
How to paint a laminated interior door so that it becomes new and lasts a long time. How and how to paint wooden doors with your own hands. Is it possible to paint PVC doors?

Chipboard is one of the well-known materials that is used to make furniture, doors and other products. What does this material consist of? These are wood chips that are held together by formaldehyde resin. Wood chips under the influence of moisture and other unfavorable conditions can deteriorate and come apart. You can protect them by treating the surface with varnish or paint. In addition to the fact that coloring materials serve as protection, painting also gives decorative effect, because not only multi-colored surfaces are created, but also a variety of textures. So the question arises, how to paint a chipboard door to give it a beautiful look? To do this, you just need to cover the door with a new layer of paint. It is important to know what material the chipboard was originally covered with or whether the door is new and there is no coating at all.

Before painting chipboard, you should carefully prepare the surface. The final painting result depends on this work. To renew chipboard doors, transparent varnish or paint is most often used, which is applied to the surface. But this is not practical, since the paint begins to crack after a while. Removing this layer of paint later is not so easy and takes a lot of time. But this can still be done in several ways.

You can treat the surface of the door with a chemical composition. You need to choose it depending on how the door was treated.

The surface can also be exposed to hot air, which can be supplied from a hair dryer. Coming out, fairly hot air affects the old coating, destroying it. But then you can easily remove it with a spatula. But it is important to maintain a certain temperature so that the surface of the door does not deteriorate.

Then the surface needs to be cleaned of accumulated dust and degreased. Using a grout mesh (preferably coarse), clean the base of the door so as to leave small burrs. This is necessary in order to create better adhesion to the base. Apply a special primer. The primer is applied so that the glue that holds the wood chips together does not allow toxic substances to evaporate and moisture cannot penetrate inside.

Before painting a chipboard door, it should be puttied and sanded to remove any unevenness and differences that may have formed. Before puttying, a primer must be applied to the surface. For chipboard doors, it is better to use acrylic primers. They tend to protect the base from cracks. The putty must be applied with a construction spatula, spreading it evenly over the entire door.

After the putty layer has dried, it is carefully sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.

How to paint laminated doors

This procedure is carried out until all the irregularities are corrected. After this, the dust must be removed and painting can begin.

A good solution for painting chipboard would be a spray bottle or a special can filled with paint. With such tools it is easier to create a uniform layer without smudges.

What types of paint are suitable for this material?

One thing to consider before choosing a paint is that different types of paints give different color results. To increase the surface's resistance to mechanical stress, the base should be coated with varnish.

Doors painted with acrylic paints will last for many years. They are not afraid of temperature changes and collecting steam, condensation and splashes of water. Surfaces painted with acrylic paints can withstand about 5,000 washes.

Before you paint a chipboard door, you need to know the painting technology.

The paint is applied in several layers. You can paint either with a brush or with a roller that has short pile. A roller with a long pile can leave a pattern that looks like an orange peel. If, after applying the paint, unevenness is still visible, you should again use sandpaper to sand it and apply another layer of paint. If you achieve the expected result using this method, you can proceed to the final stage - applying transparent varnish. It can also be applied in several layers.

The choice of paint quality and color is a matter of taste, but it is important that painted chipboard doors are in harmony with the interior.

How to paint a laminated interior door so that it becomes new and lasts a long time

Nowadays, laminated coatings are used more and more often. They are used to decorate furniture, interior and entrance doors, as well as other interior elements. In appearance, laminate resembles wood, which is why parts of it are used in construction and decoration. This coating is considered durable, but still, due to mechanical stress, laminated doors can receive flaws and become unusable.

Is it possible to paint a laminated door?

To make such door defects attractive and invigorate them with color, use technological painting. Next, we'll look at how to paint a laminated door to make it last as long as possible.

Restoring a laminated door using paint

Over time, laminated doors become covered with stains around the door handles and scratches on the surface. It is quite difficult to remove such flaws, since the coating is not particularly amenable to this. Therefore the most effective remedy To correct the damage is to paint the doors.

Let us immediately note that treatment with stain and varnish will not be suitable, since for this process it will be necessary to sand the door and fill in all the irregularities with putty, and under transparent coatings all these errors will be visible.

Therefore, only an opaque coating or paint is suitable for painting laminated doors. But the work is not at all easy to do. Especially because the paint will not be able to adhere to the laminated surface and will flow off it. Therefore, you need to know the technology of how to paint a laminated door so that the paint on it lasts as long as possible.

Materials and tools for painting

Special enamel for painting.

Brush and roller.


Wood putty.

Putty knife.


Napkins and rags.

The surface of the door should be prepared for painting. The doors are washed, wiped and dried. All scratches, as well as the door leaf, are rubbed with sandpaper or a grinding machine. After this, dust is removed from the surface with a brush and rags.

Then putty is applied to the door leaf. It should lie in a thin layer so as to become one with the door. After the first layer has dried and sanded, a second one is applied, which is also rubbed down after drying.

When the door has acquired the desired structure, it is cleaned of dust and wiped with a solvent. Now the surface is completely ready for painting. Next, we’ll look at how to paint a laminated door correctly.

Painting a laminated door

The paint will need to be thinned as the door will need to be covered with three thin coats of paint. The material for painting should be one that is diluted with white spirit.

You should paint with a brush, this will allow you to better apply the coating to the surface of the door. The paint is not simply applied to the surface, but thoroughly rubbed into the door leaf.

