
Working memory of a person how to improve it. Little-known ways to improve memory and brain function. Methods for developing memory at home

The human brain stores memories and information like a library. Located in different parts of the brain different types memory. Sometimes it happens that the brain, like a bad librarian, cannot find what is so important and necessary for us at the moment.

Memory is the mental process of reproducing information experienced or learned by a person. This can be data about relatives or friends, work or material learned for the exam, etc. Memory is of three types:

  • short-term
  • long-term
  • operational.

First of all, work is short term memory. Its peculiarity is that the received information is very quickly forgotten. This is due to the small amount of short-term memory. Well, for example, you can easily repeat a phrase just uttered by your interlocutor, but after 20 - 25 minutes it will be lost in memory, not to mention the exact reproduction of specific words. Short-term memory is a temporary storage of information, as well as a filter for passing information into long-term memory.

Concerning long-term memory, the information contained in it is stored for a long time, sometimes throughout life, especially with periodic recall of its contents. It is believed that only the most important information that we may somehow need in the future should enter long-term memory.

An intermediate position between short-term and long-term memory is RAM, in which information can be stored only up to a certain point in time (for example, “until Tuesday”, “until vacation”, “until a certificate is submitted”, etc.), after which it is either completely erased from memory or remains in it already for a long time.

The expression "bad memory" should be considered as poor memory ability. Recollection is only possible when the information is stored in the memory. In the event that we have not learned something, we will no longer be able to remember it. Interestingly, under stress, for example, remembering certain facts is sometimes quite problematic. Therefore, in order to improve weak memory in this situation, it is necessary to eliminate its root cause.

Regardless of the type of memory and the degree of its weakness, a few tips for improving it will not hurt at all.

Everything has its place

The memory always retains what we have developed a habit of. For example, you know that a landline phone is in your apartment on a cabinet in the hallway, and you always put it there. If you put it on the windowsill or on a shelf in the room, then most likely you will forget about it and, first of all, follow it into the corridor. Therefore, clutter prevents our memory from being in “form”.

Out with the routine

On the other hand, to train your memory, you can break your usual routine. For example, if you always carry money in your jacket pocket, try putting it in a jeans pocket. Also in this regard, it is useful to change routes: come up with a longer route when returning home. More fresh air, movement and good for your memory.

Memorizing the poems of your favorite poets

The combination of pleasant and useful

Read books, watch movies that interest you, and then write down a brief plot and the names of the characters on a piece of paper. Periodically open the records and restore the read or viewed in memory.

Use of rhymes

Application various kinds rhymes - a fairly popular way to improve memory, as a person has a natural predisposition to memorize rhymes and rhythms.

Rebuses and puzzles not only for children

A variety of rebuses and puzzles serve as a worthy training for our brain. Their solution helps to improve not only memory, but also spatial thinking of a person.

A little about fine motor skills

Fine motor skills of the hands stimulate the working capacity of the brain and improve memory, so cross-stitching or picking up puzzles, for example, is an incredibly useful activity for adults and children of all ages.

Name game

Focus your attention on the face and name of the person you are meeting. After you hear the name, repeat it out loud, using, for example, the phrase: “Nice to meet you, Svyatoslav.” The probability that this name will be remembered by you when you repeat it increases by 30%. Such a technique not only perfectly trains intellectual abilities, but also contributes to further communication in a friendly manner. In addition, to remember the name of a person when meeting, try to mentally associate him with a famous figure or even your own acquaintances who have the same name, while be sure to note something else from yourself, for example: “Masha. My sister's name is also Maria and she also has green eyes." Believe me, your newfound acquaintance, and even with such a wonderful name, will be remembered for a long time.

Association Stories

If it is difficult for you to remember newly received information, you can try to associate it with something, for example, with objects surrounding you (table, sofa, computer, etc.) After that
you need to determine the sequence of events that you will subsequently turn in your mind. This technique helps to keep important facts in your memory for a long time. Do not be afraid to come up with funny and absurd stories, because this way they are easier to remember. For example, you need to remember the pin code for a bank card consisting of 4 digits: 9428. Compare each digit with someone or something, for example, the number "9" is a cat, "4" is a dog , "2" - road and "8" - tree. Write a short story. In this situation, the following happened: the cat saw the dog, got scared and ran along the road, and, seeing a tree, quickly climbed onto it.

