
Predictions of Nostardamus verbatim. Predictions of Nostardamus verbatim Quatrains of Nostradamus for a year

In today's world, everything changes very quickly. It is not clear what will happen tomorrow and what lies ahead for everyone. But people are always interested and worried about the future. The predictions of Nostradamus for 2018 have survived to this day. Many people will be interested to know what awaits them in the new year.

The famous French astrologer, alchemist and seer lived more than 500 years ago. Among his entourage, he stood out for his intelligence. He also achieved success in medicine and mathematics. He set out many of his visions in quatrains - katerns. They do not contain exact dates and names of places, so they can be interpreted in different ways.

Many people read astrological forecasts and believe in them. But it is worth saying that one should not rely only on the forecast of Nostradamus for 2018, as it may contain errors. After all, as you know, the seer lived a long time ago, and the interpretation of his words may be inaccurate. But if you correctly interpret his words, you can find out important information for all of humanity. And, based on it, take concrete measures.

An interesting fact is the presence of a large number of gross errors in the predictions of the great seer. It would seem that they are completely unusual for a person of such a mind. But having solved them, the researchers realized that they were there for a reason. They contain the dates of important events.

World events

People are divided into skeptics and superstitious. The former do not believe in the words of clairvoyants, while the latter, on the contrary, read the forecasts and listen to them. Thanks to the second group of people, we can find out what was in the ancient chronicles.

If we talk about the world as a whole, then nothing good is expected in the near future. A new ugly person will be born, who will bring grief and misfortune with him. In addition to wars, nature itself will rise up against humanity.

This year, Europe is waiting for showers, as a result of which Italy, Great Britain, Hungary and the Czech Republic will go under water and simply disappear from the world map. Tsunamis are also possible, which will take thousands of lives. Europe will disappear due to natural disasters and war. And new people settle there only after 10 years.

One interpretation speaks of the use of a new type of weapon. It will come from Muslim countries and take many human lives. Another soothsayer, Vanga, also spoke about this. Namely, that a conflict will arise in Asian countries and this will lead to great sacrifices.

Michel Nostradamus also wrote about the possible start of a third world war. It will begin in Muslim countries, but in the future it will also capture all Orthodox. Two religions collide with each other and this will lead to a big conflict.

But also in his quatrains there is a place for good events. People will begin to explore the ocean and build entire cities there.

It is worth saying that at that time there was no Ukraine on the map as a democratic country. Therefore, everything is relative.

Nostradamus' predictions for 2018 for Ukraine are not too optimistic. At the beginning of the year, people will want to leave the country. They will look for a better life abroad. So here they will not be able to provide a decent life for themselves and their children. But by the end of the year, many turn back.

The most difficult and unresolved event will remain the conflict with Russia. Military action should not bring many victims. But at the same time, this process will be very long and only by the end of the year it can be resolved.

The prophet also spoke of a possible unification of the two countries. Since Ukraine is under the great influence of Russia.

There is another interpretation. If you believe her, then it is the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that will begin the third world war, in which other countries will be involved. Only thanks to the diplomatic abilities of politicians will everything be resolved peacefully.

At the same time, internal pressure in the country will increase. The people and the rulers will not be able to find a common language. A new government will have to come to replace the old, only then will everything come to its senses. It won't happen in one day. So people will need to be prepared to wait for improvements.

Ukraine can achieve economic stability only if a new person leads the country. He must be strong in spirit. Previously, he was not in the political arena. He will face many difficulties along the way. Many will interfere with it. But thanks to his willpower, he will reach heights and take the country to a new level. Only in this way, Ukrainians will be able to achieve a better life.

It will be possible to check the prophecy of Nostradamus about what will happen to Russia in 2018 soon.

It is worth noting that the great prophet lived a long time ago, and he could not look so far into the future. But despite this, he was able to see that Russia would become a great power. Against this background, she will have conflicts with other countries. For example, with China. Despite this, the country will survive all external conflicts and reach great heights by 2023.

The Prophet spoke about the reunification of Russia and Ukraine in the new year. At the same time, the United States of America will oppose this alliance and begin to show aggression.

Michel Nostradamus spoke about the emergence of a new leader in the country who could influence the views and beliefs of the people. He will be able to make a great contribution to the development of science and technology.

At the same time, the country will face wildfires. They will arise due to the heat in the summer and last until the end of autumn. And there will be a flood in the east. In this regard, people will begin to move to the southern regions of the country.