After applying the paint, the door must dry completely. Only after this the second and then the third layer is applied. Each of them, after applying the next one, must be dry.

Now the finished door is varnished to give it shine and attractiveness. The varnish can be applied either with a brush or with a spray gun.

Painting a laminated door with stain

How to paint a laminated door if there are no major defects on it, but the color of the coating is a little faded and worn off.

Using a sanding machine, carefully remove the top layer of coating. Then the surface is rubbed with sandpaper and cleaned of chips and dust.

The door leaf is wiped with a solvent, and after it dries, it is treated with stain of the appropriate tone.

The stain should be diluted according to the instructions.

Apply the mixture to the door with a roller, brush or using a spray gun.

The technology of work is the same as with paint. It is necessary to coat the door leaf in three approaches, but not earlier than 12 hours after applying the previous layer.

After the final painting with stain and the surface of the doors has completely dried, they should be opened with varnish.

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How to paint doors

I do it on my own and only cover it with varnish in the summer. I do it at home more often, sometimes I go to the salon, in general, I don’t allow myself to go with peeling ones)

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leaving bare wood. There are paints for varnish, but they don’t look very nice. this is at home. I know this method: all “problem” areas are tinted with regular gouache, dried, and then coated with furniture varnish, which can be done again after drying. Looks like new. But look - this is a way for polished surfaces...

There is a wide range of paint and varnish products on sale for decorative and protective coating of wooden doors. The article will discuss what paint to paint doors under different operating conditions.

  1. What paint is better to paint wooden doors
    • Stains
    • Paints
  2. How to paint doors correctly
    • Surface preparation
    • How to repair cracks and chips
    • Sanding the door
    • Applying primer
    • Applying finishing paint
  3. Painting with stain

What is the best paint to paint wooden doors?


This is a traditional wood coating. It adds shine, preserves the color of the material and protects it. Varnish is usually chosen to cover doors in baths or saunas. It is most convenient for them to cover new products, since old ones will require careful preparation, which includes sanding the entire canvas to its original light color. True, you can immediately choose a tinted varnish, which will add color and varnish in one step.

Although varnishes seem universal at first glance, they have different compositions and purposes.

  • Nitrocellulose varnish is suitable for coating wooden doors in residential areas. It is not recommended to use it in baths or bathrooms due to the low strength of the resulting coating. It can crack quickly.
  • Acrylic lacquer. Resistant to ultraviolet rays and adverse effects. It can be glossy or matte, most often it does not have an unpleasant odor. A door treated with it can be washed.
  • Polyurethane varnish. It has high adhesion to the wooden surface of the door and high strength characteristics. There are glossy, semi-gloss and matte. They are suitable for application not only to wood, but also to veneer, parquet, and countertops. Resistant to abrasion, but gives yellowish color to light wood.
  • Water based varnish. It dries for a long time and does not have an unpleasant odor. Their properties can vary greatly as manufacturers include different additives. More accurate information can only be found on the jar with the composition.
  • Polyester varnish. They are toxic and have a pungent odor, which is why they are chosen for painting outdoor wooden doors. Creates a particularly durable coating.

Advice: if you are painting the door of an outdoor building, it is important where the work is done and with what composition. If it is located in the sun, then it is worth choosing long-drying compounds that, when heated, penetrate better into the structure of the wood and are applied more evenly. If the varnish dries quickly, it will evaporate too quickly, resulting in uneven paint. It’s even better if the door is first removed from its hinges and painted indoors. This will help prevent dust and insects from sticking on.

  • Oil varnishes. They have a high content of fatty resins and are therefore incompatible with some paint surfaces. Therefore, before application, it is necessary to completely clean the wooden door of the old coating. The consistency is quite thick, so it is more evenly applied with a brush than with a spray gun. They do not have a pungent odor. Wax oil varnishes can lighten soft wood.

Now about how to paint wooden doors: for interior doors, the best choice would be a varnish on polyurethane or acrylic base. But for outdoor work or for bath doors It is best to choose durable varnishes, the so-called deck varnishes.


Their task is to tint wood and provide short-term protection from adverse factors. But such coverage needs to be constantly updated. Their main advantage is that they do not hide, but rather emphasize the beautiful structure of the tree.

There are 4 types of stains available:

  • alcohol-based - dries most quickly, but has a pungent odor and a higher price;
  • water-based - it will take longer to dry, but it does not have an unpleasant odor. Only suitable for interior work in rooms with normal humidity;
  • oil-based - before use they must be diluted with solvents, such as acetone;
  • varnish-based - most often called azure. Despite the fact that they significantly reduce painting work, achieving a beautiful result is quite difficult. To obtain a smooth, uniform surface, you should spray it with a spray gun.

Advice: when choosing between a quick-drying stain and a slow-drying one, you need to take into account not only their drying time, but also the result obtained. Thus, water-based compounds penetrate deeper into the wood, making the color more saturated and the pattern clearer. If the pattern is not important, but you need a quick result or a light color, then it is recommended to choose alcohol stains.


Using paints you can not only paint new doors, but also restore old paintings. The main thing is to understand the types of paint and choose the right one.

