
Rules and schemes for arranging ventilation for a country house. How to build ventilation in a toilet in a country house with your own hands Exhaust from an outdoor toilet in a private house


Landscaping of a summer cottage begins with the installation of a water supply and the construction of a sewerage system. In small areas with small country houses, a cubicle for a closet, which has a cesspool, is installed on the street. In this case, the problem of the appearance of an unpleasant odor from human waste often arises. True, you can take a number of measures to get rid of it.

Arrangement of a country bathroom

The standard design of an outdoor country toilet is a small building built from wood or bricks (more details: " "). It is installed above cesspool. When using the toilet, the occurrence of stench is inevitable, since so-called anaerobic processes, which are the decomposition of organic matter with the participation of natural bacteria, constantly occur in the sewage container. As a result, methane begins to be released - it is this that causes the unpleasant odor. The photo shows what a typical diagram of a country closet looks like (read also: " ").

This method of arranging a bathroom is considered one of the most optimal options, since as a result you can get the following advantages:

  • remove accumulated sewage through a special hole located at the back of the building;
  • the floor in the booth has a reliable base, which means that fumes from sewage will not be able to shorten the life of the building;
  • The design provides for natural ventilation, which contains and.
The problem of how to eliminate the smell in the toilet worries many owners of country house closets. First of all, ventilation is mandatory. The presence of an unpleasant odor is a by-product of using a closet. Excessive concentrations of gas should not be allowed in the bathroom, as this can lead to minor poisoning, as well as possible deterioration of health.
The ventilation system should be considered when designing the construction of a bathroom. At the same time, its location is determined, the required volume of the container for sewage is calculated and the material for the construction of the cabin is selected.

When a decision has been made on the above parameters, possible options for arranging ventilation for an outdoor toilet are considered.

Features of organizing ventilation in a country toilet

When designing a ventilation system, it must be remembered that the cause of stench is the presence of cesspool located under the booth. There are ways to prevent direct contact with the source of bad odors.

For example, it is possible to install a bathroom structure at a distance from the pit. After installing a standard toilet model, it is connected with a plastic sewer pipe to a country septic tank or cesspool and at the same time a ventilation pipe is connected (read also: "") using a tee. True, to implement this method, you need to supply water to the toilet to flush out sewage or manually pour it into the tank.

During a long stay at the dacha, such a bathroom is not entirely convenient to use. Therefore, the best choice is still the standard closet design, which involves moving waste into the pit without using various devices. You can make such a bathroom in a private house with your own hands without any special skills.

In this case, the ventilation of the country toilet can be:

  • natural type, when air exchange occurs as a result of the movement of air masses from the closet to the street;
  • forced type - unpleasant odor is effectively removed using a running fan.
Both methods have their disadvantages and advantages, but in any case, one of them must be used, since staying in the toilet without ventilation will be very uncomfortable. At the same time, the building itself will begin to deteriorate under the influence of methane, which is able to penetrate the pores and crevices of concrete and natural wood fibers. The choice of method is related to the financial side of the issue and the feasibility of its use. Read also: "".

Forced ventilation of a toilet in the country

Forced ventilation of a country toilet is considered the most effective way, since the stench vapors are removed quickly and in a timely manner. Its essence lies in an integrated approach to the problem of air exchange in the toilet.

Ventilating the closet cubicle with a ventilation device is a variant of forced ventilation. Each outdoor toilet has a small window. It serves not only for lighting, but also when installing a fan, it is assigned the function of ventilation. To do this, you will need to provide power to the booth.

The cable is usually suspended: when the toilet is located close to the house, it is best to run the wiring from the attic to the roof of the toilet structure. The electrical cable must be carefully insulated from possible exposure to moisture.

Choosing a fan for an outdoor toilet

Since the internal area of ​​the toilet does not exceed 2 “squares”, a low-power window fan with a power of no more than 30 W, such as in the photo, will be sufficient. If you plan to install it in a window, then a square model of the device will do. As for the parameters, they must correspond to the size of the window.

When installing a fan requires making a hole in the wall, then the device is selected depending on the material from which the cabin is built. For brick closets it will be square, but for wooden structures– it is more convenient to install round-shaped exhaust devices. After installation is completed, the device is connected to the mains and a test run is performed.