Associations related to places

This memorization method comes from ancient Greece. Try to imagine any place you are familiar with, such as a building, and place items from the list you want to remember inside it in various places. It will be quite easy for you to remember important information by mentally traveling through such a building.

visual reminder

One more useful advice can become: putting something in the environment and creating a visual reminder. An object that is not quite in its place can serve as such a reminder. For example, if you need to remember about an appointment with a doctor, you can imagine it in front of your eyes in the form of a large wristwatch around this doctor.

Rescue notes

In our high-tech time, almost everyone can use their phone or tablet as a notepad. But you can’t fool the brain: it will learn and remember only the information that was recorded with a pen (leave such notes in a conspicuous place, for example, on the table in front of your eyes or on the refrigerator, if these are stickers). The thing is that in the process of writing you pronounce the text to yourself. Thus, 2 signals come from the brain: visual and internal voice, which stimulates better memorization.

Breaking the object of memory into pieces

This method for storing information in memory has been around for a very long time. Its essence is that the information that needs to be remembered should be divided into small, easily remembered groups or fragments. This can be useful when memorizing long numbers (such as series and passport numbers) or words that are difficult to write down. Pieces, broken into even smaller fragments, are memorized mechanically. For example, in order to remember the spelling of the English word "together", you can break it into 3 parts: to-get-her. This technique has been proven to make learning faster and easier. But, it should be borne in mind that a person's short-term memory absorbs 5-9 objects, therefore, the number of fragments should not go beyond these limits.

Communication between objects

This method is used when it is necessary to memorize pairs of words or material that can be reduced to pairs of words. Well, for example, if you want to remember the English word "puddle" ("puddle"), imagine a child stomping in a puddle. Such an image will connect these 2 words. By the way, psychologists have proven that the study of foreign languages ​​prevents the development of senile insanity.

Memory distraction

Sometimes we passionately try to remember what we know for sure and are sure of it, but it was not there. In such cases, you just need to stop trying to remember and find yourself another hobby. Often the necessary information itself pops up in memory after a short amount of time.

Lazy good memory is not a friend

A person who is lazy in his thoughts and actions is unlikely to boast a good memory. And as an addition to this phrase: if you forgot something (for example, the meaning of a word, your parents' home phone number or a friend's birthday) - before immediately opening a dictionary, phone book or the Internet, try to remember the information you forgot yourself for several minutes .

The main thing is to focus

In order to remember something important, you just need to concentrate all your attention on the process of memorization. Try to listen more, think, draw parallels with your own life or with previously acquired knowledge. The more your own feelings and thoughts are superimposed on the information flow, the more likely you are to remember what is really important.

Benefits of using essential oils

Use on the eve of an important and responsible event (for example, a speech at a conference with a report) an aroma lamp filled with essential oil of mint, lemon or rosemary. These oils have a beneficial effect on our memory.

For the dream to come

When preparing your brain for sleep, information is efficiently organized the moment you fall asleep. According to psychologists, thinking a little about a problem before going to bed increases the likelihood that a person will find ways to solve it the very next day. However, this way of brain training is not suitable for those who have problems falling asleep and sleeping.

Healthy sleep and rest has not been canceled

Our brain is able to work at full capacity only when we have a good rest and sleep. Learn to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and pay great attention to sleep. In the event that a person sleeps less than 7 - 8 hours a day, the main part of the information accumulated in the brain during the day is erased. However, this way of brain training is not suitable for those who have problems falling asleep and sleeping.

The undeniable benefits of physical activity

The brain is in constant dependence on oxygen and nutrients coming to it from the blood. If their intake decreases, the performance of the brain will deteriorate significantly. Physical activity increases the heart rate, and blood flow to the brain increases significantly. So move more, do, for example, dance, no matter if you do it professionally or not. The main thing to remember is that any movement stimulates the mental processes responsible for the perception, processing and reproduction of information. And one more thing: try running or brisk walking to come up with something new. You will see: this will positively affect the work of the brain.

Antioxidant food is the key to success

Eat foods containing substances with antioxidant properties (cereals, citrus fruits, seafood, berries, herbs, vegetables, chocolate, etc.). They contribute to the rapid recovery of brain cells, improving our memory.

"Forgot! I forgot something! How often do you say this phrase even mentally? In fact, this “something” can be something important!

Most people sooner or later face the problem of bad memory. Or wondering how to improve it. What can be done to memorize more, faster and better?

All people are gifted with the ability to remember everything that surrounds them. Be it new people, their names, faces. Or are these important things that should be done after a while. Or a shopping list and a friend's birthday.