The video prediction of Nostradamus 2018 for Russia suggests that the third world war will affect the Russian Federation. And the use of chemical weapons will lead to serious skin problems, such as abscesses.

Thanks to all the disasters that will overtake Europe, Russia will become a refuge for millions of people. Here a new civilization will be born. In 2018, Russia will achieve economic stability. And it will become equal to the United States of America. That is why the two countries will have many conflicts in the future.

The quatrains of Nostradamus for 2018 speak of the emergence of a new person who can lead the country and bring many changes to the course of further events. Until now, no one knew about him.

After the terrorist attack that happened in America in 2001, people began to remember Nostradamus. After all, it was he who predicted this terrible event. It seems incredible, but it's true. Therefore, now many people are interested in what the great prophet wanted to tell them. Indeed, despite the fact that a person has long been dead, he is remembered and his words are still trusted.


To summarize the main events of 2018, we can say about:

  • the beginning of the third world war;
  • natural disasters: floods in Europe that will erase many countries from the map;
  • the continuation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine;
  • strengthening of Russia.

You can't believe it unconditionally. But it’s worth listening and, if possible, trying to change something. Also, it is worth saying that you should always believe in the best and strive for it. Then any problems can be bypassed.

Don't be afraid of the future. It is worth remembering that many predictions do not have exact dates. They may happen in the distant future. And, besides, many terrible events did not come true in the past. Therefore, humanity can influence the course of further events and live in peace.

Forecasts for the future, including the predictions of Nostradamus for 2018, still excite the inhabitants of planet Earth. And the famous Frenchman most accurately reproduced the upcoming events, encrypting them in small poems - quatrains. This is confirmed by scientists and experts who unravel the words spoken by the great soothsayer about the time of the onset of certain achievements in the world, in a particular country.

A striking proof of the veracity of the clairvoyant's prophecies are, for example, such.

  1. The coming to power in Germany of the Antichrist - Hitler, his name is indicated in one of the quatrains.
  2. Formation of St. Petersburg - Nostradamus called the city the Venice of the North.
  3. The barbaric destruction of the "twin towers" in the United States.

Therefore, faith in the predictions of the great seer, said 500 years ago, is so strong.

Predictions of Nostradamus for 2018 about events in the world

Despite the fact that there are no specific dates in the quatrains, the names of states, cities, and the quatrains are filled with allegories, the experts were able to establish the places for the development of upcoming events in the world.

  1. In the year of the Yellow Dog, the prophet foretells prolonged rains in Europe. The countries that are most threatened by floods are the UK, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.
  2. On the contrary, unprecedented heat will overtake the states of Asia. From such a cataclysm, their inhabitants will rush to the northern states.
  3. The mass flow of immigrants to European countries, including Russia, will also happen after the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria or Iraq against civilians.
  4. A new hotbed of war will arise in the Middle East, which will claim the lives of many. The conflict, which originated in the Asian expanses, will be transferred to other states by the actions of European leaders.
  5. The problem of peace or war will also be decided on the basis of clashes between the peoples of the Islamic and Christian denominations. And then World War III threatens to emerge from the shadows.

USA Nostradamus predicts problems not only in the economy, but also in other areas of life. Contradictory relations between the American state and other countries, including European ones, will be established.

But the main discord will happen between the US and China. The result will be a weakening of the position of the United States, and China with strong economic opportunities will take the lead.

Through the efforts of the union of China with the Russian Federation, the US dollar will weaken. The world place of the national currency of the United States will displace the Chinese yuan.

A positive fact of 2018 is the beginning of the development of the World Ocean by mankind, at the bottom of which entire cities will subsequently arise.

Russia and Nostradamus' predictions for 2018

In the quatrains of Nostradamus, the Russian Federation is called Tartaria. The seer outlined such a near future for the country.

  1. Due to the cataclysms taking place on Earth, many nations will seek salvation on Russian territory. That will also contribute to the development of the Russian economy at an unprecedented pace.
  2. In Siberia, one of the places will turn into the center of earthly civilization.
  3. Natural weather changes will result in a protracted northern winter. Spring, as a season, will disappear, and the sharp onset of summer will bring torment to hypo- and hypertensive patients. Magnetic storms will “give” them headaches, which a healthy lifestyle will help fight.
  4. Strong winds will become frequent in the northern and southern parts of Russia, warnings from the Ministry of Emergency Situations about storm anomalies.
  5. The dry, hot summers in the south, however, will make it possible to harvest enough to feed the Russians in the winter.
  6. Siberia, on the other hand, will suffer from drought, which will lead to large fires.
  7. Winter and autumn-spring period in the European part of Russia will be held under the auspices of unprecedented precipitation. Especially will go to the territories surrounded by mountains. Summer will bring drought.