  • Paints belonging to opaque coatings are made on the basis of organic solvents, such as polyurethane, acrylic, etc. This group also includes water-dispersed acrylic coatings. Despite their toxicity and fire hazard, they are very popular due to their ease of application and the high quality of the resulting coating.
  • When choosing what paint to paint interior doors with, most often they opt for alkyd paints that have water-repellent properties. They lie superficially, without penetrating the wood structure, and form a dense, strong film up to 1 mm thick. When working, it is important to observe one nuance: application is possible only on a completely dry surface, otherwise air bubbles will form, which will lead to further cracking of the paint.

  • Today they have practically disappeared from sale. oil paints based on drying oil. This is due to the high price and low strength characteristics of the protective layer. Sometimes it is replaced with alkyd resin oxoli, this reduces the cost, but the composition acquires a sharp unpleasant odor that lasts for several days.
  • The most popular are acrylic and polyurethane paints based on organic solvents. This is especially true for water-dispersed compositions; water is used as a solvent (this is a classic version of white painted Canadian doors). They are odorless and create a vapor-permeable coating. When they dry, a film is formed that protects the wooden door from humidity and temperature changes. But when frozen in a jar, they lose their properties.
  • The paints are universal; they can be used to paint both prepared wood and directly over the old coating.

How to paint doors correctly

Before painting wooden doors, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work.

Surface preparation

Most often this concerns no longer new doors that require restoration or simply updating. Preparatory work, first of all, involve removing the old paintwork. This is done either with sandpaper or a spatula. But both of these options will take a very long time. Let's look at how to simplify the task.

  • Heat the surface with a hair dryer. This household tool is often in demand and is inexpensive, so almost every home craftsman has one. Unlike a household one, it has significantly more power and heats up more strongly. All you have to do is hold it near the old paint for a few minutes and it will start to bubble. After this, cleaning it with a spatula is much easier and faster. You must work with gloves. Inexpensive hair dryers overheat quickly, so they cannot be used for a long time.

Advice: when cleaning a wooden door with a hair dryer, you should not set the temperature above 220oC, otherwise the wood structure will be severely damaged and will collapse faster in the future.

  • Paint removal. This is the name of special chemical compounds designed to remove paint. In appearance, it is a gel-like mass of a transparent color or with a slight tint. There are several types of them on sale; in this case, you need to choose a remover whose label indicates that it is intended for wood. It’s easy to work with; just use a brush to spread it evenly over the entire surface of the door and leave for 30 minutes (the paint should start to come off). Next, it is cleaned off with a spatula or scraper. When preparing the door surface in this way, you cannot immediately begin subsequent painting. First, everything is thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth, then washed with soapy water and allowed to dry.

Tip: All paint strippers have a pungent odor that can make you dizzy. Therefore, it is recommended to take safety precautions. If, after applying the gel, you immediately cover the surface with a film (ordinary food film will do), the smell will be somewhat less and the effect of the composition will be better.

  • Folk method. It has been tested for years and requires acetone, film and a spray bottle. Using a sprayer, acetone is sprayed onto the surface of a wooden door and a film is immediately applied, preferably in several layers. It is important that it fits tightly, without air access. As a result, after 15 minutes the paint will begin to bubble and come off. But the composition of acetone negatively affects wood.

How to repair cracks and chips

  • Wood is a rather vulnerable material. Therefore, when using a wooden door, chips, dents or cracks often form on it. During restoration, they can be sealed so that after painting they become invisible.
  • To mask minor defects, wood putty is useful; for large ones, furniture wax is useful. Externally, they are easy to distinguish, the latter looks like a dense block, and the putty, like all analogues, has a pasty consistency. All types of wood repair compounds have a palette of shades that are closest to natural. You need to choose the one closest to the color of the door being repaired.
  • Before restoration, the door, cleaned of paint, is wiped with a rag soaked in solvent. Then use a small spatula to take a little putty and fill the gap tightly. The surface is immediately smoothed so that no grooves remain. Convenient to work rubber spatula, which is used to apply grout when laying tiles.
  • When repairing a large flaw, use a soldering iron with a thick tip to heat up a little furniture wax. The softened, but not liquid mixture is applied to the repaired area. If the figured part is broken, then you need to try to repeat its contour with the mass. If a gap is being sealed on a flat surface, the patch should protrude somewhat. This is necessary in order to then level and smooth it with sandpaper.

  • When working with wax or putty, although it is possible to disguise the chip under the tone, it will still stand out due to the lack of a wood grain pattern. But there is a way out here too. There are special furniture markers on sale that are also matched to color. With their help, lines are drawn that repeat the pattern of the base. It is cheap, in the range of 50 - 100 rubles. They are painted with it at the last stage before applying varnish or stain.

Sanding the door

  • Often even a new wooden door needs to be sanded. If there are even small chips, burrs or unevenness on it, this procedure should not be skipped. This is done either with a grinding machine or manually with sandpaper.
  • To make it easier to work by hand, you can screw a piece of sandpaper onto a small block using self-tapping screws or secure it with nails. The main thing is that the caps are recessed and cannot scratch the surface. First, the processing is carried out with coarse-grained paper, and only then with fine-grained paper. It is recommended to pay special attention to cross-cut ends, which, as a rule, always have roughness.

  • Sanders significantly speed up the work process. For initial rough processing you will need a circular sander, and for finishing - a belt sander. If the door has patterns or relief, then you can’t do without hand sanding.

Applying primer

To apply the primer, a roller with a small pile, a brush, a sponge or a spray gun may be useful. It is important that brushes or rollers do not leave lint or hairs. It is enough to simply rub them with your hand before starting work.