Memory is a unique ability. It allows us to remember important things. It is necessary for any person, no matter what he does.

We can often hear others say: "He's lucky, he has a good memory!". In these words there is a share of delight, and some envy.

But I have good news! Memory can and even needs to be developed! Scientists have proven that certain working and living conditions help stimulate the brain, make it more productive. The best effect on proper brain activity is full sleep, proper nutrition and regular physical activity.

In addition, people do not think at all that memory is a good memory - it is not only a gift from birth. No, to have a really good memory, it needs to be trained. Cicero said:

"Memory weakens if you don't exercise it."

But what if you follow all this, but you still can’t remember an important phone number? How do you train your memory?

If we remember some information, it means that we have applied effective techniques for remembering. But if you didn’t succeed in remembering, then the memorization process went wrong.

So let's start training the memory. And in a few weeks, or maybe days, you will be able to boast of an excellent memory!

12 simple exercises for the development of "phenomenal memory":

1. Improve your memorization process

When memorizing something, you need to think about the action, draw parallels with your life. Let's just say that the more associations you make, the more you can remember what you want.

2. Try to remember on your own

There are times when you forgot your partner's phone, or the name and patronymic of the person with whom you have an important meeting, etc. Do not rush to open a notebook just to read the necessary information. Try to remember it yourself. This information is already “on the shelf in your head”, you just have to find it.

If you need to remember something important, try to create in your mind a certain image that is associated with what needs to be remembered. it will be easier to do it.

4. Speak the received information

When you want to remember important information, try retelling it, or explaining it to another person. The process of memorization becomes better when you pronounce the received information.

5. Do some arithmetic

When you have nothing to do in boring and long lines, try to start solving very simple arithmetic problems in your mind. For example, multiply the number of legs of those red chairs by the number of flowerpots on the windowsill. Or count the sum of numbers on the numbers of cars passing by ... This practice is actually an excellent memory training.

6. Remember what happened to you throughout the day

Before going to bed, at the end of the day, scroll through all its details in your head. What did you do throughout the day, what would you do to improve some points. Reverse your day. From now until awakening. Believe me, this is not an easy task! Ask: “What was the most effective decision I made today?”

7. Read more books!

What could be better than spending your free time reading an interesting and useful book? When reading a book, the brain strains to memorize the details. In addition, you turn on your fantasy and begin to visualize everything that you read about. It's great for training the brain.

8. Learn verses and passages of text

At school, we were asked to learn poems for a reason. Memorizing rhyming verses and non-rhyming passages of text helps develop memory. So learn poetry. Try to choose those works that you really like.

9. Don't try to cram!

Remember how at school / university we could memorize the right one for us to get a good grade? Forget about it. This technique does not help develop memory. Dumb cramming is ineffective. It tires the brain, and it quickly stops responding to the information it receives. Better think about what you read. It is necessary not only to learn, but also to understand what you read.

10. Repeat

But it is still worth repeating the material covered. Do not cram, namely to repeat - to refresh your memory. As they say, "Repetition is the mother of learning." Repeat the information received. Every day, for example, 5 days. Repeat what you have learned. This information will be deposited in long-term memory, and you can easily get it from there.

11. Don't be lazy

You will never be able to achieve something and remember something if you are lazy. Laziness is the rust of the mind. Don't let her take over your memory. Resist the temptation to collapse on the couch doing nothing. Grab a book or put on relaxing music. This will make the brain work and thereby improve memory, while physically you will rest. And if you need to remember something, then quickly connect all the resources.

12. Learn several foreign languages

It's nice to come to Italy and stately pronounce "Buongiorno!" passing waiter. And then catch the admiring glances of those with whom you arrived. Is not it? But it has long been known that the study of foreign languages ​​contributes to the development of a good memory.. And it's also very interesting! So why not take advantage of this?

These are effective memory training techniques. But there is something else interesting. Memory is inextricably linked with the correct and good functioning of the brain. So, the stimulation of its work can improve memory:

  1. It has been proven that regular sports increase brain activity and improve memory;
  2. No gray days! What is remembered well is that which does not fit into the framework of everyday life. Try to change the situation, add bright colors, go to the store in a new way ... It is not necessary to radically change yours. Just add something new to your daily routine and your brain will work with renewed vigor;
  3. Add New Habits. For example, tidying up your desk in the morning is a great start to a productive day!
  4. Meditation, relaxation make the brain switch, relax. This means that he will perform new tasks with redoubled energy;
  5. Music has a magical effect on our brain. It has been proven that people who play music have better memory and analytical skills;
  6. Teamwork. Brainstorms have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. And now scientists have proven that the decisions made in the team were more accurate and faster. They attribute this to the fact that during communication information is easier to perceive and assimilate. So solve problems together!
  7. The brain absorbs and sorts information while we sleep. Therefore, do not ignore this process.


