
How to choose a tile - which tile is better. Floor tiles: how to choose the right one, tips and advice from professionals Choosing a tile

As a material for finishing the floor, many choose ceramic tiles, despite the abundance of construction market masses of other floor coverings. The tile has a lot of advantages in comparison with other coatings. Let's look at how to choose floor tiles for different types of rooms.

Features and benefits of the material

If you start comparing floor tiles with ordinary tiles, it is immediately noticeable that the first one has a greater thickness. Also, the finish is characterized by increased wear resistance characteristics. Because of these properties, tiles are usually laid in the kitchen and in the hallway.

Among other advantages and features, high hygiene can be distinguished. Compared to any other floor coverings, it is the tile that is considered best material for floors in rooms where there is an increased level of pollution.

The material has extraordinary strength. The main thing is to know how to choose floor tiles so as not to regret the purchase. Under the condition of professional laying, the tile is able to withstand significant impact loads, as well as other mechanical damage. The finish is not only durable, it also does not lose its color over time.

Ceramics are very durable. Unlike other coatings, floor tiles are able to last without loss or deterioration. specifications up to 50 years old. The tile is not afraid of moisture and serious flooding - therefore, the tile is chosen for finishing bathrooms. Any other material in the bathroom will quickly become damp and unusable.

If the coating is damaged, only the damaged area can be repaired without the need to replace the entire floor. And finally, ceramics will never harm human health. This is the most environmentally friendly option among all existing floor coverings(of course, except for the tree). In stores and building hypermarkets, a huge selection of ceramics for the floor of any color, pattern, size and texture is presented.

This allows you to create not only a durable, but also an attractive coating.


If you lay tiles in violation of technology, this will lead to the formation of cracks. To obtain a quality result, it is not enough to choose a quality tile. You must first perform a thorough preparation of the subfloor. It must be flat and dry.

For all its merits, tiles have poor sound absorption properties. But this disadvantage can be easily eliminated with the help of soundproofing layers. The latter are laid when pouring the screed.

Ceramic tiles are very cold, but have a high thermal conductivity. The problem of cold will be solved by installing underfloor heating. Finally, the tiles are very slippery. For bathrooms, options with a rough surface are more preferable.

Criterias of choice

How to choose floor tiles? First of all, the choice depends on the type of room where it will fit. So, it can be a bathroom, kitchen, living room, hallway. Finishing characteristics depend on the type of room. There are certain criteria for choosing floor tiles.


The construction market presents materials with a glossy, matte or embossed surface. It should be borne in mind that the tile is very slippery, so you should not opt ​​for glossy products, even if they look very impressive. Glossy floors become dangerous if they get wet. If you really liked the shine, then it is better to use it where the humidity is lower.


The geometric characteristics determine how the room and interior will be visually perceived. If you lay large ceramics in a small room, then visually it will decrease and it will be cramped in it. But a small mosaic will visually expand the space.

Large tiles are relevant in rooms whose area is more than seven square meters. For bathrooms and bathrooms, it is better to use smaller options.

Color spectrum

Floors, like walls, occupy a fairly large area. And this means that the coating can significantly affect the process of forming the interior of the room. Professional designers advise which floor tiles to choose to get a harmonious interior:

  • Floors should be in harmony with other finishes, or contrast with it. White tiles on the floor in the corridor will make a dark room brighter and visually expand it. Color saturation depends on the brightness of the light.
  • IN classic interiors tile made of natural stone will look perfect. But the imitation will also look pretty impressive.


It is believed that ceramics is an exceptionally cold floor. Therefore, it is not used for bedrooms and children's rooms. And this is true for stone and ceramic materials. But on sale you can find a special warm tile. This is a new product developed in Japan. In the structure of such a product there is a mass of air bubbles that act as a barrier from the cold, without reducing the strength characteristics. Therefore, for those who do not know which floor tiles to choose, warm products are perfect option. The floor will be easy to use and not give off cold.

Let's note one nuance. Among ordinary tiles, there are also warmer and colder options. So, the stone is much colder than ordinary ceramics. Granite and porcelain stoneware tiles are best chosen for corridors.

For those who do not know what kind of floor tiles to choose to keep warm, special vinyl finishes can be offered in stores. It is much warmer than ordinary tiles. But this is not classical ceramics. This is something like ordinary linoleum, but with a different composition and laying technology. The material is easily adjusted to rooms of any size, elastic and warm. But it is not very durable. The service life is not more than 10 years.

