
Installation of a wooden tabletop on a windowsill. Tabletop-window sill as an additional work surface in the kitchen. Tips for successfully replacing a window sill with a countertop

Installing plastic windows, do not immediately throw away old massive window sills. The cellular plastic of newfangled window sills is not particularly durable. On the contrary, an old massive window sill board has unique qualities: it will never “lead”. It has been drying out for years.

In addition, old window sills have a spectacular radial sagging. By using old board You can build up a plank window sill if both boards are the same thickness. Increasing the window sill is rational when arranging a small-sized kitchen.

Replacement plastic window sill on a wooden one you can get a wide plane, similar to a bar table. In addition, the working area will expand, which is very important for the kitchen.

The newly formed countertop can also cover the space in the corner between the stove and the wall. A gap of 15–20 cm wide, usual for such places, is empty due to the fact that there is nothing to put there. It is better to cover the unused space.

This “wing” of the tabletop, extending all the way to the wall, is useful for placing a massive frying pan or kettle. It’s pleasant to sit near the massive wooden tabletop: there is somewhere to lean your elbows.

How loss turns into profit

First, you should cut off the edge radius of the old window sill, which is tightly mounted into the wall. Use a plane to level the sagging plane. If the corners of the future bar table interfere with movement around the kitchen, you can move away from the rectangular configuration and make an extension in the form of a triangle. The configuration of the entire window sill assembly will then have the shape of a pentagon. Other outlines are also possible.

It is more rational to mark using a template made of cardboard or fiberboard. The simulated increase is applied and the marks are clarified. The template should fit freely, but nevertheless tightly fill the blocked sinuses. If necessary, the angles are signed with clarifications: “+1 cm”, “+0.5 cm” - values ​​​​that are not enough to reach the exact value. The template is outlined on the board taking into account what has been added. Cut along the outline, align the edge of the joint at the board being built up with a plane.

Triangular growth will require rigid fixation at several points. At the junction of the edges of the old and extended boards, 2 rigid fixation points should be provided. Two more are near the wall. It is easy to attach to the wall using furniture steel corners. It is better to glue massive boards with Moment glue. Boards that have dried over radiators can be so hard that they cannot be drilled through. An extremely powerful drill would be needed for these purposes.

It is better to choose fixation according to the “thorn-hole” principle. It is preferable to use metal cores as pins. The metal strength of cores is much higher than that of screws or aluminum studs. Holes are drilled at the joined ends for the pins. Their diameter should exceed the diameter of the pins by 1 - 2 mm. Such “play” must be provided for, otherwise, when connecting the boards, the pins may “slip” and get stuck tightly. It will be difficult to get them back.

Ties are cut out of 2 millimeter steel plates using a grinder. These pieces will support the added board underneath. Four holes for screws are drilled in the corners of each plate. Facets are added to the face of the holes by drilling. The plates are screwed into the floor long; this is done only under the window sill fixed in the wall. Place the second part on the protruding plates, having previously lubricated the joining edge with “Moment”. In this case, the pins should already be inserted.

The overhanging edge of the additional board is tapped with a hammer through a piece of rubber. Do this so as not to damage the edges. When excess glue comes out of the joint, the entire structure of the future window sill is left to dry for a day. The tension can be so strong that the boards move away from each other. To prevent this from happening, insert an awl through the holes in the plates from below, make indentations and screw the screws into the build-up board.

Then you can move on to fixing the wing of the board against the wall. If the corners had been attached before gluing, they would have pulled the board towards themselves and the seam would have come apart. The role of corners during gluing can be performed by a block with a height equal to the distance from the floor to the window sill. Wooden wedges are used for spreading. After the seam has dried, the block is removed.

Apply the corners and mark the entry points of the screws with a pencil. Holes are drilled in the wall for the dowels. It is better to drive in dowels with additional sealing. The seal is made from rag tape attached to glue. To ensure a tight fit between the corners, the dowel caps are cut off. Screws from the kit are screwed into the dowels, and carpentry screws are screwed into the wood.

Decorating a marble window sill using paint

On the sunny side, a wide light stripe can blind the eyes. Therefore, it is not necessary to strive for the window sill to be perfectly white. If the kitchen backsplash is tiled with marble effect, stone with diagonal placement of layers will look much more beautiful.