To ensure an increased flow of fresh air, an additional supply hole is made in the wall, the diameter of which must be no less than the internal cross-section of the device.

You need to know that forced ventilation cannot be installed in the cesspool, since there is not enough fresh air in its volume. In the case when the device is installed in a vertical pipe leading into a pit, then during its operation a rarefied atmosphere is formed, which can only be compensated through the booth. Often, to prevent the smell from entering the building, the hole in the pit is closed with a lid, but this prevents the pressure from normalizing.

The conclusion from the above is the following: the installation of forced ventilation is done in a cubicle and it cannot be equipped to ensure air exchange in the cesspool.

Natural ventilation of a country toilet

To create normal air exchange in an outdoor toilet, you can use a cheaper method. The natural ventilation system in the outdoor toilet is installed separately for the cesspool and for the stall.

When natural ventilation is created in a country toilet, a technology is used that is in many ways similar to the installation of a ventilation device. Only air exchange will occur naturally between the input and output air channels.

To ventilate the cesspool, a vertical pipe is used; it is installed so that it Bottom part was not located at the maximum filling level of the container. Air flows arise as a draft is formed between the hole in the closet and the pipe.

To increase the speed of air movement, the diameter of the pipe should not be less than 11 centimeters, and its upper part should rise above the roof of the toilet by at least 7 centimeters. As a result, a draft of sufficient strength is formed to ensure timely removal of methane from the sump tank.

It is advisable to use a PVC pipe, since this material does not interact with aggressive environments. In addition, it is easy to install; a deflector is installed on the outer end, which will prevent water from freezing on the product. Best choice there will be a model with a weather vane function, which will increase the speed of air flow due to a decrease in pressure from the wind at the outlet on the pipe.

Required tools and materials

Before you begin arranging ventilation, you need to analyze the condition of the bathroom - what materials it is built from, what the thickness of the walls is and the location of the cabin relative to the cesspool. After this, tools and components for carrying out installation work.

Forced ventilation device. This method is labor intensive.

The following materials will be required:

  • plastic 110 mm pipe - one linear meter;
  • internal lathing for the inlet air channel, preventing debris from entering the room through the pipe - 1 piece;
  • protective steel shell with an internal diameter of 110 mm - 1 piece. Protects the pipe surface from mechanical damage in the event of shrinkage of the building;
  • fan – 1 piece;
  • electric wire and switch.
When settling in forced ventilation in a country toilet, you need the following tools and fasteners:
  • if the walls are made of wood, then a drill, and when they are made of brick, a hammer drill;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • screws, sealant;
  • roulette, level;
  • electrical tape and pliers for installing the fan and connecting it.
Device for natural ventilation of a cesspool.

Materials, tools and components you need to purchase:

  • 110mm PVC pipe. Its length is determined based on the size of the toilet and the highest level of filling of the pit;
  • deflector - its mounting diameter must match the parameters of the pipe;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • fasteners - clamps with dowels to attach the pipe to external wall closet.

Independent ventilation arrangement

First of all, the ventilation device is installed in the booth. Unnecessary items are removed from the building premises. In the event that it is not enough
To provide natural light for work to be carried out in proper conditions, a temporary lamp is installed.

Cabin ventilation. The exhaust duct is located as close as possible to the hole directed to the cesspool. The installation height should be maximum, but the distance from the ceiling to the upper end of the pipe cannot be less than 150 millimeters. The channel providing fresh air is located in the wall, in its lower part. It should be installed at a minimum height from the floor level. It is necessary that the distance between the two holes be maximum, so they are placed on opposite walls of the bathroom.

To quickly make a hole, it is better to first outline its contours and drill according to the markings, and then knock the resulting workpiece out of the wall, applying force. Then a protective shell is installed in the supply part, inside which a plastic pipe with a sheathing is placed. The edges are treated with sealant for plastic pipes.

The ventilation hole located at the top is made using a similar technology.
If the fan is mounted in a window, its dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of the frame. When the device is installed, it is connected to the switch and power supply.

Installation of a cesspool pipe. Initially, calculate the required length of the ventilation pipe, and if it is necessary to cut off an extra piece of the product, use a hacksaw. Use a shovel to dig a small hole in front of the cesspool.