There is also a quartz vinyl tile. It is harder than PVC materials, as it contains 80 percent quartz sand.


Any package with tiles has special designations. They will help and tell you how to choose floor tiles. In these symbols, manufacturers have encrypted all the necessary information. If a palm is drawn, then this is a wall tile. If the foot, then, respectively, for the floor. Snowflake means that the material is intended for use as an outdoor finish.

decorative characteristics

Often the tiles are decorated with various decorative elements. It can be inserts, patterns, embossed stripes. It all looks very elegant, but only if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the interior design match.

For small rooms, do not get carried away with a large number of such patterns. This noticeably hides the free space.


Many are sure that it is possible to choose the right floor tiles only from foreign manufacturers. In fact, the stores offer a lot of high-quality domestic products that have the same characteristics as imported ones. But its price is much lower.

If you make a choice without a certain experience, it is best to trust trusted manufacturers:

  • Almera Ceramics.
  • "Cersanit".
  • "Novabell"


For those who do not know how to choose floor tiles, labeling comes to the rescue again. It must indicate the variety. The higher it is, the lower the quality. Poor quality tiles may have dimensional errors. Various defects, deviations in thickness, uneven coloring, chips.

Each variety has its own label. The first is red, the second is blue, and the third is green. Regardless of which floor tiles to choose for the bathroom or any other premises, it is better to purchase tiles from one batch. Why is that? The same products from different batches can differ significantly in color, shades and even sizes.

Features of choice

Let's look at which floor tiles to choose for the bathroom. Bathroom ceramics must meet certain requirements. This is the correctness of geometric shapes and strict compliance with sizes. The material must be integral without defects, the surface of the tile must be resistant to abrasion. Another important characteristic is resistance to temperature extremes and moisture. In addition, bathroom tiles must be resistant to chemical cleaners and have an anti-slip effect.

For those who do not have the proper experience and do not know which floor tiles to choose for the bathroom by color, it is best to purchase a set of floor and wall tiles. Various models are presented in the collections of modern manufacturers. It is only necessary to take into account the main design rules - it is good to choose light colors in small rooms.


How to choose floor tiles for the kitchen? There are two options. This is porcelain stoneware or traditional ceramics. Do not be afraid of porcelain stoneware - there are no special substances in its composition for a long time.

Among the advantages of such a tile, it is worth noting the long service life and the ability to preserve the magnificent appearance for 15 years. Also, the material has high strength, which is very important in the kitchen. Tiles are not easily scratched. There are no greasy spots on the surface. This is also a big plus. Among the shortcomings - porcelain stoneware is cold, and when moisture gets in it is very slippery.

Ceramics has the same advantages and the same disadvantages as porcelain stoneware. But its price is much lower. There are two types of ceramics - glazed and ordinary. The first models are distinguished by a more glossy surface, as well as increased hardness. This is a good choice for the kitchen. Here's how to choose floor tiles for your kitchen. As for color and design, the existing kitchen interior must be taken into account.

How to choose the right color

The flooring, or rather its color, plays an important role in the interior. It is not enough to choose just high-quality ceramics or tiles - you need it to complement the existing interior. Different rooms have different color requirements.

Experts will share tips on how to choose the color of floor tiles. White bathroom tile is a classic that some find too boring. But white is the best thing to visually expand the space. Blue or green shades will create a cool and fresh atmosphere. More natural shades (beige, coffee) will bring a calming effect.

Turquoise, gold and red are used to emphasize certain points. Too bright colors will cause overvoltage. Black color will narrow the space and will have a depressing effect on the psyche. But if there is good lighting in the room, then a dark color can be effectively used in combination with white or coffee.

Here's how to choose ceramic floor tiles by color and shades. This is an important characteristic that should be considered when creating the interiors of various rooms.

Grout colors

Grout also plays an important role in the design of a tile floor. It will complement the color scheme of the floor. In the case of multi-colored ceramics, choose the darkest and lightest color. Then everything is decided by size. If the tile is plain, then the shade is chosen according to the functional purpose of the room. To emphasize furniture, grout is chosen to match the tile. In the case of using mosaics, they take a shade that would contrast with the main tone. But you can choose a neutral color.


So, we figured out how to choose a grout color for floor tiles. Using these simple tips and tricks, you can get a beautiful and practical room. A glossy surface will look better than a matte one. But it is worth remembering that when water enters, such a tile becomes very traumatic. It is better to use it only for walls.