You can draw marble. First you need to remove the old paint. It can be easily removed using pharmaceutical ammonia. The main thing is not to let the ammonia evaporate. The surface is lubricated and covered with a piece of polyethylene. The edges are sealed with tape. After an hour, the paint will swell. There is no need to wait longer, otherwise the paint layer will harden again. old paint scrape off with a spatula or knife, holding the tool in a perpendicular position. First sand with coarse sandpaper, then fine sandpaper. Be sure to remove dust. Wood putty is used to fill potholes. It is applied using a spatula. After drying, the surface is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. Finally, the surface is impregnated with a regular construction primer.

The first layer of paint is white. It is applied with a roller. Pre-paste adjacent objects and walls with masking tape. For the interior it is better to use pentaphthalic paint. It forms a strong, durable layer, does not wear off, does not scratch, has a beautiful shine, and has no pungent odor.

To create several shades of green, white paint is poured using 2 - 3 containers. Green pigment is squeezed out of an artistic tube, ground with white spirit and gradually added to the pentaphthalic base. The result will be a light emerald color. With black pigment you will get olive greens, with yellow you will get salad greens. I rolled the paint with pigment with a roller. They do it so that there are gaps of white. Dots and veins can be painted on with a brush or by pouring streams of paint.

The use of decorative self-adhesive film for such places is undesirable: it wears out quickly. You can manually paint it the way it will look best for a particular place. Rollers must be narrow, velor, with a small diameter. After each color, the nozzle is thrown away: it is impossible to wash it. To remove velor fibers, the dried layer is polished with a coarse cloth after the paint layer has completely dried.

One pentagon is good, but two are better

Beveled shapes will contrast with other countertops. But a set of such forms looks harmonious. Triangles, pentagons, trapezoids, if they are rationally placed, will free up a lot of space and decorate the interior. Old kitchen table easy to turn into a kind of fashionable headset. To do this, you need to combine the facades near the floor with a single tabletop.

There is no need to throw away the old cabinet table with a wide tabletop that is convenient for rolling out dough. It is cheaper to increase the working surface in the area with the sink, and add a sash below the sink.

When every meter in an apartment is worth its weight in gold, it is important to properly arrange the interior and make the most of every corner. This is especially true for the kitchen, because this room should be the most functional of all. As a rule, a small kitchen does not have enough work surface.

A window sill will help increase the work space in the kitchen.

Window sills in the kitchen are usually used as winter garden or a small garden. Indeed, you can grow flowers, onions or dill on it.

A winter garden will decorate the interior of the kitchen and make the indoor air much cleaner.

However, when the kitchen is very small, you shouldn’t waste space. An ordinary window sill can be turned into a work surface or bar counter.

A functional window sill countertop in the kitchen can even replace a dining table.

Advantages and disadvantages

Why is a countertop instead of a window sill convenient in the kitchen? Let's consider the main advantages of such an interior solution.

  • Space saving.

You can store cereals, equipment or dishes on the windowsill-countertop. In this case, the countertop in the kitchen can replace a full-fledged table, which will significantly save kitchen space.

It is also used in cooking as a surface for cutting vegetables, sausages or fruits.

  • Easy to install.

This product is easy to make with your own hands. To do this, you just need to follow the instructions presented in this article.

Installation does not require the use of any complex devices or expensive equipment.

  • Aesthetic pleasure.

A large countertop instead of a window sill will allow the housewife to enjoy the cooking process as much as possible.

During it, you will be able to see a pleasant view from the window, and not just an empty wall.

  • Saving electricity.

It's no secret that the cost of electricity today is quite high. Therefore, you need to use every opportunity to save. The work surface on the window does not require additional lighting.

During the daytime, you can cook on it without turning on the electric light.

  • Unlimited design possibilities.

The original solution is very relevant in our time. It makes the kitchen more modern and functional.

The area of ​​use of such a zone is practically unlimited.

  • Low cost.

If you use available materials during installation and perform the installation process yourself, then the cost of such a product will be very low.

For casement windows, it is important that the countertop does not interfere with opening the shutters.