This is only a small part of effective memory development techniques. But a mere reading won't do the trick. Apply these techniques. Remember, only 50% of the result depends on the doctor, and the remaining 50% - on the patient. Without working on yourself, you will never reach the top.

Was it helpful? Put "I like it", we will know what is useful for you and will prepare more articles about the development of different skills.

In the meantime, read our other articles on self-development:

In this article, we will discuss 15 memory boosters available at home. These tools in everyday life can be very useful for our cognitive functions and can prevent the decline in the ability of the brain.

Memory is a cognitive ability that allows us to store new information in our mind, remembering everything when needed. However, throughout our lives we may see this ability decline, making it harder for us to remember things each time. There are many factors that can be involved in memory impairment, like psychological disorders, temporary, stressful situations or trauma. But the main factor that predicts memory decline is age.

To date, there is some agreement that brain function declines with age, cognition and memory decline. For this reason, very often over the years we feel how our memory deteriorates. Memory is part of our brain, and like any area of ​​the body, we need to take care of it to mitigate aging and wear and tear.

Folk remedies to improve memory

Sage tea

Sage is a plant rich in essential oils and tannins and is often used to treat colds, flu or sore throats.

In fact, for many years this plant has been used for medicinal purposes, as it has numerous properties that are very beneficial for the human body. Sage is a stimulant for the digestive system, has disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Also, it acts on the fats of the nervous system, preventing their oxidation. This fact makes protection and prevention of memory failures. Sage has been shown to increase levels of acetylcholine, which plays a key role in memory development.

Thus, taking a sage infusion is like a good option to protect all areas of the brain and prevent memory failures.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is another plant with great therapeutic effects that we can currently find. Used in abundance to treat circulatory problems, vascular insufficiency, and to improve memory and concentration capabilities. Various studies have confirmed the effectiveness of this plant in protecting and improving memory and cognitive function.

First, the results of 52 young people were compared, of which half (26) consumed a single dose of 120 mg of ginkgo biloba prior to conducting cognitive testing, and the other half (26) did not consume anything.

Subsequently, another study was conducted with 40 subjects, of which half (20) received 120 mg of ginkgo biloba per day for 6 weeks, and the other half (20) did not consume a single dose of this plant.

The conclusion that came from these studies is that ginkgo biloba improved test scores on concentration and memory.

Subsequently, additional studies were carried out with similar results, which led the World Health Organization (WHO) to mention in a report that the medicinal use of this plant is also useful for the treatment of cerebral vascular insufficiency.


Chocolate lowers blood pressure, improves blood flow to the liver, or protects the surface of the skin. In addition, there has recently been a growing interest in the effects of chocolate on memory.

In a study that analyzed 37 patients aged 50 to 69 years, a prophylactic course of high doses of flavonoles (cocoa molecules) showed how this substance increases brain activity in the hippocampus.

The hippocampus is an area of ​​the brain that is considered the epicenter of memory. Most memories are stored in this area of ​​the brain and this structure needs to work well to make room for learning.

Thus, eating chocolate and other foods high in cocoa, as usual, can be good choice to improve our memory.


Plums are low energy fruits that have a wide variety of vitamins. Vitamin C, B6 and E are the best known in this food.

Various beneficial effects of this fruit have been described, among which we find the improvement of memory. Plums are very useful to control blood sugar levels, protect the heart, improve and stimulate the process of digestion and improve memory.

As far as memory capabilities are concerned, their effects have been described due to the power that the properties of this food have, neutralizing free radicals that negatively affect cognitive functions.

Green tea

Green tea is one of the teas that includes more substances and properties in its preparation. It is a powerful antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic substance, stimulates the immune system, and can prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

With regard to cognitive functions, it is claimed that this substance can improve memory and concentration. According to a study conducted at Chongqing University (China), green tea can be very useful for memory and spatial arrangement.

The test subjects were rodents, not humans, however, given the results we got, we speculate that green tea can enhance a person's memory.