Ceramic tile (tile)- these are just plates made of baked clay or carved from some types of stone, it is often used for wall and floor cladding, it has gained its popularity mainly for its practicality and aesthetic appearance. In Russia, it is often used for the bathroom or kitchen, as the tile has good water resistance.

Choosing a tile by type

To date, there are many types of this coating, but the most commonly used:

  • Tile
  • Porcelain stoneware
  • cotto

We will analyze each of them in more detail and try to understand which one is more suitable for you.


This is the most common type of tile and is made up of a mixture of clay, sand and various minerals. It is made by firing, and then the top layer is applied to it. (glaze), which serves as a pattern.

It is important to know. A good tile should have a good pattern. It should be very clear and in no case should it be blurry.

The most common method for its manufacture is pressing - this is the cheapest method, but oddly enough, when using it, the tile turns out to be quite strong and neat, which cannot be said about manufacturing by casting.

Porcelain stoneware

It is a cheap replacement for natural granite, has maximum water resistance and tolerates temperature changes very well. In appearance, this tile is very similar to granite, which is not surprising, because it is produced in much the same way as it appears. natural stone, only much faster.

Thanks to the latest developments and the high quality of raw materials, manufacturers have the opportunity to almost completely imitate natural stone. This is achieved by fast, dry pressing at an incredibly high temperature. (1200 - 1300 degrees).

It is worth noting that this tile has a very good resistance to chemicals and perfectly tolerates temperature changes.

This type of tile is one of the most ancient and very popular in Europe, where they loved it for its naturalness and pleasant, natural color. (shades of red, yellow or brown).

Of course, one cannot talk about its high practicality, but it looks really very beautiful. If you want to use it in the bathroom, you will have to apply a special protective coating, otherwise it will not last long.

How to choose the right tile by manufacturer

Nowadays, there are a huge number of tile manufacturers, so it’s simply impossible to say which one is better, there are the largest industries that use best technology, and there are very small ones who have not even heard of these technologies, but they produce tiles of very high quality and almost by hand. Therefore, we will understand this issue more globally - at the level of countries.

  • Italian tiles. She is probably well-known to everyone, absolutely everyone once heard about her as an element of luxury, but recently this is not entirely true, Italian tiles are certainly not the cheapest, but there is definitely nothing elite about them. Italian tiles, as always, are of fairly high quality and popularity. Most popular productions:
    • Valverde
    • Saloni
    • Tilegres
  • Spanish tiles. It is no less popular and is not inferior in quality to the Italian one. In one of the Spanish cities there are about three hundred factories that produce tiles and the most popular are:
    • Novogres
    • pamesa
    • Ceramica
  • Turkish tiles. Turkey produces a huge amount of tiles (about half of the world volume) The most popular factory in this country is: Kalebodur- they produce relatively high quality and very affordable tiles.

Video about choosing a tile

In this video you will see a lot of useful things to do right choice tiles.


You have learned the basic secrets of choosing, about some of the ways to produce tiles, and about their types. If you still cannot decide which ceramic bathroom tile to choose, you can look through the catalogs of the companies listed above - of course, without forgetting our advice.

Today we will talk about how to choose the right ceramic tiles for the bathroom or toilet. Having studied this information, you will be able to avoid popular mistakes that lead to an ugly result, a waste of time and money. We are talking about a bathroom with an optimal ratio of price and quality.

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Arriving at any specialized store, you will see samples of bathroom tiles (collections) that hang on the stands. A collection is a set of tiles that match in size, shape and color.

The standard collection consists of 5 elements:

  • Light background,
  • dark background,
  • border (frieze),
  • decor,
  • floor tiles.

One collection of bathroom tiles can have several color options. In practice, in one room it will be enough to correctly combine one light and dark background, take one type of decor and floor tiles.

There are some collections that have good background tiles but hideous decors, or vice versa.

Most of the collections have the same size backgrounds and decorations. The border is the same length, but much smaller in height. Floor tiles has the shape of a square, with sides greater than the height of the main elements, but less than their length. Sometimes the length of the square is equal to the length of the main tile.

An important point: the borders can only be cut to length, and the decor cannot be cut off at all. This is due to the fact that many decors have embossed elements that can fall off when cutting. The second reason for this rule is the violation of the harmony of the pattern. Imagine what a cut-off embossed border with a pattern in the corner will look like, glued next to its trimming through a 3 mm layer of grout. To make the corner beautiful, you need to join two identical tiles in it.