Literally about natural anomalies in Russia, Nostradamus expressed the words: "People will anger nature and the earth."

Difficult in 2018, the soothsayer called the relationship of the Russian Federation with Europe and the United States. However, the cohesion of the Russian peoples and the wisdom of its leader will help overcome this problem.

Nostradamus' predictions for 2018 for Russia claim that the Russian Federation is waiting for an alliance with Ukraine, which the United States will not like. Not entirely rosy relations between the Russian Federation and China will emerge. But the Russian Federation will overcome this conflict as well.

As America becomes fixated on solving problems at home and withdraws from the political and economic arena, Russia, China and India will take its place.

Economic predictions of Nostradamus for Russia

In the quatrains, the seer insists that Russia will be able to take a worthy economic position in the world.

  1. The growth of its economy will be revived, and the power will become strong and invulnerable.
  2. The population of the Russian Federation will increase significantly due to the great migration due to natural anomalies.
  3. The birth rate will increase, and there will be more Russians on the planet.
  4. Economic transformations, including the opening of new trade routes and the demand for the labor of artisans, will allow Russia to withstand the current difficult circumstances.

The prophecy of Nostradamus also says that 2018 will be the year of prerequisites for the unification of the former republics of the USSR into a single Russian state, which will also contribute to the large-scale growth of industry.

The French soothsayer in his quatrains notes that everything positive in the Russian Federation will happen against the background of Europe, which is on the way to self-destruction. The internal overproduction of European goods, the entry into the territory of the EU member states from neighboring countries of disease-affected food products can develop into an epidemic of unknown diseases and ailments. Russia will be the savior of Mother Europe.

In general, Nostradamus' predictions for 2018 are literally favorable for the Russian state. At the same time, some aspects of the prophecies are already being scanned based on what is happening in the past and today. As a result, after many conflicts and long confrontations with the states of Europe and the USA, Russia will turn into a leader whose mission is to stabilize peace on Earth.

If one of the predictors is to be believed, it is Nostradamus. This Frenchman, who lived on planet Earth more than 500 years ago, was able to predict many global events. The predictions of Nostradamus are set out in quatrains called quatrains which have not yet been solved to this day. In these verses, he did not indicate exact dates, cities, countries, or forms of government - all this was expressed allegorically. Therefore, there are many interpretations of his quatrains.

A bit of history

This man was engaged in mathematics, medicine, he succeeded well in folk healing and the study of foreign languages. The Inquisition was interested in him for his studies in cabalism and alchemy. But nevertheless, he gained his popularity precisely in the "celestial science" (astrology). Although Nostradamus received a medical degree, he realized that his knowledge was too great compared to the then successes of science. Being engaged in medical practice, he managed to save many people from diseases that were then considered fatal and incurable.

Persecuted by the inquisitors for his unconventional views, he goes on the run. It was at this time that his unusual gift of providence came to him. But of all his predictions, only a part of the Centuries has come down to us. It consists of letters to his son Cesar and to the French king Henry, as well as more than one thousand quatrains.

Forecasts for the future are contained just in these quatrains. But it's extremely hard to figure them out. There is no chronological sequence or specific dates in them. And the descriptions of all events are created in an artistic allegorical form.

The researchers saw that the quatrains were written with gross grammatical and spelling errors, but Nostradamus was an intelligent and educated person. Having unraveled the cause of these errors, they found in them a decoding of many dates for upcoming events.

It was also noticed that the predictions of events for a closer time were more accurate and understandable, but his predictions for a later time became a little blurry and not so accurate. This is explained by the fact that the astrologer could not then know many things and their correct name. And economic and political events of our time at that time were incomprehensible to him.

And, nevertheless, many predictions of Nostradamus (his forecasts) have already come true, and many continue to come true in the future. Until now, his prediction about the arrival of three antichrists is surprising, and he called the third one - Hitler. It is also surprising that he foresaw the emergence of St. Petersburg, calling this city the Venice of the North. Although at that time no one could understand this, because Venice already exists.