As a rule, primers are colorless and have a very liquid consistency, so applying them is not difficult. But there are some recommendations on this matter:

  • It is more convenient to apply impregnations and stains to a wooden door with a natural sponge;
  • Water-based and alkyd primers are applied with brushes, rubbing in carefully so that no smudges form. Brush movements should be ordered from top to bottom or vice versa.

After the primer layer has dried, check the surface by hand. Sometimes the composition raises the fluff, making the wood rough to the touch. It is necessary to lightly go over the finishing sandpaper with the finest grain once again.

Applying finishing paint

  • If you didn’t have a special primer on hand, you can make it yourself from paint that is intended for the door. To do this, it is diluted with a solvent in a ratio of 1:2. It is more convenient to apply it with a brush. In the future, this contributes to a more even coloring and the absence of unpainted areas.

  • Mix the paint well before use. It will not be possible to evenly paint the entire area of ​​the door at one time. And don’t try to do this by causing too much thick layer paints. If some place remains lighter, it will be covered with subsequent layers.
  • If the door was not removed before painting and it is in a vertical position, then work begins from the top, gradually going down. This will avoid the flow of drops onto the previously painted surface. When the canvas is positioned horizontally, you can paint as you like, but adhering to the given direction, without chaotic strokes and joints.
  • The first layer is left until completely dry. The time is individual, depending not only on the composition, but also on the temperature and humidity of the environment. As a rule, this takes no more than a day for alkyd paints.

Advice: when buying paints and varnishes in a store, the buyer tries to choose a composition that dries as quickly as possible. Water-based paints have the best performance in this regard. But they are characterized by low moisture resistance, so they are not recommended for painting a wooden door in a bathhouse.

  • When dry, carefully inspect the surface. Paint almost always lifts up wood fibers that have been smoothed down during sanding. You can’t leave them, you’ll have to go through the sandpaper again. It’s okay if the wood starts to show through a little somewhere, but you should still try to avoid this.
  • It is recommended to apply the second layer across door leaf. As in the first case, you should not apply too thick a layer of paint. After drying there should be a completely smooth surface. Often two layers are enough, but if there is doubt about the uniformity of the coating, then the last third layer is applied.

Painting with stain

Painting a wooden door with stains differs from painting paintwork.

  • Stains, regardless of the base on which they are made, have a rather liquid consistency. In order for the color to apply evenly, the wood is moistened with water before painting, which contributes to less absorption of the composition and a more uniform distribution.
  • If the door is positioned vertically, the stain should be applied from the bottom up to prevent drops from falling on the unpainted surface. This also applies door frame with slopes.
  • When painting in a horizontal plane, the first layer is applied along the grain of the wood. After drying, the second time the composition is laid across, and the third time the finishing composition is applied along again. Thanks to this, uniform toning of all elements and from all sides is achieved. It should be noted here that after drying the color will be slightly lighter than when applied. Therefore, more layers are sometimes required to achieve the desired result.

  • Like paint, stain raises fibers, forming a rough surface that must be sanded again with a sander.
  • If you use an alcohol-based stain, you won't have to re-sand because it won't lift the grain. In addition, drying time is only half an hour. But still, the first place in popularity is occupied by aqueous solutions, due to their environmental friendliness and non-toxicity.

How to paint laminated doors

Laminate coating, especially in interior doors, is replacing products made from natural wood. They look beautiful, can imitate expensive types of wood, are easy to use and, compared to solid wood doors, are affordable. It is no wonder that they occupy an honorable first place among doors installed in apartments and country houses. Despite the durability of the material, they are also subject to mechanical damage. But many owners don’t know whether laminated doors can be painted and throw them away and buy new ones. Next, we’ll look at how to restore it by painting.

If you need to disguise stains or scratches, you will have to choose opaque paints. Also for work you will need:

  • brush or roller;
  • spatula and wood putty;
  • rags;
  • sandpaper;
  • solvent;
  • enamel for laminated surfaces.

Stages of work

  • Lamination on the door has low adhesion to all materials. If you just start applying it, it will slide off, forming smudges and stains.
  • Therefore, the entire surface must be thoroughly sanded and any dust that has formed must be wiped off with a dry cloth.
  • The entire door is covered with a thin layer of putty. The thinner and more uniform the layer, the better it will adhere to the surface, creating a durable coating. When it dries, it is lightly sanded with sandpaper, focusing on possible irregularities. Then a second layer is applied and also leveled by sanding after drying. In addition, this will make the surface rougher, which will ensure better adhesion to the finishing paint.
  • To paint a laminated door, it is better to prepare a more liquid paint composition, for which it is diluted with a solvent twice. (It is recommended to choose a composition diluted with white spirit).
  • If you don’t have a spray gun, it’s best to do the work with a brush. Use it to carefully apply the paint, rubbing it into all hard-to-reach places. It is important to ensure that no sagging occurs. It is better not to paint over than to apply too much. If this could not be avoided, then after drying it is sanded.

  • To consolidate the result, varnish is applied after three layers of paint.

If the laminated door has no defects, but you just want to update it, you can use stain or tinted varnish (the latter can only be applied with a spray gun). The technology will be reduced only to sanding, tinting and further varnishing. Therefore, if there are doubts about whether it is possible to paint doors made of veneer or any other materials, then if the technology described above is followed, it is permissible to do so.