The pipe should be located behind the rear wall of the booth. Holes for dowels are prepared on it. The clamps are disassembled, and the parts with screws are mounted on the rear wall of the building.

Then a deflector is put on the pipe, which is placed in the hole leading into the pit, and fixed with clamps on the walls of the closet. The place where the pipe enters the ground is covered with sand and compacted. At this point, the installation of ventilation in the country toilet can be considered complete.

If you strictly adhere to technology when carrying out work, then you will get an effective system, and the smell from the ventilation in the toilet will not bother summer residents vacationing outside the city. In addition, the building will be protected from the negative effects of gases resulting from the presence of human waste in the pit.

In summer cottages there is often no sewerage connected to the house. For natural needs, toilet stalls with a cesspool are built not far from the house. The main disadvantage of such a room is the unpleasant and even dangerous “aromas” that emit gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfide. Properly equipped ventilation in a country toilet relieves owners and others from the unbearable odors of decomposing sewage.

Construction of a country toilet

The standard design of a country closet can be brick or wood, and the hood can be natural or forced. To minimize fumes, the floor of the cabin is made durable and has no cracks, and to clean the pit itself, a hermetically sealed hole is installed behind the rear wall of the building. The back wall of the restroom should face south. Sometimes a pit for feces is arranged separately from the cabin, but this is only possible if water is provided for drainage (or the drain tank is manually filled with water).

The construction of an outdoor toilet with a cesspool involves designing a ventilation system initial stage works Regardless of the type of ventilation of the cesspool, it is necessary to ensure the circulation of fresh air in the building itself. To do this, 2 small windows are made in the walls of the booth: one at the bottom of the wall or door, the second at the top of the opposite surface. These vents are covered with grilles (externally and internally) to prevent the entry of insects, leaves and debris.

Ways to ventilate a toilet

There are two ways to eliminate unpleasant odor in the toilet: natural and forced. The first, natural method of air exchange in a toilet in a country house is used in the absence of electricity. At the same time, the circulation of air exchange at the required frequency occurs constantly at different times of the year and in any weather. But if an electric hood can be installed on a finished building, then the installation of natural ventilation must be carried out simultaneously with the construction of the cesspool and cabin.

The second method is possible in the presence of conducted electricity. Considering that it is convenient to have lighting in the cabin for visits at night, many summer residents are led to the closet electrical cable. The forced method is fast and effective: ventilation in the toilet in the country becomes a controlled process.

Natural air flow

Natural ventilation is carried out by strengthening a pipe (PVC or asbestos, 10–11 cm in diameter) in the concrete top of the cesspool, which is installed behind the rear wall of the closet. The pipe for the exit of gases must be securely attached to the wall with metal brackets and protrude above the roof of the cabin to a height of 1 m. In this case, care must be taken to install a window in the upper part of the closet that increases ventilation flows, and at the bottom on the opposite side of the cabin, an inlet opening for fresh air must be installed. air.

Forced ventilation

A fan installed in the window of a country toilet will provide a forced flow of air, its circulation inside the building and the removal of unnecessary odors to the outside. For installation, you will need a low-power fan (about 30 W), an electrical cable drawn from the roof of the main building, and a switch. It is important to ensure reliable insulation of all elements.

In this case, it is not only not necessary to build electric fans into the cesspool, but it is also prohibited. The flow of air into the booth is ensured by the same hole at the bottom of the opposite wall or door, closed with a decorative grille. Many craftsmen provide ventilation installations of a combined type: both forced and natural methods.

Installation process - installation features

Natural ventilation in the form of an exhaust pipe is inserted into the cesspool using a plastic corner adapter (90°), which must be at least 20 cm above the sewage level. The entrance of the pipe to the cesspool is insulated and compacted with earth, but so that it can be disassembled for cleaning the pit from sewage.

Having secured the pipe to the rear wall of the building with brackets or clamps, equip its top with a deflector or umbrella. Their purpose is to protect the upper opening of the pipe from precipitation and increase ventilation draft. For the same purpose, weather vanes are used, which increase draft by 30% using the power of the wind.

Solar heat also has the ability to increase the circulation of gases in the pipes, so the back wall of the outhouse (facing south) is painted black, and the pipe is covered with metal sheets, also covered with black paint.