What Nostradamus said about 2020

Nostradamus' predictions for 2020 have already been unraveled and do not bode well. So, at the beginning of the year of the Red Monkey, a freak should be born. He will be the first herald of great catastrophes in the fate of people. Not only will humanity destroy itself, but nature itself will rise up against it.

Nostradamus predicted that in 2020 terrible heavy rains would fall on Europe, lasting two months. Part of Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic and the whole of Great Britain will go under water. But Russia with the beginning of summer will be threatened by the strongest fires. They will completely burn out the entire center of Russia before they are extinguished. They will arise because of the terrible heat, which will be not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Trying to hide from the "sizzling" rays of the sun, Russia and all the snowy countries will be populated by people from other countries. Many researchers interpret this legend a little differently. They claim that the "sizzling rays" are chemical weapons. It will be applied by a nearby Muslim state in the Middle East.

The famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga made the same prediction. She also prophesied of some kind of conflict arising in Asia and the catastrophe that would occur because of this.

The predictions of Nostradamus speak of a bloody war unleashed by one of the Muslim powers. The war will first take place between Muslims, but other Orthodox states will get involved. The catastrophe will be caused by an amazing event that took place at the beginning of this year, after which all Arabs will unite and go against the Orthodox with the whole world. It is from this moment that a war can begin - the Third World War.

But there are also good things that can happen in the coming year. Mankind will build underwater cities at the bottom of the oceans in the year of the White Rat. Since that time, the development of the world's oceans will begin.

Nostradamusabout Russia in 2020

Predictions of Nostradamus about Russia in 2020 are also available. In those days, our country was Tartary. The outbreak of World War III, of course, will not pass by Russia. But by the end of 2020, it will be over.

All her evil comes from the fact that the new chemical weapons that one of the Arab countries will use will cause most of the incurable skin diseases (he called them "pale abscesses").

It will bring particular danger to Europe, because in addition to the war, natural disasters will fall upon it - tsunamis, incessant rains, etc. He predicted the disappearance of civilizations from the face of the earth and the devastation of some continents. Only a small part of mankind will remain on the planet, which will become the successor of all his kind. There will be no Europe as such, it will be wiped off the face of the earth by nature and the human factor. New people will be able to settle there only ten years later.

Only Russia will benefit from such cataclysms. Due to geopolitical changes on the planet, Russia (Tartaria), its northern part, will rise for many nationalities as a "promised land". It is here that a new civilization will be reborn. The new leading power China (2020) will become its ally.

About Russia, its fate at that time, Nostradamus spoke little. His quatrains were deciphered as follows: in 2020, Russia will become equal, in the economic sense, to the United States, so the confrontation between these great powers will intensify and move to the highest level.

Cataclysms will not bypass our country this year either. While terrible fires will rage in its central part (from summer to late autumn), many territories will be flooded in the east of Russia. This will cause people to move to the more southern parts of the country.

It must be said that it is very difficult to decipher the predictions of Nostradamus, so their interpretations can differ dramatically from each other. Moreover, many of the quatrains became clear only after the completion of the event described in them. So it happened with the description of the well-known terrorist attack in America, when two "twin towers" were killed. Only after this terrorist act took place, many remembered that its description is in the Centurion of Nostradamus.

But it is not necessary to unconditionally trust such predictions, although it is still necessary to think: maybe it is not too late to change something in our personal and social life?

2020 - The beginning of the third world war according to Nostradamus.
2020 - Strengthening Russia.
The flooding of Europe according to Nostradamus.

There are such great clairvoyants whose prophecies are listened to, and trust in their words does not disappear even hundreds of years after their death. If you believe the words of psychics, sorcerers, clairvoyants and other people talking about the future, then these are the predictions of Nostradamus. Michel Nostradamus lived more than 500 years ago and left a deep mark on the history and culture of mankind.

If you want to know what will happen in the future, what to expect and what to fear, you have come to the right place. This article presents predictions Nostradamus for 2018 knowing which, your life will never be the same. Knowledge is power, and knowing what humanity should prepare for is an invaluable gift.

The famous Frenchman, who has phenomenal abilities, predicted quite a few important events that took place and continue to take place around the world. The clairvoyant hid his omens under small poems called quatrains. All the wisdom of the planet is hidden in these quatrains.