Broccoli can be a food that contributes to the maintenance and development of memory capabilities.

Has a high level of phosphorus that you can increase the storage capacity. In addition, it contains vitamins A, C and E, amino acids, zinc, potassium, has high anti-cancer properties and antioxidants.


Flaxseed is a food very rich in omega-3 acids, so it may be useful for enhancing cognitive abilities.

Numerous benefits of this plant have been described as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer, or involved in muscle regeneration.

You can use the oil or take the seeds with water.

Ginseng root

Ginseng is a highly stimulating herb that allows you to increase blood circulation and therefore increase your performance.

This fact indicates that ginseng root is a substance that increases mental functions and memory.

However, it should be kept in mind that doses too high for this substance can be detrimental to health and should therefore be used with caution.


Bacopa is a plant that is actively used in medicine because of the properties that it represents.

Extracts of this plant have been shown to enhance the ability of memory and learning, and their possible role as a preventative factor for Alzheimer's disease.

Diet control

The importance of diet for memory stems from the research that has been done on the underlying disorders of this type of function. In particular with regard to Alzheimer's disease, it has been found that in countries where daily calorie intake is low, such as China, the impact is much less of such disorders. These data indicate that very high caloric intake may be a risk factor for such diseases, and thus impair memory.

On the other hand, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins (vitamin E and C) have also been shown to have a high neoprotective role in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Thus, in order to protect and preserve memory, it is important to eat balanced diets that do not provide excess calories and include fiber and essential vitamins.

It should be kept in mind that the brain is a part of the body that takes care of different parts of the body. It is necessary to carry out a balanced diet in order to care for and protect the structures of the brain.

Intellectual Development

Other factors that have been associated with memory loss and the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases are insufficient learning and intellectual activity.

Although anyone can develop memory problems, regardless of intellectual activity, people with a higher level of education have a lower prevalence of this problem.

Thus, to lead a certain style of life in which various mental processes take place is very important and constitutes one of the main means for memory.

Train your memory

In view of what was said in the previous paragraph, training memory in a special way turns out to be very useful. The brain works like any other muscle in our body, so if it is maintained in good shape, then its destruction can be left in oblivion.

Thus, memory exercises should not only be for children or Alzheimer's, we should all do and benefit from their effects.

Today, there are a huge number of games and applications over the Internet that can be useful for our memory.

Physical activity

Many people think that physical activity only serves to improve the condition of various parts of the body. However, this is not the case, because it has been proven, for example, that exercise also has numerous benefits for brain structures. Exercise has many great benefits for the brain, and has been shown to have positive effects on memory.

Make time for rest

To prevent cognitive impairment, it is important to lead a calm and psychologically healthy lifestyle. Anxiety, stress or depression are psychological factors that can greatly affect memory.

Doing calming or relaxing exercises, practicing relaxation techniques or meditation are good ways to combat memory impairment.

drink more water

The brain is 80% made of water, therefore it sensitively reacts to its lack by weakening the ability to remember, worsening attention. It is necessary to eliminate dehydration, as memory improves. Every day you need to drink up to 8 glasses of pure water. Water improves memory, attention, increases the ability to concentrate, perceive new information, gives strength. To improve memory, you should stop drinking coffee, tea, soda - any drinks containing caffeine. Caffeine inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase, which is necessary for the development of the ability to remember, concentration. In addition, shock doses of caffeine dehydrate the body.

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The abundance of information flows makes you try frantically to remember everything. This does not always work out - every fifth person from time to time is haunted by the feeling that he forgets everything in the world. With age, the percentage increases, banal forgetfulness and absent-mindedness turns into a disease - senile sclerosis. You can prevent negative consequences if you know how to improve memory, quickly and reliably.

How Memory Works

A person has three main channels of perception - sound, visual and kinesthetic. The latter is the most ancient, we got tactile memory from the simplest organisms - even amoebas have it. Psychologists distinguish three types of people depending on the dominant way of obtaining and remembering information:

  • auditory;
  • visuals;
  • kinesthetics.

Some scientists also add digital people - that is, people capable of abstract assimilation of new data. However, this type is evolutionarily new, therefore it is rare in its “pure” form, combined with one of the more ancient ones.

How to determine who you are? Take this simple self-test:

  1. Take a pen and paper.
  2. Choose a recent event - a vacation trip, going to the movies, a book you read.
  3. Write down your impressions of this event.
  4. Analyze the result.