To increase the draft, install an additional hood in the country toilet with your own hands in the form of a piece removed from the upper window of the room PVC pipes(diameter - 12–15 cm). It is better to make the upper hole for the exhaust pipe in the rear wall of the cabin at the maximum height. The installation of this ventilation outlet is also carried out using a PVC angle (90°) of the appropriate size.

The outer section of the pipe must be no less than 30 cm higher than the roof. Inside the toilet, the opening of the exhaust pipe is covered with a decorative grille, and from the outside its upper part is covered with a protective umbrella. The traction in the cabin is enhanced by a window 20 cm from the floor. If the upper hood is made on the back wall of the building, then it is better to make the lower supply window in the door.

You have your own summer cottage and you definitely need to build a toilet on it. Whatever type of toilet you choose, be it built of wood or brick, the issue of creating a ventilation system always remains relevant. Ventilation in a country toilet is a rather important point and its creation must be approached with the utmost seriousness.

A toilet that is separate from other buildings should not create inconvenience not only to its owners, but also to its neighbors. Most often, these problems are associated with unpleasant odors that spread several meters around it. We want to tell you how to get rid of all these odors. Toilet on summer cottage must always be kept clean, but there is little guarantee that it will not contain odors, so it is important to make good ventilation that will ventilate the air well and not cause inconvenience to you and your neighbors.

What types of ventilation are there?

Ventilation in a country toilet is of two types:

  • Natural;
  • Artificial.

The first type is provided without any additional mechanisms or devices, but as a result of natural processes: it depends not only on the direction of the air flow, but also on internal and external pressure.

But forced ventilation in the toilet is provided only with the help of special systems, this also applies to those that are connected to electricity. If you decide to build a toilet yourself, then you can handle the ventilation without the help of a professional.

Natural ventilation

You can create a natural type using a window or a special hole located at the bottom of one of the walls. If you decide to make a window, then place it as close to the roof as possible or equip it with a special canopy. This is necessary in order to protect your structure from precipitation, leaves and dirt getting inside.

It would also be appropriate to close it mosquito net to keep insects out. And if you want not only to make a window, but also an additional hole in the wall, then make it at the bottom of the door or in the wall. Be sure to cover this hole with a special grill.

Forced type

Forced ventilation, also called artificial, is created using a special pipe or box that supplies fresh air to the room and removes unpleasant odors. You can choose any pipe, made of metal or plastic. One end of it should be lowered into the hole, and the other should rise a couple of meters above the roof. It is best if the pipe is installed outside the building. If you have installed a toilet in an outdoor toilet, then the pipe needs to be routed through a hole in the floor or attached to the toilet, and if you have a toilet with a pit, then it is better to conduct ventilation to it.

The box that provides good ventilation and sufficient fresh air inside the cabin is a special fan. For such a small building, it is necessary to choose it with a power of no more than 5W. The fan is installed inside the pipe, so that the sensor responsible for the rotation speed is located inside the cabin.

How to make a hood in a toilet from boards?

In our modern times, many owners of private houses try to equip their homes with a bathroom, but there are also those who install wooden toilets on their property in the old fashioned way. To ensure that you and your neighbors are not disturbed by foreign odors emanating from it, it is necessary to provide good ventilation.

Ventilation in a wooden country toilet is done according to a simple scheme; most often the owners choose the natural type. They equip the booth with a window or a hole in the wall. If someone is not satisfied with this type, then a forced system can be made; great forces and special skills will not be required. Anyone can install the pipe, the main thing is to correctly direct one end into the cesspool, and raise the other a couple of meters above the roof of the cabin.

Hood in a brick cabin

Ventilation in a brick country toilet can also be either natural or artificial; you can install a window in the wall or make a hole in it closer to the floor. Or, just as in the previous case, equip it with a ventilation pipe into which a fan was previously inserted. But let's take a closer look at how to make ventilation in the toilet yourself without the help of a specialist and so that it is effective and durable?

Construction of a toilet and installation of a ventilation system

If you are going to start building a toilet on your personal plot, separate from other buildings, then you need to take care of ventilation at the initial stage of construction work. Before removing the walls of the building, make a ventilation pipe for the pit. With its help, you can protect not only yourself, but also your neighbors from foreign odors that escape into the street, rather than gathering in the booth. But it’s also worth taking care of the ventilation inside the building; if the building is of good quality, with tightly closing doors, and the lid most often remains open, then all the unpleasant odors will accumulate inside.