Of course, such a design solution for the kitchen also has some disadvantages.

Firstly, it is absolutely not suitable for people who are prone to frequent interior changes.

Installing and dismantling countertop window sills is not an easy task.

Secondly, you will have to spend more time choosing curtains. They should not be easily soiled and water-repellent. If you don’t want to “bother”, then you don’t have to use curtains in the kitchen.

A new window and neat slopes will look good.

Role in the interior

In addition to functionality, the countertop will play a significant role in the interior of the kitchen and windows. In order for it to fit perfectly into the overall design, you need to follow some recommendations:

Types of products

Countertops can be divided according to several criteria:

  • F functional purpose;
  • Form.

By functional purposecould be a bar counter, work area, table or sink.

According to its shape, it is divided into: rectangular, round, oval or irregular.

Important! The most functional solution for the kitchen is a counter combined with a window sill. In this case, it can completely replace the work surface and dining table, and you can install appliances or shelves under the counter itself.

This option will save space.

You should choose the type of product based on your own needs and technical capabilities. For example, if communications are located far from the window, then installing a sink will not work.

To ensure that the window sill fits harmoniously into the kitchen interior, you can think through the design of the set so that the countertop becomes an extension of the work surface.

Choosing material

To make a countertop with your own hands, you first need to choose raw materials. Let's consider their main types and characteristics.

  1. Marble.

This is an expensive option. However, if financial capabilities allow, then a marble countertop is an ideal option. Marble is resistant to any type of damage. It will be able to serve for many years and will not lose its original external data. Marble in the interior is a sign of the excellent taste of the owners of the house.

Previously, such stone was used only in the houses of rich and noble people.

  1. Fake diamond.

It is a cheap alternative to marble. Table top made of artificial stone will withstand any load. It will be resistant to water and high temperatures. However, over time appearance surfaces may be damaged.

Artificial stone is not as resistant to external damage from sharp objects as, for example, marble.

  1. Ceramic tile.

These raw materials are also relatively inexpensive materials. The tile is resistant to high temperatures and water, but it can be damaged by a heavy object.

Cracks in tiles cannot be repaired, so they will have to be replaced.

  1. Glass.

By choosing glass, you can make your kitchen interior original and unique. Glass is not particularly popular, because many people are afraid that it will not withstand daily stress. However, there is nothing to be afraid of! Modern glass for such purposes has a thick and dense structure.

In terms of their characteristics, they can even be compared with artificial stone.

  1. Natural wood.

If the table will not be used as a work surface, then natural wood is a suitable option.

Wood can serve as a dining table for many years if it is properly cared for.

  1. Chipboard or MDF.

They can be used in the kitchen if the window sill will not be used as a work surface or sink.

You can make a product yourself from this raw material.

To decide which material is right for you, you need to consider some points. If the table will be used as a work area, then it is best to give preference to marble, stone, tile or glass. This raw material can withstand high temperatures and will not lose its external properties with daily use.

If you use the window sill as a bar counter or dining table, you can choose any of the options considered.

Durability Price Aesthetic properties Ease of installation Resistance to damage Variety of designs
Marble + high + +
Fake diamond + acceptable + + +
Ceramic tile acceptable + + +
Glass + high + + +
Natural wood high + + +
Chipboard acceptable +

Step-by-step instructions for installing countertops made of chipboard and ceramic tiles

  1. Purchase of material.

For such a window to come out, you need to buy the following equipment: chipboard, ceramic tiles, silicone, tape, ready-made table legs, polyurethane foam.

When all necessary tools and materials, you can begin work.

  1. Marking.

The table should be installed immediately after installing the new window. If the window and window sill have already been installed, you will have to first remove the old products. Dismantling is simple and only requires the use of male physical strength. When the dismantling work is completed, you need to measure the length of the concrete base near the window and determine the width.

If you want a small table that will only hang slightly over the concrete base, then legs will not be needed.

  1. Preparing the board.

Chipboard must have a thickness of at least 12 mm. The board must be cut exactly to measurements. Accuracy must be maximum, so it is better to make markings first and check everything several times.

Sand the edges and entire surface of the tabletop with a plane and sandpaper (grit no less than 60).

