
Torch lighting mod in hand

Mod dynamic light for Minecraft1.7.10 1.8 1.8.8 1.10.2 1.11.2 1.12 a very useful modification that will completely rework the lighting system in the game, now hiking in the mines and just nighttime movement will be safer and more interesting, now you can highlight directly on the walk just by taking out the item that emits light from the inventory (lantern, lava bucket, ordinary and redstone torch) by simply taking out which the space around you will be illuminated and with a small availability of these lanterns, you can highlight the entire game using only 1 item. A very convenient and useful mod for Minecraft for those who have problems with items and resources. Now, even just throwing a torch on the ground, it will give light, which is very beautiful and can be interesting to beat by decorating the base with such ground-based lanterns. Also now just using standard lights will be more interesting and beautiful which will make the game a bit better. We recommend watching the video review below.

Some kind of ridiculous logic exists in Minecraft, such as the glowstone doesn't shine as well on the ground, but if counted into blocks, it will shine again. Or if you hold a torch in your hand it will burn! Dynamic lighting mod 1.11.2/1.10.2 to improve lighting realism in the game. Dynamic lighting modular! You can remove any module if you feel your performance is suffering too much. (See details in the How to Install section) As mentioned above, the PZHS will include lightning elements to keep its lights on regardless of being held in your hands and thrown to the ground. You can also add a few elements in the config file to make them fire up. While cool and useful, this mod is quite heavy since it directly affects the rendering of the piece. Therefore, if your computer is not powerful enough, the fps drops and lags often occur. To work in this situation, you can go to the mods folder and remove the mod's extra feature module. This mod can work with multiplayer, but it's specific to client players, so it doesn't affect server lag.

The Dynamic Lights mod adds several interesting features to the game's lighting system. Thanks to dynamic lighting, you can easily explore the caves: a torch, a glowing stone and other objects in the hands of the player will emit light. In addition, if one of these objects is thrown on the ground, it will illuminate the space around it.

In other words, this mod makes "glowing" objects (default: torch, glowstone, glowstone, jack-o'-lantern, redstone, lava bucket, furnace cart) emit light around it if:
  • The player is holding them (in hand/armor)

  • They are thrown to the ground

  • Another player is holding them in multiplayer mode
In addition, light comes from burning creatures and objects.

With a customization file, you can add any item to the "glowing" category using its ID. This also works with armor pieces!

You can also specify whether the item will glow underwater, and how long it will glow in the player's hands or on the ground.


The default key is "L". With it, you can turn on / off dynamic lighting. You can change the key through the config file.

There is no limit to the number of light sources, however, please note that in order for them to work, you have to sacrifice game performance. If you use too many sources, the mod will try to lower the refresh rate of the light rendering.

The mod is supported on the client side and does not cause lags. Please note that the light sources thrown at

land or in the hands of the player will not stop the generation of hostile mobs.

Dynamic Light Modules:

  • BurningEntitiesLightSource -> Burning entities emit light! Multithreaded module! *demanding on resources*

  • ChargingCreeperLightSource -> Creepers ready to explode emit light! *undemanding*

  • DroppedItemsLightSource -> Dropped items on the ground emit light. This includes burning objects. Multithreaded module! *demanding*

  • PlayerSelfLightSource -> Items in the player's hand and pieces of armor emit light. This also includes the burning player. *undemanding*

  • PlayerOthersLightSource -> Items and armor pieces of other players emit light. As well as burning players. Multithreaded module! *totally undemanding*
To remove unnecessary modules, remove them from the "/atomicstryker/dynamiclights/client/modules" folder in the .jar file of the mod. The mod will work if you leave at least one module.

How to install the Dynamic Lights mod:

  1. Download and install

  2. Download the mod

  3. Place the downloaded .jar file in the folder:

  • C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\roaming\.minecraft\mods for Windows

  • /Users/[UserName]/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods for Mac
  • If the folder does not exist, create it

  • Enjoy the game
  • Dynamic Lights Mod 1.13.2/1.12.2 adds a few brilliant touches with Minecraft's lighting system. Exploring caves has never been easier thanks to the dynamic lighting mod. When holding a torch, glowstone, etc. it will light up the surrounding area. Similarly, if you throw the lit item it will still light up the area.

    This mod makes light sources in Minecraft actually make sense. Holding any light source in your hand now emits light and does not need to be placed down to light up an area.


    This mod makes ‘shining’ items (default: Torch, Glowstone, Glowdust, Lit Pumpkin, Redstone, Lava Bucket, powered Minecart) illuminate everything around them if.

    • The player has them equipped (in hand/armor)
    • They are dropped on the ground
    • Another player has them equipped in Multiplayer

    On top of that, burning Entities shine light, and Creepers about to explode light up. You may add any Item ID you wish as shiny item, via the settings file. Also supports armor items.

    • Boosted efficiency A LOT, I'm positive it cannot be done any better now.
    • Dynamic Lights is now modular.
    • Configuration files for Dynamic Light modules can now be found at /config/.
    • Global toggle Button can now be configured via Controls Menu.

    Toggle button game:

    • The default key is "L". You can turn all dynamic Lights on/off with it. You can change the key in the config file.
    • There is no limit to the number of lights you can create, note however they are fairly FPS-costly. You can disable modules to obtain better FPS.
    • Recommend using Optifine HD for replacing Notch's funky render code with slightly less funky rendering code.
    • The mod should work in Multiplayer by default, yet is clientside, it cannot lag servers. Note however ‘dropped’ light sources will not prevent Mobs from Spawning, and neither will your handheld light.


    How the config syntax works:

    Possible Setups:

    X:= simple ID X, wildcards metadata
    X-Y:= simple ID X and metadata Y
    X-Y-Z:= simple ID X, metadata range Y to Z
    A-B-C-D:= ID range A to B, meta range C to D

    There is a default value used as “setting”, you can specify one by appending “=x” to the ID part.

    Valid Entry examples:

    Torch BlockID, 50, will use the default light value (15).

    35-* (equals 35)

    Wool BlockID, covers all wool metadata/colors.

    Wool BlockID, 35, magenta subtype (meta 2), will use a light value of 12.

    Wool BlockID, accepts metadata range .

    Item ID range covering golden armor, wildcarded meta/damage which means any value goes.

    Also unnecessarily specifying the default light value of 15, you could leave =15 out aswell.

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