Manufacturers and prices

The very first thing you should pay attention to is the country of origin. Bathroom tiles can be made in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal or Russia. If you do not want to have problems when laying due to large differences in the size and shape of the tiles in the package, then it is better to immediately abandon the Russian tiles.

In some stores, the tiles on the stands are specially filed so that at first glance it seems even.

Each country has several manufacturers. But do not rely on the name of the company, as each of them has good and bad collections of bathroom tiles.

A good bathroom tile now costs from 900 to 1700 rubles per square meter. For this price you will get a high-quality and beautiful tile, but do not overpay for the brand. If you are doing repairs for a long time and for yourself, then you can buy more expensive options, but it’s not worth it cheaper.


As a rule, floor tiles in the bathtub are matte, and wall tiles are glossy. Glossy coating looks brighter and juicier, it is easier to wash. But if you cover the floor with a glossy material, it will be slippery and over time the paint layer will be wiped off, bald spots will appear.

The most practical texture of a tile for a mosaic is when its parts are uneven, but at a slight slope relative to neighboring elements and have a slightly different shade. Outwardly, it looks like pixels.

It solves 3 main problems:
  • Light drops from detergents;
  • Dark drops from dirty water;
  • Drops of toothpaste.

At the same time, the dirt on it is invisible, it is easily washed off and all this is not at the expense of the beauty of the coating. But if the sizes of the squares are too large, they will ugly fit to such a relief surface. corner elements and plumbing.


As for the choice optimal size the more there will be facing tiles for the bathroom, the better, but it should be within reasonable limits. Imagine what a 90 cm tile would look like for a small 160 cm wide bathroom. In addition, you will not be able to make a correctly hidden hatch due to the fact that it must be installed under a full tile, it will need to be attached to it somehow whopper and open it.

Optimal dimensions for most bathrooms:

  • 60*20,
  • 50*20,
  • 50*25,
  • 60*30,
  • 45*20.

Large-format seamless bathroom porcelain tiles and seamless tiles are not suitable for several reasons. Firstly, it has a very large size for most bathrooms. Secondly, it cannot be fixed on hidden hatches.

Why You Shouldn't Use Borders

Ceramic borders are now almost never used in laying.

Initially, they were used in order to get rid of narrow undercuts due to the fixed height of the ceiling. But now you can install hanging or stretch ceiling with any indent from the main one, and this problem will disappear by itself.

Also, the border was often used to separate light and dark backgrounds. But after furnishing the room, this belt turns out to be torn, and the beautiful effect is lost.

In addition, it is very difficult to correctly adjust the height of the installation of the relief border on the wall so that it does not overlap the places where the suspended plumbing fixtures fit, visually draw attention to itself and do not create a narrow trim above the bathroom.

We select the color

To begin with, the floor should always be dark in color. It will be practical and durable.

Light tiles in the bathroom will always be dirty, and since they are matte, dirt will eat into them over time. If on a dark background the dirt is not so conspicuous, and it can serve you for more than a dozen years, then you will want to replace the light tile in 1-2 years.

Choice of grout color

The grout for the tile is selected to match the tone of the lightest elements, or a little lighter.

Can you imagine what will happen to the light grout in six months? She will turn black. Of course, if you use a two-component epoxy grout for 2,700 rubles per 2 kg and buy a detergent for it for 800 rubles, then it will remain white, but it's not worth it.

But dark grout cannot be used either, because it will ripple in the eyes from the excessive contrast of each element.


The most beautiful bathrooms are obtained if they are painted with horizontal rings, the integrity of which will be violated only by the doorway.

Optimal option:

  • Dark floor;
  • Dark stroke from the bottom 0.5-1 row higher than the bathroom;
  • Light background in the center with correctly arranged decors;
  • The dark stroke on top is 1 row high.

In the toilet, the height of the bottom row is usually combined with the flush button on the installation, that is, the border passed somewhere in the middle between them. If you are afraid that this area will be too dark, it is allowed to dilute it with light rows.

  • Firstly, on the dark stroke from the bottom, there will be almost no traces of drops.
  • Secondly, it will be in harmony with dark floor tiles.
  • Thirdly, the dark color of the floor will be reflected in white glossy ceiling, and the stroke on top will only emphasize it, and it will automatically fit into your design.