  1. Surface treatment.

The ends of the board must be treated with silicone in two layers, and the bottom surface must be covered with packing tape.

Be sure to check the plane using a building level.

  1. Installation.

After installing the slab, all holes need to be sealed. polyurethane foam. When installing, do not forget about the level. The window table top must be level. If it has legs, they need to be screwed in advance.

Wait until the foam sets and foam the seams between the slopes and the window sill.

  1. Facing.

The countertop can be finished with ceramic tiles. It should be laid with minimal gaps. The gaps can then be painted to match the color of the slabs.

As you can see, installing a countertop with your own hands is quite simple.

In total, the work takes several hours. Installing a product made of marble or stone is even easier, because they come ready-made. They just need to be installed on a concrete base near the window and carefully secured.

In order for the product to serve for a long time, it must be properly cared for.

Firstly, the surface of the new window sill must be cleaned regularly. Especially if it is used daily for cooking.

Wash the product with soapy water and a soft sponge.

Secondly, you need to periodically pay attention to the grout joints. When installing ceramic tiles it is impossible to do without seams. During operation, the seams quickly accumulate dirt, and pathogenic mold often develops in this place.

The seams need to be cleaned with a special cleaner at least once a week.

Thirdly, you need to pay special attention to any cracks and damage. If the tile is cracked, it should be replaced immediately. Bacteria can form in the crack.

VIDEO: Window sill-countertop in the kitchen.

In many kitchens, the space near the window is often unused. Sometimes condiments or containers with kitchen utensils can be placed here. But there is a way to use invaluable space with greater efficiency and benefit. For example, today you can often find interiors that use a tabletop instead of a window sill. Let's look at how this solution is implemented.

Ideas for arranging a window sill in the kitchen

To correctly calculate the parameters of the tabletop, it is necessary to take into account such characteristics as the layout of the room, the height from the floor to the window, and the arrangement of furniture. In this case, it will not be very convenient to use low window sills as a tabletop. It is better to make a bar counter from a high window sill. Let's take a closer look at various options. This will help you determine what function a window sill can serve in your kitchen.

Unusual tabletop

It will be comfortable to eat and work at an improvised table. In addition, it takes up a minimum of usable space in the room. It is also worth noting that the window sill is illuminated by natural light, which will be especially useful when creating masterpieces of culinary art. Can be used as an additional work surface the simplest design. A straight tabletop will do instead of a window sill along the window. The width of this element is selected individually. It all depends on the chosen material and the availability of free space.

Using additional supports

To correctly fit a modernized window sill into the interior of your kitchen, you can think through the design in such a way that the countertop becomes an extension of the work surface. If communications allow, you can build a sink into such a countertop. This solution allows you to significantly save space in the kitchen. Also, installing a countertop instead of a window sill makes it possible to create additional areas for storing food. In a spacious kitchen, a semicircular or rectangular countertop that covers the surface of three walls will look impressive.

Kitchen with countertop-window sill: examples

In a small room, a countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen can act as a replacement for the usual dining table. Most simple solution in this case there will be a straight table with or without supports. It can be made to order or purchased a ready-made design. You can also use original options.

These include:

  • Folding tabletops: if necessary, part of the surface can be lowered down or placed on the window sill.
  • Corner: if all the furniture is located close to the window, then you can make the tabletop an extension of the work surface. In this case, such a design will look quite harmonious. If the surfaces do not match in height, it's okay. The difference will not be noticeable if these surfaces are made of the same material.
  • The U-shaped shape of a standard window sill may not be enough to accommodate the whole family. If the layout allows, then it is quite possible to make the tabletop a full-fledged table or an extension of the bar counter.

A countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen may well serve as a bar counter. This solution is suitable if you need to arrange a high window sill. The main thing is that this element is made in the same color scheme as the main kitchen set. Such a kitchen with a countertop instead of a window sill will look unusual and original.

Arrangement of a fireplace portal

If you are looking original idea to arrange a low window sill, you can make a portal with a fireplace instead of a wide tabletop. In most standard-plan apartments, heating radiators are placed directly under the window. They can be disguised using decorative fireplace. To make such an element, you can use a simple plasterboard box. The walls can be decorated using plaster or wallpaper with imitation brickwork, tiles or natural stone. Heating radiators can be covered with a beautiful grille. The elongated tabletop will be used as a fireplace mantel. It can also be used as an additional workplace.