Is it possible to paint MDF doors video

As a rule, old doors have a high-strength panel and a high-quality frame, but the appearance deteriorates over time due to the thick coating. One of the low-cost renovation methods is using regular paint for wooden doors. In this material you will learn how to paint wooden doors and get acquainted with other modern methods of renovating the coating at home.

Rice. 1. Door before and after painting

Selection of paints and varnishes

Paintwork materials are classified according to the following criteria:

  • By composition (water and organic based);
  • By protective effect (against organic and chemical substances, mechanical influences, changes in humidity and temperature);
  • By method of use (internal, external, combined);
  • By type (impregnations, paints, stains, varnishes).

1. Paints. Can be used to process new and old doors. There are no difficulties in choosing, but due to incompetence, people choose the wrong material. Paint and varnish compositions can be transparent or opaque. The first compositions include certain pigments that exhibit a woody structure. But opaque coatings consisting of organic solvents (oil, alkyd and other types) are often used.

The most popular is alkyd enamel, the cost of which is affordable. This coating is highly durable and has a wide range of shades.. But the enamel smells bad, its unpleasant odor remains for 2 days, so they work with it outside, first removing the canvas from the hinges or vacating the room. An alternative solution is acrylic enamel, which also has many colors but does not have a toxic odor. Dried paint does not have much strength, so it is additionally treated with acrylic varnish to protect it from mechanical stress.

Rice. 2. Paint on wood

A more durable coating for wood doors is nitro paint, which has optimal strength. The composition is toxic and sometimes leads to allergic reactions, so you need to wear protective equipment when working with it. If an old surface is treated with nitro paint, the panel is prepared and sanded in advance to a light shade.

2. Varnishes. They are traditional coatings that add shine to wood and protect its surface. Typically, varnish is used to coat doors in rooms with high humidity (baths and saunas).

There are many different varnishes:

  • Acrylic. The material is resistant to negative influences, humidity and ultraviolet radiation. There are matte and glossy finishes without a toxic odor.
  • Nitrocellulose. Wooden doors can be treated with varnish. The coating is not suitable for treating bathrooms and baths, as it has insufficient strength and cracks quickly.
  • Water based varnish. It has no unpleasant odor. Due to different additives, the properties of the material may differ.
  • Polyurethane. The varnish has high strength and adhesion to wood, and comes in matte, semi-gloss and glossy. In addition to wood, polyurethane varnishes can be applied to parquet, veneer, and countertops.
  • Oil varnish. There is no pungent odor. The composition contains a lot of fatty resins, so the old coating is removed from the door in advance. It is better to apply with a brush due to its thick consistency.
  • Polyester. The composition has a pungent odor, is highly durable, but is toxic, so it is suitable for treating street doors.

It is better to paint interior doors with acrylic or polyurethane coating, and resistant materials are suitable for external work or rooms with high humidity.

Rice. 3. Varnish on wood

3. Stains. The purpose of such compositions is to tint the wood and provide temporary protection from negative influences. But it requires constant updating of the layer that emphasizes the wood structure.

There are several options:

  • With a varnish base (azure). The composition reduces the duration of work, but aesthetics are difficult to achieve, so a single-color surface can be obtained by spraying with a spray gun;
  • With oils. Before use, it must be diluted with a solvent;
  • With water. It takes longer to dry, but there is no toxic odor. The composition penetrates deeply, giving a more saturated shade and a clear pattern that looks beautiful;
  • Alcohol based. It dries quickly, but is more expensive and has a strong odor.

Fig.4. Wood stain for a wooden door

To protect wood from fungus, moisture and dirt, oil wax is used, which penetrates deeply into the surface. The coating adds strength and shine.

If you are choosing what to stain the surface of the door with, then you need to take into account the drying time and the resulting effect.

Preparing the canvas for painting

First, the door is removed from its hinges and placed on a flat surface. Before using alkyd paint, it is better to place the canvas outside or in a well-ventilated area. The door is then locked so that all elements are accessible. The fittings are also removed or wrapped in foil, and the locks are sealed with tape.

Cleaning the door

Pre-cleaning, removal of old enamel or paint. For such purposes it is better to use grinder, and in its absence, you can peel off the layer with medium-grain sandpaper. Any bubbles that appear are eliminated with a hairdryer, which heats up the paint layer to remove it with a spatula. Expensive and in a simple way surface cleaning is done using washing compounds.

Rice. 5. Cleaning and grinding the surface

Layers of old paint can be removed with an abrasive attachment on a drill. Pieces of dust and paint are swept away from the panel, the surface is sanded so that there are no scratches, unevenness or roughness. The surface is inspected from both sides, the density of the joints is analyzed, and the frame can be strengthened with fasteners and metal corners.

Puttying and sanding

Existing cracks and recesses are sealed with new putty.. For alkyd paint, a composition of any color is suitable, and before applying oil impregnation, varnish or wax, the tone of the putty must match the panel. The dried areas of the door are sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. At this stage, any defects are eliminated.

Rice. 6. Door putty

Antiseptic coating

When applying paint, the surface is pre-treated with a fire retardant and antiseptic impregnation (for example, biotex) when the door is installed in a steam room. It is advisable to choose products from the same company, which will improve interaction and quality of coverage.

Rice. 7. Antiseptic for wood

After this, the door needs to be primed, and then a layer of putty must be applied. All areas of the door need to be treated, as well as cracks in decorative parts, between the jamb and the lintel. After the putty has dried, the surface is puttied again.