Bathroom tiles often look different after installation than you saw them in the store. This is due to the different color temperature of the lighting and its quality in the store and at your place. It is better to abandon low-power halogen spotlights, and use one powerful light source.

To properly position the decor, within the center light strip, back off one row at the top and bottom, and then replace all the whole tiles with decor. At the same time, the wall with the doorway does not need to be decorated in any way, the maximum is to place a background tile in it instead of decor according to the described scheme.

In small bathtubs, do not join the outer corners of the tiles by sawing them at 45 degrees. Perhaps such a docking will look prettier, but it will be traumatic. In such places, corners are best done using a plastic layout.


Do not buy the remnants of collections that have ceased to be produced. They can be sold at a big discount, but, as a rule, some items will be missing from the collection. If 1-2 tiles are not enough for you, you will no longer be able to buy it later.

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During the renovation of the bathroom, many are faced with the question: "How to choose a tile?". Choosing a quality tile is not easy.

It is necessary to combine two tasks:

  • purchase a tile of beautiful colors that all family members will like;
  • choose a tile that can be laid with minimal loss of quality and nerves.

Features of tiles

The choice of tiles according to the manufacturing method

There are three types of tiles according to the manufacturing method:

  • cast - clay mass is poured into special forms;
  • pressed – production under high pressure from a mixture of powder structure with additives;

  • tiles made by extrusion - punching through a certain shape.

Choice of tile sizes

Before choosing a tile, you need to decide on the size of the tile that is suitable for.

  1. Ceramic tile- these are rectangular or square plates.
  2. The most common are the following sizes in centimeters:
    • 15x15;
    • 20x20;
    • 20x30.

  1. Thickness tiles can vary from 8 to 20 millimeters.

Tip: with large tiles (larger than 25x40), the cladding can be completed much faster, although it will have to be cut, for this you need to purchase spare tiles.

What kind of tile coating

How to choose the right tile, what is the coating of ceramic tiles?

The tile happens:

  • glazed (enamelled);
  • without enamel.

The top layer of enameled tiles is of two types:

  • glossy;
  • matt.

The colors of glazed tiles are quite diverse, they also come with decorative patterns or simply one-color.

Ways of heat treatment of tiles

How to choose a tile for a floor, walls and? What you need to know about heat treatment of tiles?

There are two categories:

  • single firing;
  • double firing.
  1. Single firing (monocoturra)- glaze is applied to wet clay, then the tile is placed in the oven, as a result, the base and glaze are fired at the same time. When firing occurs, these two components are very tightly soldered to each other and the tile is quite strong.

Tip: single-fired tiles are best laid on, as they are very durable and less likely to crack and split.

  1. Double firing (bicoturra)- first, the base is placed in the oven, then the glaze is applied. The tile is then fired again at a lower temperature, resulting in a smooth and shiny glaze with bright, saturated colors.

Tip: Double-fired tiles are less durable and are best used for ceiling and wall cladding.

  1. The number of firings is indicated on the packaging with a special symbol - a flame petal with a number drawn next to it.

Variety of tiles

Buying tiles: how to choose a specific type to cover different surfaces of the bathroom?

Depending on the number of firings and the method of molding, ceramic tiles are divided into the following types:

  1. Majolica is a type of double-fired glazed ceramic tile with a porous colored base, produced by pressing. Majolica is used for wall cladding.

  1. Faience is a double-fired pressed enameled tile that has a porous white base. The glaze is painted in a variety of colors. This type of tile can be tiled both on the walls and on the floor of the bathroom.

  1. Cotto is a non-enamelled tile with a single-fired, porous backing, which is produced by extrusion. This type of tile is used for laying on the floor, because it has high wear resistance and strength.

  1. Clinker is a single-fired tile that can be either enameled or unglazed. Clinker is usually used for flooring.

  1. - a special type of tile, which is made from heavy clay with the addition of various mineral additives that give the tile special strength and hardness. Porcelain stoneware is used for laying on the floor in the bathroom, as it has a low level of moisture absorption.

Choosing a tile

How to choose the right tile? What do you need to have with you?

So, let's go buy a tile - how to choose the right one will help an ordinary ruler and a square.

  1. The edges of the tiles must be perpendicular. Usually, in stores, samples of tiles are glued to a stand, where you can evaluate the overall future picture, but the geometric dimensions can only be estimated when you hold the samples in your own hands.

Tip: you need to look at several tiles, but the whole box is best, as the packaging may contain defective and cracked tiles.