How to choose the right material for making a countertop?

Many people today are interested in the question: how to make a tabletop instead of a window sill? Which material is better to choose? On construction market there is a wide range of materials to suit every taste and budget, as well as a large selection ready-made structures. A countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen should be selected for a specific interior.

To bring all your ideas to life, it is also important to take into account the decorative and strength characteristics of the materials used.

  • Plastic: different affordable price, but has low strength. A panel made of this material can be used as a tabletop instead of a window sill in a room. However, it will only serve as a stand for kitchen utensils. Under the weight of massive objects, the plastic will quickly bend.
  • Particle board: is a more reliable option for creating a tabletop instead of a window sill. Photos of this solution are presented in our article. A tabletop can be made from this material instead of a window sill, which can be used as a bar counter or work surface. The advantages of chipboard include affordable cost, wide selection of colors and textures, and ease of use. If necessary, such a plate can be dismantled and replaced with a higher quality material.
  • laminated chipboard: the best option for the countertop. This coating is treated with plastic under high pressure. This ensures a tight fit of the protective layer. The properties of this material are much better than those of simple plastic. However, if the protective layer was not applied very well, then blisters may form on the surface of the countertop. The service life of such coating is 5-7 years.
  • MDF or coated wood: Natural wood can be used to make the tabletop. It can be solid wood or MDF board coated with PVC film or plastic. Such materials do not emit harmful chemicals.

Benefits of wooden countertops

What is so good about natural wood? How to make a countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen from such material? Thanks to its excellent appearance, natural wood brings coziness and a warm atmosphere to the house. In addition, the tree has a unique natural structure. A wide range of MDF coverings allows you to choose the texture and color to suit almost any interior. This material is environmentally friendly; it does not emit harmful toxic substances. If a solid wood window sill loses its original appearance, it can be easily restored and re-varnished. The cost of such material depends mainly on the class of wood and its type.

Disadvantages of natural wood countertops

The disadvantages of this material include high maintenance requirements. If there is excess moisture, the wood may swell. Also, the surface can quickly lose its appearance during intensive use. The tabletop quickly becomes covered with dull stains and scratches. The most suitable solution for kitchen furniture would be species such as yew, maple, wenge, ash and oak. They are resistant to high humidity and mechanical damage. Pine, linden and alder are softer species. To make a strong tabletop, it is better to take class AB wood with a thickness of at least 40 mm. In such material the concentration of defects that can affect the service life of the product is minimal.

Use of natural stone

What other materials can be used to make a countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen? The photos presented in our article depict interesting design solutions using natural stone. The most popular materials are granite and marble. They are characterized by high resistance to wear and mechanical stress. In addition, they look expensive and solid. This countertop will last for several decades even with minimal care. But this solution also has its own characteristics.

Firstly, a granite countertop instead of a window sill will look bulky on the small kitchen. Secondly, stone countertops are quite expensive. Stains from dyes may remain on the marble surface. In this case, granite countertops will be a more profitable option. It is also worth considering that the stone cannot be restored, and its installation requires reliable support. An important feature of granite is that it naturally has a high background radiation, so when choosing a material you should definitely make sure that the certificate indicates class 1 in terms of radionuclide activity. Only such material can be used for finishing residential premises.

Artificial stone countertop

How else can a kitchen be decorated with a countertop instead of a window sill? Photos of many consumers are full of all sorts of design options with structures made of artificial stone. Such a tabletop will look no less impressive than an element made of natural material. There are analogs that, in terms of their characteristics, are in no way inferior to the same granite. In this case, we mean an agglomerate consisting of marble and quartz chips. Its surface does not wear out thanks to the addition of epoxy resin. It does not fade in the sun and does not absorb dyes. However, such material is not cheap. In terms of price, high-quality artificial stone can even surpass natural stone. This is a fairly heavy material, so it is worth considering that a tabletop made from it will require additional support.