Dyeing technology

If you are painting a new canvas, you should protect it from swelling. First lay it on a flat surface and sand it with sandpaper or a sander. Then the panel is primed, the recesses and smooth areas are processed. After the surface has dried, secondary treatment is carried out.

Rice. 8. Directions for painting the canvas

old door The house needs to be painted with high quality so that there are no stains or smudges on its surface. It is unlikely that you need to buy a spray bottle to paint one or two canvases, so you can use a paneled brush or roller.

After you have chosen what you can use to paint a wooden door, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the work:

  • fluff the brush, removing poorly fixed hairs;
  • You need to paint a panel door correctly in 3 stages, using a roller, from the upper left corner you need to move to the right, covering the entire canvas. After drying, the door must be processed in the longitudinal direction. Then you need to paint the canvas from the upper right corner;
  • When processing paneled fabric, you need to use a brush and treat the surface carefully, avoiding excess coating.

Rice. 9. Sequence of web processing

Painting with alkyd enamel

To coat doors with alkyd enamel, the following steps should be followed:

  • remove the panel from the hinges so that paint drips do not appear on the surface. Then use a spatula and sandpaper to remove abrasions and the old layer, thoroughly rinse the surface and inspect for defects. Chips and cracks are puttied, the surface is dried and sanded. At the last stage, priming is carried out;
  • the finished canvas lies on a horizontal surface of the floor, table or workbench, covered with polyethylene. The existing glass is sealed with tape. For a paneled door, first paint the panels with a brush, and then the protrusions. Subsequently, the entire panel is painted with a roller. With a two-layer application of alkyd enamel, the result will be a consumption of 40-80 g/m2;
  • Additionally, you can tint the wenge fabric by impregnating it with a special compound. This paint is based on natural oils. After a layer of paint has been applied, you need to run it over it with a rubber spatula or sponge about 10 times;
  • you can take liquid soap with paint. First, the panel is covered with paint and liquid soap. You need to apply another layer of coating to the soap.

Rice. 10. Alkyd enamel for treating wood surfaces

Stain treatment

When choosing a stain, no primer is used. The product penetrates into the deep layers of pine or oak wood, coloring its fibers and increasing its protective properties. There are several ways to apply the composition: rubbing, spraying, simple application and staining with a brush. Usually simple application is used.

Rice. 11. Processing the canvas with stain

Since the stain will adhere better to a damp canvas, it needs to be slightly moistened. First, coloring is carried out along the fibers, and then across them. We perform the next layer in the direction of the fibers. We process the panel with jambs from below so as not to disturb the design of the structure.

After the water-based stain has been applied, the surface should be sanded with sandpaper (due to raised fibers), remove dust and apply the next layer of coating. If an alcohol stain is used, the fibers will not lift and no sanding is required. But aqueous formulations do not have an unpleasant odor or toxicity.

Oil or wax impregnations

There are nuances to processing canvas with oil impregnation. First, the Pinotex composition is mixed well. If applied incorrectly, darkened areas and streaks may appear. For work, use a brush, sprayer, roller or foam sponge. Depending on the porosity of the material, the number of layers will be calculated.

Rice. 12. Application of wax impregnation

First, take a little composition, distributing it evenly across the width of the panel. Then the impregnation is rolled out with a roller or rubbed with a brush without sagging. Drying time is 8-12 hours. No later than a day later, another layer is applied.

Wood imitation

To paint interior doors under the tree with your own hands was done correctly, follow the instructions:

  • apply light paint (beige, white, gray or yellow) to the building material;
  • treat the dried surface with liquid soap;
  • cover with dark paint, remove liquid soap.

The wood structure can be created on veneered material by treating the fibers with a special brush (an antique effect is obtained). Then you need to apply one or more paint coatings to the surface and sand it.

How to paint laminated doors

Compared to doors made of natural wood, laminated products look aesthetically pleasing, are easy to use and are affordable. To process laminated doors you will need a roller or brush, wood putty with a spatula, sandpaper, rags, solvent and special enamel.

The surface is completely sanded, cleaned of dust with a rag and puttyed with a thin layer. After the putty has dried, it is treated with sandpaper, applied a second time and sanded again after drying. Before painting, the composition is diluted with a solvent. The paint is applied carefully, paying attention to hard-to-reach areas. After 3 layers, the result is secured with varnish.

Rice. 13. Varnishing wood surface

If there are no defects, the laminated coating can be renewed. A tinted varnish or stain is suitable, which is applied after sanding and tinting.

The color of the panel is selected based on your wishes. The main recommendations include:

  • drying the surface before applying alkyd enamel;
  • combination of shade of canvas with furniture;
  • choosing a solid wood door coated with oil impregnation for a wooden home;
  • combination of an aged door with antique items;
  • choosing a dark-tinted door for lacquered furniture;
  • use of water-based paints.

During the process of painting a door, you need to follow proper techniques and safety measures.

Sometimes the interior of a house becomes boring and boring. Then there is a desire to change it or supplement it with something new. Doors are especially susceptible to aging and fading of paint. Although they are the most reliable and durable, their frequent use erases their shine and beauty and leaves minor scratches.

Such doors are solid and are made by pressing waste lumber, so painting MDF at home is difficult, but possible. And at the same time it will give your home an updated look.