Depending on the type of psyche, verbs or adjectives will predominate. The auditory uses concepts related to hearing - “noisy”, “quiet”, “heard”, “said”, visual - visual images, kinesthetic focuses on smells, taste and tactile sensations. This way you have determined the base type of your memory and can quickly figure out how to improve it based on the main channel.

5 memory exercises

There are a lot of “charges” for remembering. Any of these methods will be very effective for some people, less effective for others. After you have determined the main channel for obtaining information, you can choose those of the methods that best suit you.

1. Annoying music

Remember those terrible songs with unbearably haunting melodies and words? An advertisement or a melody accidentally heard on the radio can sit in your head for a whole day. Use haunting music to your advantage: do you need to remember something? Turn on the most "disgusting Velcro" you know. It is advisable to use melodies without words, and ideally, “shift” the necessary information to annoying music.

2. Bright pictures

Need to remember someone's phone number or address? Learn the words of a new language? Download or search for some memorable pictures - beautiful landscapes, faces of famous actors, photos of cute animals. Imagine that the phone or new words are written on these pictures. Visualize as clearly as possible. Now, if you need to remember the address or the right word, call to memory a memorable photo with an inscription.

3. Smells and tastes

Kinesthetics are well aware that the occasional scent of perfume or food being cooked can bring to life a flurry of memories. This phenomenon makes us love even smells that are not very pleasant: for example, many women like the scent of tobacco because it is associated with their beloved male smoker. At the same time, the woman herself can not smoke. Use the property of the psyche to memorize anything - perfumes, foods, even "memory knots", all these are kinesthetic channels of memorization.

4. Unfinished business

And this method is suitable for everyone without exception. Psychologists working in the direction of gestalt are well aware that unfinished actions, the so-called unfinished gestalts, are remembered for a long time, or even forever. If you watch the movie to the end, you can forget the ending, interrupted in half, will forever be remembered and you will think "who is the killer after all." This method can be used to memorize a large amount of information. Just don't read or watch until the very end.

5. Laws of the land

The first and last phrase of the conversation is best deposited in the brain. Mentally divide the lecture, lesson, training into segments and put "introductory and final" points - this way the whole thing will be postponed completely. This is another method.

Memory enhancing products

The brain is the most demanding organ of the human body. It takes up to 30-40% of the daily calorie intake consumed with food to maintain its work. Of course, if the brain is poorly fed, then it will function accordingly.

If you want to improve your memory, you should regularly include the following foods in your diet:

  1. Healthy fats. Omega-3-unsaturated acids are found in sea fish, avocados, olive oil, walnuts, and milk fat.
  2. Chocolate. A natural stimulant and an excellent source of fast carbohydrates that nourish the brain - dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%.
  3. Eggs. There was a time when nutritionists banned eggs because of cholesterol. New studies have proven that all the fats in this type of product are useful, and the substance lecithin has a particularly beneficial effect on the brain.
  4. Spices. The brain "likes" saffron, basil, cardamom, sage. By the way, bright aromas and taste created with the help of seasonings are a strong associative stimulus.
  5. Blueberries are a natural antioxidant, in addition to the brain, they also have an excellent effect on the eyes, improve vision.

Most useful products are quite affordable. It is not always possible to buy avocados, but walnuts, eggs, chocolate and spices will be inexpensive, lying on the shelves of any store.

Folk remedies

It should be noted that they do not act as quickly as, for example, nootropic pills, but they are safe and suitable for anyone.

Among best recipes such:

  1. Ginseng tincture. The natural stimulant works better than energy drinks and is harmless. Dry or fresh root must be washed, poured with vodka in the ratio of 30 g of dried or 100 fresh product per liter. Some recipes suggest using alcohol. Insist from two weeks, take a teaspoon in the morning.
  2. Raw cabbage juice. Alcohol and a stimulant, even in minimal doses, are far from being shown to everyone. For such people, fresh cabbage juice is suitable. To prepare, you need to put a fresh fork in a juicer, drink the resulting liquid every day for half a glass.
  3. Hypericum decoction. Pour boiling water over 10-15 g of dry grass, cook for half an hour in a steam bath. Drink a tablespoon every morning.
  4. Decoction of lily of the valley. Pour a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Three times a day, take a teaspoon before meals.
  5. Aromatherapy. Juniper oil works well. It needs to be dripped onto a cotton pad, applied to whiskey. The technique is suitable if you need to concentrate and remember something as soon as possible.