Acrylic stone table top

For those who find agglomerate too much expensive material, we can advise more cheap option- acrylic To make this material, acrylic resin and mineral chips are used. Various pigments can also be added. One of the advantages of liquid stone is that it can take any shape.

Why choose acrylic countertops?

The following advantages can be highlighted:

  1. Large palette of colors and a wide variety of textures.
  2. Acrylic has a “warm” effect when touched.
  3. Even on a large surface there are no seams.
  4. They tolerate high humidity well.
  5. They have less weight than countertops made of natural stone.
  6. Do not lose color in the sun.
  7. Do not wear off with active use.
  8. Subject to restoration and restoration.

Disadvantages of acrylic countertops

Acrylic has very low heat resistance. In addition, it can be stained by various foods and drinks. It is also worth considering that making countertops from artificial stone can take quite a lot of time. It is necessary to carefully select the material for the substrate - MDF, wood and glass. This affects the strength and weight of the entire system. The thickness of the tabletop must be at least 12 mm.

Features of self-installation of countertops

Installing a finished tabletop made of MDF and chipboard on a window sill is actually quite simple. However, there are still some nuances here. If you have a heating radiator installed under the window, you need to make sure that the countertop will not interfere with air circulation. Otherwise, mold may appear in the room. According to building codes, the window sill cannot be installed lower than 20 cm from the edge of the opening. It is advisable to carry out all work on installing the countertop after but before completing the finishing touches.


The use of a tabletop instead of a window sill allows you to intelligently use the space in small apartments, as well as create an original, unique interior. Today you can find many on sale ready-made options such structures. If you want to do something special, you just need to choose the configuration, size and material for making the countertop.

Do you want to carve out at least a little usable space out of nowhere in your small kitchen? This is possible if you use the window sill - replace it with a tabletop and integrate it into the work or dining area. From this article you will learn how to do this as efficiently as possible, what technical nuances need to be taken into account when remodeling and what variations of the window sill-countertop there are.

General rules for remodeling a window sill-table top and practical tips

  1. The main condition for arranging a window sill-tabletop of any configuration is that air must circulate freely around the radiator.

The heat from the battery should freely rise up to the window, and the cold air from the window should fall down. Otherwise, the kitchen will become cold and damp and, what is even more dangerous, the kitchen windows will begin to constantly fog up. If the latter happens, then the window slopes, and then the kitchen walls, will become covered with mold.

What to do? If you plan to use the tabletop-window sill as a table or cabinet with open shelves, then for normal air exchange it is enough to make several holes in it or build in a ventilation grille as shown in these photo examples.

If you plan to equip the underframe of the window sill-countertop with cabinets, then their doors should have perforations or lattice inserts, as, for example, in this photo.

An example of arranging a cabinet with lattice doors under a window sill-countertop

  1. Keep in mind that a window sill-countertop and, especially, a cabinet built above the radiator (even with lattice doors) will worsen the heating of the kitchen (by 2-3 degrees). Heat loss can be compensated by installing an additional radiator or underfloor heating systems. In addition, the battery from under the window sill can be moved to another location along the same wall or to an adjacent wall. Relocating a radiator ideally requires an agreed design and thermal calculation, but in practice the consent of the building management company is often sufficient. And one more nuance - since moving/replacing the battery requires turning off the riser and draining the water, this should be done during the non-heating season.
  2. The window must be at least 1.5 cm higher than the window sill-tabletop.
  3. To avoid the formation of mold on window slopes, do not forget to treat them with an antiseptic primer. And so that the slopes can be frequently cleaned from accidental stains and splashes, they should be painted with moisture-resistant paint.
  4. Under no circumstances should you install a stove on a windowsill-tabletop. Firstly, this is prohibited by sanitary and building codes, and secondly, it is simply impractical, because oil splashes during cooking will certainly end up on the windows.
  5. When planning to leave the battery under the windowsill-countertop in plain sight, it is highly advisable cover it with a decorative screen, paint it in a bright color or to match the wall. However, sometimes it is enough to replace a large and outdated radiator with a more compact and modern one.