In order to paint the doors, you will need MDF paint. This coating applies easily to some slabs, and is difficult to apply to others. Such properties depend on the components from which the board was made. The material fraction causes them to absorb too quickly the coating that is applied to them.

In order for the color to apply evenly, you need to choose one for MDF doors, which is suitable in chemical composition to the material being painted.

Therefore, when choosing paint and varnish materials To work you need:

  • choose paints without a strong odor, for example, water-based paints;
  • quick-drying. These include acrylic-based paints;
  • with a high percentage of adhesion for strong adhesion of the coating and the surface of the object;
  • with low consumption;
  • a certain color so that the door fits harmoniously into the interior of the apartment.

Nowadays there is a special polyurethane paint for MDF on sale. It is an environmentally friendly coating material, odorless and volatile components. It has high wear resistance and resistance to chemical elements.


To paint the surface of an MDF door, we need certain tools.

  • Tassels. Narrow for small parts and hard-to-reach places and large. Instead of a large one, you can use a roller or spray gun. The lint on the brush should not creep in, so you need to buy a quality tool. Otherwise, then you will have to collect hairs from the brush all over the door.
  • Roller must be terry or wool, because foam rubber slips on the surface.
  • Mixer or drill with attachment for mixing the coating composition.
  • Special bath for working with paint, if a roller is used during application, or a small jar so that you can dip the brush into it.
  • Stencils, tape, scissors, zero sandpaper.

How to paint an MDF door?

In order to paint or repaint MDF doors from one color to another at home, it is necessary to cover the floor of the workplace with paper so as not to get dirty in the process. Place two timbers under the surface to be painted. This is done so that in the future you can easily turn the canvas over to the other side. MDF doors can be painted not only when new, which are made specifically for painting, but also repainted from one color to another.

The procedure is quite simple and does not require any special costs or effort. MDF doors are painted in several layers. Before each application, the previous layer must be completely dry. But first you need to prepare the canvas.

Preparatory stage

To paint MDF at home, the door is removed from its hinges, freed from fittings, and placed on prepared beams. Using heat, the old coating is removed and the material itself is prepared for painting. MDF is carefully sanded with sandpaper.

It is better not to use other tools, as they can damage the material. The remaining debris from sanding is collected and mixed with PVA glue, used as a means to get rid of various defects that appeared during sanding.

If there are glass inserts in the door, they must be sealed with tape to prevent paint from getting in and causing additional trouble.

After the MDF door is sanded and leveled, they proceed to the surface priming process. This is a very important point before painting.


Before covering MDF doors with paint, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer. To do this, you can use drying oil. You need to wait for the primer to dry completely. Then inspect the surface again for defects and scratches. If necessary, cover all cracks and chips with putty and sand thoroughly.

Then you should apply two more layers of primer so that it can clog all the pores and reduce the amount of paint material absorbed.

And only after thorough priming of the surface and complete drying can you proceed to painting.

Painting stage

If you purchased MDF doors for painting, we skip the first two stages. When the product is prepared, you can not be afraid and start painting the MDF yourself. It is necessary to paint the ends and small parts well. An alternative application method is to spray paint if you don't want to bother with a roller or brush. But first you need to paint all hard-to-reach places well with a narrow brush.

After the first layer has been applied, it must be allowed to dry completely. There will be small stains on the surface, but they will then be covered with the next layer. And, after the second layer has dried, you can apply the final third.

When using water-based or special polyurethane paint, a layer of dried coating on the surface will never prevent MDF doors from closing, as happens if they are painted with nitro enamel.


Glesal thinner can be used as a finishing layer. It will add rigidity to the fibers of the medium-density MDF sheet. It also helps create a textured surface. Using this thinner, you can achieve such types of door decoration as “antique”, “Venetian coating”, “imitation bark beetle” and much more. The final stage in painting will be applying a layer of varnish.

Planned renovations in your apartment or country house? Then you will be interested to know how to paint doors in an apartment with your own hands. Of course, painting can be done by professional painters. But such a service will not be cheap, so it is better to do this work yourself, especially since the range of paints and varnishes and tools on sale is wide, and you will certainly be able to purchase everything you need for a successful result.

Factors affecting paint quality

If desired, each person can paint the door with their own hands. But the result of the work done will depend on factors such as:

  • the material from which the door leaf is made;
  • condition of the treated surface;
  • quality of pre-painting preparation of the treated surface;
  • quality of paints and varnishes used;
  • compliance with technological requirements when carrying out painting work.

Door painting technology

Let's consider each of the listed stages in more detail.

Preparatory work

The design of doors, whether external or internal, consists of elements such as a frame (frame), directly onto which the door leaf is hung using special hinges. The door leaf itself contains locking hardware, locks, handles, etc.

Our main task is to dismantle all structural elements that can be disassembled at all. This is done for two reasons:

  • for ease of painting work, since it is easier to get to the removed parts of a massive door from different sides;
  • for accuracy of painting work, since when painting a canvas that has not been removed from its hinges, the paint leaks, and when painting the trim, it gets on the wall.

Important: We must remove the mortise lock. If you do not do this, you will probably paint its core, which will negatively affect its appearance and possibly on its performance.

After we have completed the dismantling work, it’s time to assess the condition of the surface of the canvas and decide whether it is necessary to remove the old coating.

On average, if the thickness of the old coating is no more than 2-3 layers and remains stable, you can do without removing it. If there are many layers and the coating peels off in areas, you will have to remove it.