  1. The right choice of tile is a tile of the same thickness. This is a guarantee that when laying the situation will be controlled only by the amount of glue, and not at random, while adjusting to each tile.

  1. There should be no curved tiles. This can be checked with the edge of another tile or with a ruler. Basically, this situation is visible to the naked eye, one has only to look at the box with the packed tiles.
    On the edges of the tile, the glaze should look the same and uniform on all tiles, spreading equally along the edge. The repeatability of the glaze swim to the edges of the tile is important.

  1. The right choice of tiles - no cracked glaze. These are manifestations of violations of production technology, or incorrect transportation.

Tip: it is correct to transport the tile not on the base, but on the edge.

  1. Coloring ceramic tiles should be uniform. If even insignificant dots are visible that are not filled with glaze on more than 3-4 tiles, the purchase must be abandoned.
  2. A coarse-grained fuzzy pattern should also alert, which looks like in old newspapers or printed on a printer. This means that the equipment is already old and you should not expect a good result in terms of product dimensions.
  3. You need to get acquainted with the information about the parameters of the tile, which are indicated on the packaging by symbols.

Tip: if any of the drawings is shown twice, this means that this tile has improved characteristics for this indicator.

Summing up, how to choose the right tile for the bathroom, we can indicate the following:

  • tiles should be with reduced moisture absorption;
  • glazed smooth tiles are well suited for walls;
  • floor tiles must be non-slip, best option- tiles with a matte surface.

The history of the use of ceramic tiles as finishing material goes back many centuries. According to archaeologists, such tiles were used in Mesopotamia as early as the third millennium BC. e. It later spread throughout the world.

The raw material for the production of tiles is clay. In addition, sand and other natural materials are used, which are added to improve performance characteristics products. There are several ways to produce tiles. Initially, ceramic tiles were made by casting, that is, the clay mass was poured into special molds. Today, the most common production methods are pressing and extruding (pushing through a mold).

Externally ceramic tile represents plates of a square or rectangular shape (often found sizes are 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm, 20x30 cm, but there are others). The thickness of the tiles can vary from 8 to 20 mm.

Tiles can be either enameled (glazed) or without enamel coating. The top layer of glazed tiles can be glossy or matte. Enamel colors are very diverse. There is a tile with a decorative pattern, and one-color. Non-enamelled tiles have a uniform structure and usually do not have any pattern on the surface.

According to the method of heat treatment, tiles are divided into two broad categories: single and double firing.

In the first version, the glaze is applied to wet clay, after which the tile is placed in the oven. Thus, the glaze and the base are fired at the same time. During the firing process, these two components are firmly soldered to each other, and the finished tile is very durable. For this reason, it is often laid on the floor.

In double firing, the base is placed in the kiln first. Only after that the glaze is applied. The tile is then fired again at a lower temperature. The result is a glossy, smooth glaze with rich, vibrant colors. Such tiles are less durable than single-fired tiles, so they are used mainly for wall and ceiling cladding.

The number of firings is indicated on the packaging using a conventional icon - a flame petal, next to which a number is drawn.

Depending on the method of molding and the number of firings, ceramic tiles are traditionally divided into several main types. Tiles of single and double firing are also often called Italian words monocottura And bicottura respectively. They are molded by pressing. Walls and floors are finished with such tiles.

Majolica- another type of double-fired glazed ceramic with a colored porous base, which is produced by pressing. Like monocottura and bicottura, majolica is mainly used for cladding. internal walls in residential areas.

Faience- double-fired pressed enamel tiles with a white porous base. Glaze can be painted in various colors. Faience is tiled on floors and walls inside the premises.

cotto- non-enamelled single-fired tiles with a porous base. It is made by extrusion. Usually has natural shades: brown, red, yellow. It is used for laying on the floor, because it has high strength and wear resistance.

Clinker also produced by forcing through a mold. This single fired tile can be either glazed or unglazed. Clinker is often used as flooring.

Stands somewhat apart porcelain stoneware(ceramic granite). It is made from heavy clays using various mineral additives that give the material special hardness and strength. Porcelain stoneware has low moisture absorption and frost resistance. The scope of its application is very wide - from the floors in apartments and public buildings to the facades of houses.

Tiles are traditionally used for finishing bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. Some use this material in the hallway, living room and even in the bedroom. But many consider tile to be a cold material and for this reason they do not finish walls and floors in living rooms.