Some of folk remedies can be used on a long-term basis, while others are recommended as "emergency help". If you feel unwell, headache, nausea - immediately consult a doctor. Remember that herbal remedies can provoke allergies, so be careful, especially for the first time.

All methods will be most effective if you add a healthy lifestyle - exclude alcohol, smoking, avoid harmful foods, especially fast food. Stress and negative emotions also have a bad effect on the brain, so mental harmony will be another key to excellent memory and well-being.

With age, many begin to notice that it becomes much more difficult to remember elementary things. Having a good memory is very important and necessary. After all, thanks to it, you can get a promising job and easier to adapt to life in the environment.

Now we will try to figure out what exactly needs to be done in order for information to be memorized to be given easier and stored in the brain for as long as possible.

Human memory is the most important element in the human brain. To some extent, it is considered our consciousness. And it is necessary in order to survive in the world around us. Imagine if a person had no memory at all. In this case, he would be no different from a primitive creature, and everything that is around us simply would not exist. In order to keep the memory in good condition it is necessary:

  • eat healthy and balanced food;
  • load your brain with a wide variety of information;
  • set a goal and strive to achieve it by all means.

It is very important that the goal you set is clear. Otherwise, the brain may begin to limit itself from unnecessary information.

Food is the energy supply of the brain, which is why a person must consume the required amount of vitamins and minerals. But it is also important to pay attention to the quality characteristics, and not to the availability of the product.

When you need to remember something quickly and briefly

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a person very quickly gets used to the monotony, against which the memory begins to weaken. That is why it is very important to change habitual situations more often. For example, change your route to work, start visiting completely different stores, change your culinary habits. In this case, the brain will be forced to remember completely different street names, numbers of shuttle buses, and compare new facts.

Cooked new dishes will have a completely different taste, which will be reflected in the work of the brain. As an example, you can also try changing your hand for writing text. If you normally write with your right hand, try writing a few sentences with your left hand. This situation will be unusual for the brain, which will lead to interhemispheric exchange.

The only drawback of this memorization method is that the brain gets used to it very quickly and needs to be trained regularly.

Fast and secure storage

by the most effective method for fast and reliable memorization is the study of a foreign language. Moreover, the memorization of words should not be at a mechanical level, but have associated images. Thanks to this specificity, words will be fixed in your brain and stored there for a long time. Study foreign language preferably until the moment when you can easily start watching foreign films in the original.

Means for slow memorization forever

In order to remember information forever and slowly, you can do daily meditation. It is they who will help maintain control over thoughts and, thereby, improve memory. Another good memory technique is drawing. It is it that makes it possible to concentrate on details and train hand motor skills for memorization.

Herbal preparations

In order to improve your memory, it is not necessary to immediately resort to medication. Quite a lot of funds are in folk medicine, which have both preventive and therapeutic effects.

Clover tincture

In order to prepare this infusion, you will need half liter jar clover heads. Add ½ liter of vodka to them, cover with a lid and hide in a dark place. Insist for two weeks, while stirring it daily. After the indicated time, pour the resulting liquid into a dark container. Take 1 tablespoon in the afternoon for three weeks. Then take the same break and repeat the procedure. The course of treatment should be 3 months.

Red rowan bark

Add a glass of boiling water to one tablespoon of the bark and keep it on low heat for 10 minutes. Then pour the whole thermos and leave to infuse for 6 hours. You need to take 3 times a day for one month. This course should be repeated twice a year, preferably not in the summer. A decoction will help not only improve memory, but also saturate the body with vitamins and strengthen the immune system.

Elena Malysheva in her program will talk about herbs and spices to improve memory.

herbal collection

Before you start preparing the infusion, mix dry herbs: raspberry leaves - 6 teaspoons, cranberries - 6 teaspoons, oregano - 2 teaspoons and bergenia - 8 teaspoons. Then from the resulting mixture, take one tablespoon and fill the collection with ½ liters of boiled water. Hold on fire for 10 minutes, then cover the dishes and leave for 2 hours. It is necessary to drink this collection twice a day, at least 3 weeks. The course is held 2 times a year.

Sage and mint

Take 2 teaspoons of dry mint and sage. Place the herbs in a thermos and fill them with 500 ml of boiled water. Before you start drinking the infusion, it must be filtered. Take four times a day for 50 grams 30 minutes before meals.