There are two ways to remove old paintwork without damaging the condition of the surface being treated:

  • exposure to chemicals - removers that soften the coating;
  • mechanical method, when the old coating is heated with an industrial hair dryer and scraped off with a spatula or wire brush.

The choice of one of the listed methods depends both on the type of coating and on the material from which the canvas is made.

After the old coating is removed, the surface is leveled with putties selected in accordance with the type of surface being treated. At this stage, the putty is applied and leveled with your own hands using a wide spatula. After this, the leveled surface is sanded with sandpaper with varying degrees of abrasiveness.

Important: Leveling with putty is acceptable for panels and trim with an initially smooth surface; using this method for leveling modern MDF doors with a relief texture is not recommended.

Before painting begins entrance doors, it is advisable to apply a layer of primer. The primer allows you to increase the degree of adhesion of the paintwork material and the surface being treated. In addition, due to the preliminary application of a primer, the absorbency of the surface being treated is significantly reduced, which means paint consumption is reduced.

How to paint

The instructions for performing painting work are largely determined by the type of painting tool used. As a tool you can use:

  • spray gun (spray gun)– allows you to achieve a uniform layer of color, but it will not be easy to carry out painting work directly in the room;
  • paint roller– also allows you to uniformly paint even surfaces, but there are some difficulties with processing the relief;
  • swing hand– the most affordable category of painting tools, providing good results when used skillfully.

  • immediately before starting painting work, adjust the nozzle and set the optimal width of the torch;
  • mix the paintwork thoroughly to achieve uniformity of the applied layer;
  • use only those thinners recommended by the paint manufacturer;
  • place the spray gun nozzle at a distance of 20-25 cm from the surface;
  • for ease of painting, it is advisable to place the surface to be treated vertically;
  • if painting work is carried out outdoors, it is better to do it in the morning, when there is not much dust around;
  • if any utility room is equipped for a painting booth, under no circumstances should we sweep before painting work, as dust will hang in the air for several hours;
  • immediately before painting, wipe the surface to be treated with a lint-free rag soaked in thinner;
  • We apply the first layer across the door leaf, and the second finishing layer along it.

A paint trough is a must-have attribute for roller painting.

  • we use any paint roller except foam rubber, since foam rubber will leave torn pellets on the paint layer;
  • We use the roller once, since when re-painted it will leave stains on the surface being treated;
  • be sure to use a paint trough and press the roller against its edge to avoid smudges;
  • To perform high-quality painting work, we use several rollers of different lengths.

Tip: Don’t skimp on buying rollers and choose those options where the reel of sandpaper is secured to the handle with a nut. If you take a cheap tool that does not have a locking nut, the bobbin will come off the handle, which will negatively affect the quality of the paint job.

  • We use a flat brush with long, medium-soft bristles;
  • during painting work, we apply longitudinal strokes directed along the wood fibers;
  • spread the applied strokes until a uniform color is obtained;
  • To work with relief we use narrow brushes.

Important: You should not skimp on purchasing quality brushes, since if used correctly, this tool will serve you many times. At the same time, cheap brushes come out with bristles, which makes high-quality coloring impossible.

How to paint

In most building materials stores you will find a wide range of paints and varnishes. When choosing paint, the following questions may arise:

  1. Is it possible to paint a laminated door and how to do it? Any alkyd paint is suitable for these purposes, but the surface must be matted immediately before painting. Otherwise, you can treat the surface with special primers, such as Dulux Trade Super Grip Primer;
  2. What to do if the door is made of solid pine and you don’t want to cover it with a continuous layer of paint and varnish? In this case, you can treat the wood with a high-quality stain and then cover it with a layer of furniture varnish;
  3. Is it possible to paint doors with water-based emulsion to prevent the apartment from smelling? Water-soluble paints are not the best choice, because they get dirty quickly and cannot be washed. In addition, applying water-soluble compounds will not provide a smooth, glossy surface. Therefore, it is better to buy odorless enamel, such as Tikkurila Euro Pesto 10;
  4. How to dissolve paintwork materials to an acceptable consistency? As a rule, paint manufacturers indicate the preferred brand of thinner on the cans. For most enamels suitable option The thinner is white spirit;
  5. Which coatings are environmentally friendly and which are not? Almost all enamels and coatings used for painting wood and metal require working with a respirator or a paint mask. It is also recommended to work outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Tip: To make the toxic smell of paint disappear faster, it is recommended to place a bucket of water in the room at night.

Name Manufacturer Weight/volume additional information Price
Enamel PF-115 (universal) “Simply painted” (Russia) 0.9 kg. 65 rub.
Enamel PF-115 (universal) Novax (Russia) 0.9 kg. Semi-gloss, persistent solvent odor 75 rub.
Enamel NTs-132 (universal) "Master's Choice" (Russia) 0.7 kg. Glossy, persistent solvent odor 124 rub.
Enamel MATT VD-PF 215 (Russia) 0.9 kg. Aquatic, mild odor, matte 286 rub.
Universal enamel Tikkurila Pesto S Tikkurila (Finland) 0.9 kg. Almost odorless, dries quickly 485 rub.
Thinner White spirit Novax (Russia) 1 liter 75 rub.

The table lists the brands of coatings in demand today and their cost in the chain of stores.


Now you know which paint is suitable for painting doors and how to use it for its intended purpose. Learn more by watching the video in this article. After this, you can leave comments about what you read.

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