As for bathrooms and kitchens, in these rooms the tile fully shows its high performance. The bathroom and toilet are usually completely tiled. In the kitchen, tiles are sometimes laid out only in small spaces near the stove and sink.

You should choose a tile carefully, so that later you will not regret the wasted money. Naturally, appearance is important. A high-quality tile should have right angles and a flat, smooth or matte surface without cracks or other defects, and correspond to the dimensions indicated on the package. For enameled tiles, the glaze layer must be even, uniform and of the same thickness over the entire surface of the tile.

In addition to the appearance, there are objective parameters that determine the quality of the tile. One of the most important for the average consumer is the wear resistance class. There are five such classes in total. They are designated by the corresponding Roman numerals from I to V. This scale was proposed by the American research institute Porcelain Enamel Institute, which studies the properties of ceramic materials. For this reason, the abbreviation of this institution, PEI, is placed before the number.

Tiles with an I factor are designed for areas with light traffic, such as a bathroom or bedroom, where people walk barefoot or in soft slippers. Class II is suitable for the living room. There, the load is slightly higher than in the bathroom, but also relatively small. The third class is recommended for use in areas with medium intensity loads, such as kitchens and hallways.

Tiles of the fourth class can be laid where the load is high enough, and there are also temperature differences - in a common corridor for several apartments, on a stairwell or on a balcony. Tiles of the last, fifth, wear resistance class are used in rooms where there are a lot of people. It is used in large shopping centers, railway stations, airports.

Another parameter of tile quality is surface hardness. It is determined according to the ten-level Mohs scale, named after the German mineralogist who developed it. It allows you to determine the hardness of materials. The higher this number, the higher the level of hardness. For ceramic tiles, this indicator should be at least 5.

Another important parameter that you should pay attention to is the resistance of the tile to chemicals. Letters are used to represent it. Letters AA indicates maximum stability. Such a tile does not change its appearance upon contact with an aggressive environment.

Tiles with the letter A are less stable. Her appearance changes slightly. Next in descending order of quality are B (medium changes), C (partial loss of original appearance) and D (complete loss of original appearance). Tiles bearing the letter D on the package have minimal stability and should not be placed in places with a high probability of aggressive environmental influences.

Usually this information about the parameters of the tile is contained on the packaging in the form of symbols. For example, a foot pattern on a black background informs the consumer that this ceramic tile is intended for laying on the floor. If the background around the foot is shaded, then this floor tile has increased wear resistance. A hand is painted on a box of wall tiles. The snowflake on the package means frost resistance.

If any pattern is shown twice, this means that the tile has improved characteristics for this indicator. You can see how these and other symbols look in the figure.

An important role in choosing a tile is played by the place where it will be attached. Floor tiles should be much more durable than tiles used to decorate walls or ceilings. In this regard, when buying, you must carefully study the packaging, since it contains important information about the proper operation of the tile.

You should also consider in which room the tile will be used. If the tile will lie on the floor in the hallway, where people walk in street shoes, it should be more durable and wear-resistant than the tile intended for wall cladding in the bathroom.

For a bathroom where it is always humid, it is better to choose tiles with reduced moisture absorption. Therefore, smooth glazed tiles are well suited for walls. Floor tiles in the bathroom should not be slippery. It is better to lay a tile with a matte surface there. This will help prevent falls and injury.

In the kitchen, you need tiles that are resistant to chemicals, otherwise stains can appear on them. Especially if the tile is laid near the sink or stove, where there is a high probability of frequent contact with detergents. Also, tiles for the kitchen must be resistant to mechanical damage.

Before buying, you need to calculate the amount of tiles that you need to purchase. Knowing the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor or wall intended for cladding, as well as the dimensions of the tile, it is quite simple to make such calculations. However, it should be noted that you need to buy a tile with a small margin, since the length and width of the surface do not always exactly match the dimensions of the tile, it will have to be cut and some part will inevitably go to waste.

The price of a tile depends on many factors, most of which were listed above: production technology, tile dimensions, wear resistance class, hardness, resistance to chemicals, manufacturer. In the price range from 400 to 2000 rubles per square meter, you can find high-quality products for every taste.

Tiles are rightfully popular. High-quality tile has high strength, hardness and resistance to high temperatures. It is a beautiful, natural and durable material that does not accumulate static electricity and does not emit harmful substances. Properly laid tiles will last for many years, pleasing the eyes of the owners and guests of the house.

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