Ventilation system installation

Ventilation in the toilet with your own hands is not a difficult task, the main thing is to calculate and install everything correctly. In order to install special ventilation pipes, you simply need to purchase a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm from a hardware store. You will also need a 90 degree connecting angle. Don’t forget about a protective metal or plastic umbrella that will protect your ventilation from dust, dirt and precipitation. A special grill may also be suitable for these purposes.

You need to make a hole in one of the walls; it will serve as the basis for your future ventilation system. Everyone knows that warm air always rises, so it is more advisable to install the hood at the highest point.

Ventilation installation

You have already made the hole, now you need to install the pipe, if you have not one pipe, but several, then you can connect them together using transition corners, now install the assembled structure in the prepared hole. Excess parts can be cut off. Be sure to secure the ventilation system to the wall; special clamps are suitable for this purpose. Place an umbrella on top of the pipe to protect it from moisture and debris.

You can put a grille inside, and your ventilation system is ready. Now seal all the cracks and defects on the wall. The cracks can be sealed polyurethane foam or sealant, and cover the top with cement.

But that’s not all, in order for your ventilation to work and give the desired result, you need to create an additional draft that will help remove odors outside. Therefore, you additionally need to make a hole at the bottom of one of the walls. After this, do not forget to cover it with a decorative grille; in this way, you can create ideal conditions for the operation of your ventilation system.

  1. Before building a country toilet, choose the right place, it is best if it is further away from buildings and located in a lowland.
  2. When making ventilation, it is better to calculate everything in advance and do all the steps without missing anything, only in this case you can be sure that foreign odors will not bother you and your neighbors.
  3. The best material for a country toilet is wood, since thanks to the gaps between the boards you can create additional ventilation, but still this will not be enough, so supplement the structure with forced ventilation.
  4. Today, hardware stores offer a wide range of modern forced-air hoods; for example, you can buy a decorative grille with a built-in fan. This wonderful device can be easily integrated into your country toilet and thereby equip it with a high-quality ventilation system. And these are not all the opportunities that manufacturers offer their consumers.

Our article told us how to properly install and design ventilation in an outdoor toilet. There is nothing difficult in installation, so every owner country house will be able to carry out the installation independently, and thanks to the manufacturers, you can purchase new ultra-modern ventilation systems that will help efficiently remove foreign odors and deliver a fresh smell to the toilet. Right installed ventilation will allow you to be close to the toilet and not feel its close presence.

Many people imagine an outdoor toilet as a small cubicle with a persistent unpleasant odor. Most often, a hood in a country toilet is not common, but, taking into account the requirements of comfort and hygiene, most summer residents strive to equip a toilet in the country no worse than in the apartment. A hood will help to cope with the issue of air ventilation in the bathroom.

Any construction of a summer house must begin with the construction of a toilet, and despite the fact that this construction is simple, the toilet project must be taken seriously.

How does a country toilet work?

To understand ventilation, you need to understand how a country toilet works. The standard toilet design is usually as follows:

  1. Above, above the ground, is a cabin.
  2. Below, underground, is a cesspool.

The most important thing in this situation is that methane eventually destroys the structure of the toilet and this becomes dangerous for human life. Over time, the structure may collapse on the person entering it. To avoid problems in the future, professionals recommend taking into account the need for ventilation at the design stage of a country toilet. Its presence will not allow gas to accumulate and destroy the structure.

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Types of outdoor toilets and ventilation methods

Toilet diagram: 1 - ventilation pipe (hood); 2 - seat on the toilet seat; 3 - cesspool hatch; 4 - bottom with a slope.

Country toilets are divided into two main types:

  1. The cesspool is located directly under the toilet.
  2. The pit is located near the toilet.

The first type of toilet design in a country house is the simplest and most common, since here the waste goes directly into the pit. But this design is not entirely suitable for frequent use. The second option is suitable if this is the main toilet. However, then it is necessary to think in advance about the option of running water in the country toilet or a suitable drainage method for this. After familiarizing yourself with the type of toilet, you need to decide which hood to use. Here are two main types of air ventilation:

  1. The natural way is for the air in the toilet stall to move on its own.
  2. Forced method - air is moved using a fan.

To implement both types of hoods you need:

  • the presence of supply and exhaust ducts in the walls;
  • installation of an exhaust system over a cesspool.

