in summer have been noted.

The author of this article has worked with the Polish brand of siding ROYAL and Tecos (joint Belgium-Russia). For two years, burnout of panels on the south side was noted, which in general is not critical. There are no complaints about the mechanical characteristics.


The increased cost relative to vinyl and the need for additional costs for anti-corrosion treatment make it somewhat difficult to use metal siding for finishing private buildings.

However, some owners still opt for a more solid "metal" option. Steel siding meets the requirements fire safety and can be used incl. for finishing fire hazardous objects.

Time-tested finishing material (first used in Europe over 100 years ago). Durable, fireproof, not afraid of moisture and biological corrosion.

More recently, it was in the shadow of its vinyl counterpart, but the domestic consumer could not pass by the material on the traditionally beloved cement base.

On some Internet sites you can still find outdated information today. that fiber cement siding is unclaimed in the field of private construction and is hazardous to health. The fact is that earlier asbestos was used in the production, which can really threaten health. Today, this component is excluded from the technological cycle and its function is performed by harmless cellulose.

Cement siding looks flawless and can be painted after installation, allowing the owner country house use unlimited color options.

Some manufacturers give a guarantee for this type of product up to 50 years!

Wooden, in the common people "Canadian" siding

Not afraid of Russian frosts and looks amazing!

An eco-friendly, aesthetic and sweet material that needs no introduction. Unfortunately, this excellent coating retains all the shortcomings of the wood and therefore the service life is not its strongest point. Relatively expensive, it is less elastic and therefore requires increased accuracy during installation and maintenance during operation.

Facade heat-insulating panels (Thermopanels)

A relatively young, but trusted method of insulation and decorative facade finishing is widely used both in the countries of the European Union and in Russia in accordance with the new, more stringent norms of SNiP No. 23.02.2003 "Thermal protection of buildings".

It is a lightweight but durable panel made on the basis of foam, extruded polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam providing excellent heat capacity. The technology provides for the creation of a single monolithic layer having the effect of a thermos. (keeps cool in summer and warm in winter).

Mounting on any surface is acceptable: concrete, wood, gas and foam concrete blocks, brick, glass-magnesite sheet, etc.

Ceramic tiles (porcelain stoneware)

Artificial finishing material with excellent operational characteristics.

Thanks to its high performance characteristics, it has turned from a tile intended for flooring into a universal finishing material widely used for finishing the walls of architectural structures. This perfect option for facing ventilated facades ( more about the technology at the end of this article) .

Facade plaster

To this day, this traditional solution enjoys well-deserved popularity.

abundance modern technologies brings a pleasant variety to the choice of the owner of a country house puzzled by the high-quality relief of wall surfaces. The main limitation is the relative laboriousness of applying plaster and the need for skilled labor.

An attempt at mechanization here was unsuccessful, because the "grandfather" method of work has not undergone significant changes.

Durable and most budgetary plaster. Over time, the hardness of the coating only increases.

This plaster has a high pH and is resistant to biological corrosion. A small selection of colors from the manufacturer is not an obstacle to the use of a wide range of colors. White plaster is applied, followed by painting with silicate facade paint.

Flaws: low elasticity, low adhesion to the base. Price: the most budget option. Durability: about 30 years old. Frost resistance: 75 cycles.

Does not require kneading and eliminates dosage errors. The choice of color is unlimited - the mixture is tinted.

Acrylic plaster goes on sale as a ready-to-use mixture on a water-dispersion basis. Elastic, durable, has a high resistance to aggressive environmental influences. Flaws: low vapor permeability.

It is undesirable to use on facades with cotton insulation. Price: relatively inexpensive (compared to silicone and silicate plasters), but more expensive than mineral plasters. Durability: 50 years. Frost resistance: fifty cycles.

It is applied on all types of mineral bases. Has neutral electrostaticity - does not attract dust and dirt.

Strong and durable coating. Made on the basis liquid glass, which provides high vapor permeability (higher than that of mineral and acrylic) and resistance to biological corrosion.

Flaws: Small selection of colors. Price: Above average price range. Durability: 60 years.

If the budget allows, then this is the best option. Includes all previously mentioned material benefits.

It is made on the basis of a modified silicone resin, with the addition of an organic acrylate binder, mineral fillers and pigments.

Flaws: used in combination with a silicone primer, very expensive. Price: The most expensive plaster Durability: 60 years. Frost resistance: 60 cycles. Among facade paints, by analogy with plasters, Acrylic, Silicate and Silicone paints are distinguished.

Not the most popular, but noteworthy option.

Ceramic facing bricks have many advantages, including high mechanical strength, resistance to water, wind, ultraviolet radiation and temperature extremes. Unfortunately, he also has disadvantages, such as, for example, low thermal insulation, rather big weight and high price, it is because of them that he has recently lost his position in the market of finishing facade materials.

To thickness brick wall complied with the requirements of SNiP in terms of protection against heat loss, it should be from 80 to 90 cm thick. And this is both expensive and requires a more powerful foundation. Although for a low-rise building such a wall has excessive strength.

You can use well masonry when a gap is created between an ordinary brick and a facing brick, filled with a heat insulator. This technique allows you to reduce the total wall thickness by 1.5 times. But the use of warm facade systems reduces this figure by half.

Looks like a real one, but weighs 1.5 times less.

This type of finish has an amazing decorative surface due to its resemblance to the natural counterpart. However, it weighs one and a half times less and is more suitable for finishing work, since any collection already has additional elements for cladding window and doorways, corners and joints, which greatly simplifies installation.

Artificial stone is easy to process, durable, environmentally friendly (which is important in recent times), easy to mount on any base.

The only thing that such a finish is afraid of is humidity. Therefore, in places where the influence of natural moisture is high, the surface lined with artificial stone must be treated with hydrophobic solutions.

Suspended ventilated facade

The most common method for walls with high vapor permeability.

The idea is to form a supporting frame providing a gap for air circulation between the insulation and the cladding. Mineral wool is used as a heater.

A system of metal profile brackets is installed on the wall, the height of which should ensure the placement of heat-insulating material, a protective vapor-permeable membrane and a gap of the required width.

Mineral wool mats are reinforced with glue and (or) plastic umbrella dowels, a membrane is laid on top, which prevents the material from collapsing, but at the same time allows water vapor to escape.

Mounted on brackets metal profiles, which serve as the basis for the installation of the cladding. Any sheet or lath material can act as a cladding, from corrugated board to composite panels or porcelain stoneware.

The use of each of them has its own characteristics in terms of the method of fastening, the pitch and the material of the crate. For example, composite panels should only be attached to aluminum profiles. Finishing the facade will not only strengthen the external walls of the house and prolong its life, but also decorate the site, creating a unique aura of attractiveness and captivating the views of passers-by.

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