Grandma's recipe

To prepare the infusion, you will need about five tablespoons of pine needles, which will need to be crushed. Add to them onion peel and rose hips (two tablespoons each). Pour the resulting mixture with a liter of cold water and boil for about 10 minutes. Leave the infusion overnight in a warm place. The course lasts two weeks. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times daily.

Memory Improvement Products

In order to maintain a state of memory, your diet must be balanced. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help you improve memory and stimulate brain function. Especially worth paying attention to oranges and spinach. Other products include:

  • blueberries - it contains antioxidants in large quantities, which have a beneficial effect on the human brain. Recently, studies have been conducted, during which they found that blueberries can improve short-term memory;
  • carrots - contains carotene. It should be consumed stewed or fresh. In order for carotene to be absorbed, season carrots with oil or sour cream;
  • eggs - they contain lecithin, which helps maintain the health of brain cells;
  • wheat germ - they contain a large amount of vitamin E. It is especially useful to take germs for those who have memory problems associated with age;
  • fish - here you should pay attention to fatty varieties;
  • nuts;
  • dark chocolate.


In most cases, experts are inclined to believe that it is possible to take drugs that improve memory in old age. But on the other hand, there are cases when their use may become necessary for young people. For example, students during the delivery of the session. In the modern world, many people face the problem of memory impairment.

The reason can be environmental problems, and malnutrition, and a lack of desire to train your brain. In this regard, irritability may begin to appear, a person becomes dissatisfied with himself and the world around him, it is very difficult for him to remember the necessary information at a crucial moment. When a person pays attention to the fact that memory fails him at crucial moments, he begins to think about eliminating this trouble.

Among medicines it is worth highlighting nootropics. They help stimulate the brain. These include Nootropil, Piracetam, Isacetam, Oxiracetam and others. Please note that after one tablet you drink, you will not see any noticeable improvements. For a positive result, you need to take the drug for about a month. After the course, information is perceived much easier, and remembered faster.

How to improve a child's memory

In childhood, it is very important to give the brain active training. It so happened that modern children devote too little time to active games, thereby giving preference to computers and TVs.

In order for movement to take place in the lives of children, teach them to do morning exercises from an early age. In addition, children should be given to all kinds of sections: dancing, wrestling, football, skating and so on.

Try to diversify your child's hobbies. You can select multiple circles. If this is not possible, observe the interests of the baby and give him the opportunity to experiment with his activities.

Watch your child's diet. Do not forget about foods that contain vitamins and minerals.

Teach your child to mental games, such as “to the cities”, “words with one letter”, “associations”. Learn rhymes and tongue twisters with him.

Exercises to improve memory in children can be viewed in this video.

How to improve memory in older people

Older people tend to lose memory with age. In order for memory not to fail, as long as possible, it is worth adhering to the basic rules:

  1. Make your brain work. Logical tasks, crossword puzzles are well suited for this, you can study a foreign language;
  2. Try to take mental breaks once an hour. You can walk a little, or do a little gymnastics;
  3. Try not to succumb to stress and depression;
  4. Plan your affairs by writing them down in a diary, also record important dates;
  5. Try to read more books;
  6. Pay attention to small details;
  7. Learn verses by heart;
  8. Do what you love, learn something new.

As we can see, if you follow the basic rules, then an excellent memory will serve you for many years. But, and if you notice even the slightest deterioration, start immediately taking the necessary measures.

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    Improve memory for an adult with exercise? Seriously!? I always have a lot of information in my head, at work, at home ... I also don’t want to load my brain with exercises.




    Good article, thanks! I’m looking for information for my wife, I’ll send her a link, otherwise she doesn’t want to listen to anything from me). I’ll add it to my bookmarks too) I also came across one article on the topic, with the permission of the moderator I throw off the link Might be useful to someone


    I agree with Lina, chronic fatigue is annoying and prevents you from living a normal life. Rest and sleep are not an option for salvation from it at all. But mildronat helped. The course was taken for two weeks. Already after ten days, it became easier to concentrate on the tasks set, and work more cheerfully, and in general, the physical condition also improved. Even the treadmill is happy again and back to its speed.


    Memory cannot be improved quickly, it can be trained if it is not some kind of serious disease. After all, absent-mindedness and loss of concentration, and by it memory, can be elementary due to overload at work and outside of it.


    I always buy glycine forte for my grandmother, and recently I drank it myself before exams. To my surprise, it really works!

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