Radiator with perforated screen under the window sill-tabletop

  1. Due to the proximity of the window and the connection to the external wall, the window sill-tabletop must be made of super-wear-resistant material. Perfect optionfake diamond, which is not afraid of either moisture or culinary work and, moreover, allows you to create a seamless surface. If outer wall If the kitchen freezes and leaks, the windows are prone to fogging, and mold once “bloomed” in the room, then you should play it safe and choose artificial stone for arranging the window sill-countertop.

  1. No matter how you arrange the space under the window, it should be well lit. For this you can use wall sconces or pendant lamps. If the window sill-tabletop serves as a bar counter, then the pendant lamp can be hung at a height of 70 cm from its surface. Lamps above the work area can hang higher, the main thing is to place them directly above or in front of the work place, and not behind it (otherwise the person standing behind the tabletop will simply block the light from the lamp with his back).

  1. It is most practical to decorate the window above the window sill-tabletop with cassette roller blinds, attached directly to the sash. Also, all types of short curtains are suitable for window decoration: Roman curtains, standard “rolls”, horizontal blinds, cafe curtains or classic curtains.

  1. Sometimes, to get the most out of a kitchenette, you need a window sill-countertop with an irregularly shaped canopy. So, for example, it can narrow in an area of ​​high traffic (say, near the refrigerator) and expand where there is more space.

It is also very good when the corners of the window sill tabletop are not sharp, but rounded.

  1. When arranging a working window sill-table top it can become a problem search for built-in dishwasher suitable height, because Most PMM models are designed for a height of the lower tier of the kitchen of 82 cm.
  2. If the window sill has very wide slopes, then it is advisable to make its new countertop (and the cabinets and possibly the sink that go with it) narrower. After all, if you add up the depth of a wide window sill with the depth of a standard 60-centimeter tabletop, the distance from the window to the edge of the table is too large.

Options for arranging a window sill-countertop

The window sill-tabletop can be equipped and used as:

  • Work area with sink under the window;
  • A work surface for preparing food (without washing);
  • Dining area or bar counter for breakfasts and snacks;
  • Additional storage space for equipment, food and utensils.

Let's look at each of these options in more detail.

Window sill-tabletop as a work surface (without sink)

Converting a window sill into a countertop allows you to increase the work surface with minimal clutter in the kitchen, making it possible to cook under pleasant daylight and with a view out the window. Also, the window sill-tabletop offers a bonus - the ability to use it as a bar table or equip the underframe with additional storage space. However, the window sill work surface also has disadvantages:

Since most often a window sill-countertop involves combining it with a suite, the question arises - what to do if the height of the window sill and the kitchen floor cabinets do not match? Here are some solutions:

  • If the window sill is higher than the cabinets, the headset, then everything is simple: kitchen countertop and cabinets line up under the window. In this case, the gap between the window sill and the tabletop is protected with the same material that is used to decorate the apron or is covered with a ventilation grille. In this case, the canopy of the window sill table top can be cut off, the window sill can be replaced with a panel to match the table top and used as a shelf.

  • If the difference between the window sill and the cabinets is small, then the kitchen furniture is adjusted to the window sill due to the base and legs, less often due to the height of the cabinets themselves and increasing the height of the floor. Here are some useful numbers:
  • The standard height of the cabinets (without table top and base) is 72 cm.
  • The base has two sizes - 10 cm and 15 cm.
  • The height of the kitchen window sill in a city apartment can vary from 72 to 90 cm (excluding the countertop).
  • The standard thickness of a kitchen worktop (it must be taken into account when calculating the final height of the kitchen) is 4 cm or 2.5 cm (less often).
  • Ideally, the height of the working surface should be 15 cm lower than the bent elbow of the owner/hostess of the kitchen.
  • If the window sill is lower than the kitchen furniture, then converting it into a countertop is more difficult. The most radical method is the following: the window sill is increased to match the height of the furniture, and the window is installed smaller. However, this is only possible in a private house, and in a city apartment such interference load-bearing wall and the front of the building is prohibited. However, if the window faces the loggia, then it is theoretically possible to “raise” it legally. The second method: the size of the window opening does not change, but the design of the window changes - it is supplemented with a horizontal impost (an additional frame profile). As a result Bottom part it turns out to be blank and is closed by a cabinet, while the shutters above the window sill open as usual. From the outside, the blind part of the window can be hidden behind a balcony flower “pot”.