And unraveling quatrains is not so easy, but scientists and experts from all countries parse the words of the great soothsayer, which speak of the approximate time of certain events that are of great importance for a particular country or for humanity as a whole.

Great seer Michel Nostradamus

In addition to his gift, Nostradamus had a sharp mind, thanks to which he was at a decent level engaged in astronomy, mathematics, medicine and foreign languages. "Heavenly Science" gave Nostradamus glory. He could "read" the stars.

Becoming a doctor, Nostradamus treated people with methods that were not usual for that time. The thing is that the successes of medicine in those years were too different from his knowledge and skills, which this great man used for the benefit of his people. Nostradamus saved a large number of people from diseases considered incurable.

Because of his unconventional views, Nostradamus was persecuted by the Inquisition. Fleeing, young Michel felt the power of a seer for the first time. Nostradamus wrote down his visions under the guise of quatrains, which are extremely difficult for an ignorant person to unravel. They have neither sequence nor specific time. Events that should happen in the future are presented in the form of an artistic allegory.

However, the researchers of quatrains found in them a lot of grammatical and spelling errors, so gross that scientists had fair doubts crept in - this was completely unusual for the educated Nostradamus. In these non-random errors lay the key to the puzzle. Having deciphered the cause of the errors, the experts were finally able to tell the world about the dates of many upcoming or past events.

It was also noted that predictions for the near future were more accurate and understandable, and those predictions that relate to our age and subsequent centuries are much more difficult to decipher. There is a simple explanation for this - for sure, the visions of the events of the political and economic perspective that are taking place in the modern world were completely incomprehensible to Nostradamus.

The situation in the world in 2018

Nostradamus predicted difficult times. His words speak of hardships and hardships that all peoples will have to endure. In 2018, a bad omen will appear - an ugly child will be born. The world has never seen such a thing. Immediately after this sign, the East will be stained with blood - a global conflict will claim hundreds of thousands of lives. At first, the war will unfold between the Jews, but soon other states will intervene in the situation, which simply cannot stand aside.

We can say that the Third World War will begin. The words of Nostradamus are echoed by other psychics. It was these events that the blind Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga spoke about, foreshadowing the bloody Third world war, which will start in the East.

In addition to the threat of the outbreak of hostilities, like the sword of Damocles hanging over the whole world, Nostradamus also predicted a greater likelihood of using chemical weapons that could destroy the lion's share of humanity. One of the Arab countries will use such a monstrous method of warfare. Panic will engulf the whole world and mass migration of people to the north will begin to avoid the destroying poisonous rays.

Nostradamus also pointed out interesting discoveries: in 2018, people will begin to explore the bottom of the oceans. Years later, entire cities will be hidden under the water column, where people will live and enjoy life.

Natural disasters in 2018

Not only humanity itself will begin to wipe itself off the face of the Earth, but nature will also rebel against people. A large number of natural disasters will hit cities and countries. point to a destructive tornado of unprecedented strength, which will destroy more than one city in the United States to the ground. Moreover, both small towns and metropolitan areas will suffer.

Siberia will be engulfed in flames. Forest fires will rage all summer. Only by autumn will it be possible to cope with this catastrophe.

Most of all "go to" the Europeans, cities and countries of Europe. The incessant downpours will lead to a real flood, which will carry away tens of thousands of ruined destinies. Constantly pouring water from the sky and tsunamis will completely “wash away” Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Italy. Most of the UK will also go under water. Only years later, people will again begin to fill Europe.

Michel Nostradamus predicted the complete and partial devastation of some continents. Only a small part of all mankind will remain on Earth. It is they, the chosen ones, who will become the successors of the entire human race.

The peoples from the affected countries will be drawn in a chain to Russia, to its northern part. It is our country that will be called the "Promised Land". Here civilization will perk up again.

Nostradamus about Russia in 2018

The French clairvoyant spoke little about the fate of Russia in 2018. Judging by the deciphered quatrains, very soon Russia will take a leading position on the world stage and will be equal in economic terms to America. That is why the confrontation between these great powers will intensify several times over.

As mentioned above, summer fires will rage in the northern part of Russia until autumn. Flooding is expected in the east. The Russian people will be forced to migrate from these territories to the more southern regions of the country.

They say that due to the redrawing of the geopolitical map of the world, our country will become for the people of the whole planet a kind of stronghold on which life rests. Together with China, our state will help the suffering and oppressed. It is this fact that will bring these two allied countries to the leading positions.

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