The main thing is not to mount the fan into a pipe. Everything has now become clear with the hood in the pit; now we need to do the same in the cabin. For this you will need:

  1. Impact drill or hammer drill.
  2. Ventilation grilles.

It is the cesspool that causes unpleasant odors in the cubicle, since all the waste collects in it. They produce a specific gas - methane, which subsequently rises upward into the toilet stall. The result of such an accumulation of gas can be a deterioration in the well-being of the person in the booth.

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Forced and natural methods

Forced ventilation is more effective, as it removes unpleasant odors from the room much faster. But in this case, the owner will face material costs; it is necessary to purchase a fan, wires, and switches.

Features of the method:

  • rapid removal of large accumulations of methane;
  • no dependence on weather conditions;
  • more difficult to install the structure;
  • need for constant electricity;
  • the need for costs for the purchase of materials;
  • the need for periodic replacement of failing parts.

If you want to always have fresh and harmless air in the cabin, this option will be the most suitable. For those who are not particularly concerned about the cleanliness of the air in the toilet stall, the second option is suitable - a natural change. It is less effective, but no less reliable in removing methane from the cabin. In addition, the absence of additional equipment significantly reduces the cost of this method. Features of the method:

  • no costs for purchasing materials;
  • simple installation of ventilation;
  • low efficiency;
  • weather dependence.

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Ventilation installation

First of all, it is necessary to install a hood in the pit; it will be the one that will exhaust the gas not into the toilet stall, but into the street.

The following materials and tools will help you make ventilation yourself:

  1. Shovel.
  2. The pipe has a diameter of about 10-12 cm and a length depending on how deep the underground pit is and how high the cabin is.
  3. Depending on the cabin material - hammer drill or a hammer drill.
  4. Additional protective casing for laying pipes in the ground.
  5. Deflector for better work systems.
  6. Gutter fastenings.

The process of installing a hood in a country toilet is quite simple:

  1. We dig a suitable hole in the cesspool.
  2. We install fasteners along the entire height of the cabin.
  3. Insert and secure the pipe.
  4. Install the deflector.

One hole must be made on opposite sides of the booth. On one side near the ceiling there is an exhaust, on the other (closer to the floor) there is a supply. Then, to protect against insects and debris, we cover the holes with grates. To install this method of air circulation you will need:

  1. Pliers and screwdriver.
  2. Regular or impact drill.
  3. Fan.
  4. Atmospherically protected cables.
  5. Switch.
  6. Protective grille.

The most important point is the fan. A standard toilet has an area of ​​about 2 m². A 30-watt fan is sufficient for this. So, first of all, you need to supply electricity using a cable. Then we make holes in the opposite walls. A fan must be attached to the exhaust vent and connected to electricity. Next, protective grilles are installed.

They often annoy owners of their own plots outside the city. The reason for such an unpleasant situation is non-compliance with basic sewerage installation rules and treatment facilities. One of the important elements of communal systems is the ventilation of country toilets. The work of constructing a latrine begins with planning. But even if there are existing problems, they can be eliminated in functioning systems. Understanding schematic diagram ventilation operation will help you choose the optimal way to solve this problem in a particular case.

Why is it needed?

When constructing a toilet on the site, you should not neglect the recommendations of specialists. The amount of work on installing ventilation for a toilet in a country house is not so significant as to save on its implementation. The result will be a complete relaxation in nature, where owners and guests will enjoy fresh air. Air exchange during the construction of treatment facilities is needed to solve the following problems:

  • Getting rid of unpleasant odor;
  • Reducing the concentration of harmful substances in the settling tank;
  • Air exchange is necessary for the work of bacteria that destroy drains.

Properly assembled ventilation in a country toilet allows you to extend its service life, since rotting processes are blocked and reduce the risk of mold, for which humidity and heat are favorable living conditions. In the absence of an influx of fresh air, this is exactly the situation that develops. During the decomposition of organic substances, heat is released, the timely removal of which optimizes the work of beneficial bacteria, preventing harmful microorganisms from multiplying

Natural ventilation is the best choice for a country toilet

For suburban area, especially if they are not used regularly, there is no need to install complex and expensive devices. It is enough to observe the necessary measures for the installation of important structural elements. A window in the toilet will not solve problems. It is necessary to create an influx of fresh air and exhaust directly from the waste collection site. Ventilation for outdoor toilets assembled in this way will radically change the processes occurring there. The natural draft created is sufficient for normal operation of the system.