This window sill tabletop could look even better if the window mullion ran directly above the table

The third and easiest way: the kitchen is simply installed on top of the window sill (see photo below), and the niche formed behind it is used for storing household chemicals or indoor plants. Unfortunately, this solution is not ideal: you will no longer be able to open the window wide open, the niche will not be so easy to tidy up, the insolation of the room will worsen, and from the point of view of fire safety the idea is not very successful. However, these inconveniences are not so critical.

And finally, the fourth method: the window sill and furniture are combined, but are not adjusted to each other in height, but the kitchen countertop is adjusted to them. You can play with the difference between surfaces in different ways. For example, different levels of the kitchen can simply be lined with the same countertops. As a result, the interior will turn out, although not so harmonious, but overall it will look good.

Also, different levels of the kitchen can be united by a single tabletop with invisible seams (in this case it should be made of wood, or better yet, artificial stone of a contrasting color).

Window sill-tabletop with sink

A window sill-countertop with a sink is the most desirable, complex and costly remodeling project to implement. Indeed, in addition to the problems described in the previous chapter, there is also the issue of connecting water supply and drainage pipes to the window. In addition, washing in the windowsill, although it brightens up the home routine with pleasant lighting and a view of the surrounding area, in practice it is not always convenient. Firstly, if window slopes not too wide, the window will often get splashed. Secondly, the sink faucet will prevent the windows from opening.

How to move the sink to the window and connect water communications to it?

As a rule, there are no problems with the supply of hot and cold water pipes, but with the supply of the drain pipe from the sink to the riser you will have to get confused - install it at an angle of 2-3 cm for each meter of length. In this case, all communications need to be hidden, for example, inside kitchen set, in a plasterboard box or on a podium.

Now a little about coordinating the transfer of the sink. If you are moving the sink along the “native” wall, then developing a project is not required. Moving the sink to the opposite or adjacent walls already requires the development of a project and its legalization in housing authorities.

And here are the others useful tips for arranging a window sill-countertop with a sink:

  • It is advisable that at least one window sash opens 90 degrees, then you can wash the window completely without any problems. To do this, you need to place the sink not in the center of the opening, but closer to the edge.

The exception is three-leaf windows - in this case the sink is placed opposite the central blind sash.

  • To window glass avoid splashes of water as little as possible, choose a deep sink, and it is better to choose a faucet with a medium or deep spout.
  • If possible, it is worth installing a folding faucet (with a bayonet mount) instead of a conventional faucet. Such models are more expensive, but they allow you to open the windowsill-tabletop windows wide open without any problems.
  • Since there cannot be a cabinet for storing dishes above the sink near the window, it should be provided on the side of the sink or under it. For the same reason, you should choose a sink with a wing for drying dishes.

Window sill-tabletop as a dining area or snack area

The easiest way to convert a window sill into a bar counter or dining table is to simply replace the tabletop, add one or two supports or a table (if necessary) and select suitable chairs. As a result, the dining area turns out to be compact, well-lit and very cozy.

  • Keep in mind that there must be a distance of at least 25 cm from the front edge of the window sill-bar counter to the radiator/wall, otherwise the feet of those sitting will rest against them.

  • The shape of the window sill table may have an irregular shape as shown in the photo below.

After installation, check the levelness using a level. The surface needs to be as smooth as possible.

Seal the edges with silicone or sealant. All the cracks and corners. If there are legs, they need to be screwed in advance.

4. Apply final finishing if required

For example, if you construct the surface yourself from chipboard and lay tiles on top. The tree can be finalized if desired. The video below shows all the DIY installation steps to eliminate any possible questions.

If you want the resulting window sill replacement to be a continuation, use eurosawing technology - when two parts are connected to each other at a right angle. This is the simplest, but at the same time aesthetic technology. And definitely better than curly cutouts, which.

So, we have looked at the options for what functionality a kitchen with a window sill and countertop can have, and have attached photos that will give inspiration for the remodel. They also gave simple steps on how to create a structure with your own hands. Whether to do it yourself or trust the professionals is up to you. In any case, the interior solution is stylish and worthy of being repeated.

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