It is advisable to equip a closet with forced exhaust devices when, for example, it is decided to divert the outlet air duct to a certain distance from the toilet, or the section of the pipeline is in a horizontal position. Such route schemes do not differ in functionality under the natural regime of inflow and exhaust. Often an outdoor toilet duplicates the main bathroom located in the house. They are not used as often, so the issue of cleaning and maintenance is not as relevant as compared to the sewerage system, where the main flow of waste flows. An outdoor toilet is very convenient in the summer and with due attention during construction it will not become a source of unpleasant odors, but a comfortable addition to a country holiday.

How to make it yourself

Good natural draft occurs when the air duct is located vertically and the pipe length exceeds 2.5 meters. If the lower end of the ventilation pipe is below ground level, and the upper end is above the roof, then the system will cope with the task. The diameter of the air duct is also important. It is not recommended to make it less than 100 mm. To ensure good performance, it is necessary to make two ventilation connections. One for exhaust, the other for inflow, and the lower end of the pipe of the first should be higher than the second. The principle of convection is used. The heated air from the cesspool rises upward, where it is captured by the exhaust receiver. Instead, the supply pipe sucks in the required amount of atmospheric mass.

The air duct is installed both inside the toilet itself and outside. For independent work the best option will use a plastic kit. When installing ventilation in a country toilet, you will need a basic set of tools:

  • Roulette, ruler;
  • Any type of saw (jig saw, circular saw, hand saw);
  • Screwdriver for fixing fasteners;
  • Drill if additional holes need to be drilled.

It is not necessary to have any experience working with pipes. Detailed instructions manufacturer or watching a video on this topic will be enough. During assembly, it is important to check the presence of seals and gaskets at all joints of the structure. To prevent moisture, debris and leaves from entering the air duct, the ventilation in the toilet in the country is equipped with a protective umbrella at the upper end of the pipe.

Having completed the project and acquired the materials necessary for the work, you should strictly follow the assembly technologies and instructions for specific parts and elements. Particular attention is paid to sealing joints. The modern generation of building materials is characterized by a high level of unification. The parts are standard and fit together exactly. O-rings and gaskets make the joints reliable and durable. When assembling, you need to check the complete set of the entire device, and when assembling, do not ignore the advice offered by the manufacturers.

The toilet at the dacha will live up to expectations if the master follows the technology. Often, both professionals and amateurs use sealants to ensure tightness. Silicone-based compounds are popular today. The elastic structure and good adhesion make it possible to maintain the integrity of the joints even during vibrations and physical stress. Sealant connections are completely worth the small investment in purchasing them.

Another important factor in successfully combating odor is the design of the latrine itself. If supply air duct no, you can leave the hole open. When the toilet in the country is equipped with a full ventilation air exchange system, it is better to make a lid. The best way to get rid of the problem of unpleasant odor is to install a regular toilet. Conducting water today does not seem to be a difficult task. As a result, the toilet acquires completely new qualities. The toilet has a device for forming a water plug. The drain moves along a sinusoidal curve. Clean water in this place is the most effective way to protect air purity. In this case, it is possible to completely seal the internal volume of the toilet from the sump.

When constructing a latrine adjacent to the main building, you can use another piece of advice from experienced craftsmen. You can fix the exhaust pipe along the wall of the house, extending it to the roof of the main building. The length of the route will increase significantly. This method is borrowed from the practice of stove makers. The higher the pipe, the stronger the draft. With this scheme, it may be necessary to install regulating shut-off valves, since high performance can cause a noticeable draft in the toilet.

You can improve traction using a deflector. Inexpensive device, easily installed at the upper end of the outlet pipe. The special design creates vortex flows, which are converted into directed movement of air masses. According to various estimates, the efficiency of the hood can increase by 10-20%. The device does not require an electrical connection; it operates autonomously, using exclusively aerodynamic laws and rules.

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