
How to understand that you have magical powers. How to find out your magical abilities. What awaits you in the near future

Have you ever dreamed of acquiring super powers? But what if you already have them but don't know it? With this free online testing, you can assess your energetic potential, as well as receive recommendations regarding occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine a person’s natural inclinations. As you know, there is some truth in every joke... The effectiveness of developing beyond one's abilities largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect her support in such a complex matter as acquiring magical abilities.

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Unleash your super powers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or is Shiva the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online testing "Am I a magician or what" to find out immediately!

Human superpowers include not only the obvious manifestations of magical powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are beyond the control of many magicians, who have successfully replaced the lack of superpowers with astrology and the practice of fortune telling with Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your super abilities that nature has endowed every person.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they manifest themselves as a result of a special set of training, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential is to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By using the magical abilities test, you will save yourself time, which is so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents for which a person has an inclination than to try to master something “from scratch.” Remember - beyond ability is not a gift from the gods or a privilege of the chosen few, but human properties that are rudimentarily present in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's time

There are no reliable ready-made methods by which you can independently determine the presence or absence of abilities, because everyone has abilities, they may simply be undisclosed. A specialist can determine predisposition to certain areas after diagnosis, but this will be a subjective opinion.

The most reliable way is to focus on your own interest and try.
If you have an interest in developing clairvoyance, for example, you can conduct a basic test with playing cards: take a deck, shuffle it face down on the table, move one card at a time towards you and try to determine without looking whether the suit is black or red. How you decide is up to you.

You can bring your palm up and try to feel through it according to the hot/cold principle; you can apply the shirt to the area between the eyebrows (third eye) and focus on the first thought that comes to your mind; you can just look at the card in front of you and try to guess. Thus, you need to divide the entire deck into two equal piles.

When finished, check the number of correct hits. If it is higher than 50%, then the abilities of clairvoyance and extrasensory perception are already open and can be developed.
If it’s lower, don’t be discouraged and try repeating the experiment several times on other days. You cannot do this on one day in a row, because the results are unlikely to be successful and you will use up too much energy.

If you are specifically interested in magical abilities, then the main signs of their presence are considered to be the following:

  1. Frequent luck
  2. You may interfere with the operation of electronic devices, i.e. When you approach, interference appears in the electronics, or, on the contrary, disappears.
  3. You often see in your dreams answers to questions that are important to you, various clues, you have prophetic dreams
  4. You can discern or feel other people's feelings well
  5. You can relieve pain or heal with your hands
  6. You sense danger and react to it before it occurs.
  7. You can often foresee events
  8. Animals and small children react to you unusually
  9. If a person harms you, then soon he will have some kind of trouble
  10. Among your relatives were people with magical or psychic abilities
  11. An open door annoys you
  12. Your watch (wrist, room, or phone) often malfunctions.
  13. People can feel the warmth coming from your hands
  14. Your wishes often come true.

If you have more than one sign from this list, then you also have the ability to perform magic.


How can you find out: am I a magician or not, and do I have magical abilities?

To the question: whether you have magical abilities or not, you, Anatoly, must answer yourself. And your subconscious, your higher self, which knows the answers to all questions, will help you with this. And I can only tell you how to get an accurate and correct answer.

The basis of magical abilities is psychic sensitivity, which is inherent in all people to varying degrees, but only some can use it. Mental talent is manifested in the ability to feel the state of another person, react to weather changes, predict the outcome of a meeting, find out the contents of a letter without even opening it, and sometimes understand that we need to be alone and not answer phone calls. But, unfortunately, only a few can use this gift and live trusting the dictates of their heart. Live intuitively, be able to consciously receive and, most importantly, use the signs of fate. Not everyone with a voice necessarily becomes a vocalist; not everyone can draw beautifully or play football brilliantly, even if they have the makings. Because the presence of psychological sensitivity does not give anything, since it may not develop into strength.

Having magical, paranormal or psychic powers is a big responsibility. They do not appear in a person just like that; this gift needs constant development and use. In addition, power is given to realize a higher goal, and not to satisfy one’s banal desires: improve your personal life, win the lottery or get the desired job. And you can’t bypass God’s laws either, as they say, everything is done in Heaven.

It is also important to realize that power is not inherently good or bad. The line between good and evil is very thin, and the choice rather depends on the person himself. While receiving well-developed magical abilities, a person loses something. For example, it becomes less understandable to people who live according to the laws of logic. Such people, as a rule, are doomed to loneliness. They may have serious health problems. And they live in several dimensions at the same time. Many of them see entities, talk to the dead (necromancers), have the gift of foresight, premonition, heal people, tell fortunes well, know how to find lost things...

Anatoly, you are a magically gifted person, if you have such abilities. Perhaps you are having prophetic dreams, or you have a good sense of the state of another person, both on a physical and emotional level, and are able to understand an animal. Check how developed your intuition is. Take a deck of cards and shuffle. Now take off one at a time and name the suit, well, how?

You must remember that having magical abilities and living with them means constant competition, difficulties and a lot of problems of various kinds. However, if you must have them, then you will not escape this cross. Just be prepared for difficulties, misunderstandings, sudden changes in physical condition, emotional exhaustion and, in the literal sense of the words, “being out of this world.” Want to? Then read the literature, take tests to identify extrasensory abilities, and maybe a world of the mysterious and unknown will open up for you, just don’t forget to put up protection in time from negative influences, from the living and the dead, because a person with certain abilities is more susceptible to this influence. After all, this is a world with its own laws that cannot be broken. Read about the gift of clairvoyance here.

Every person is endowed with extraordinary abilities that they may not even suspect. It turns out that the gift of creating magic is inherent in everyone from birth. How to find out your magical abilities by date of birth? To do this, you can use two methods - make a digital calculation and find out using tarot cards. Let's consider this question.

Numerological calculation

To make the calculation, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, like this:

1. 1985.11.11. = 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 27;
2. 27 = 2 + 7 = 9.

Now you need to use the interpreter of the meanings of numbers.

Unit suggests that you can easily influence people and convince them of anything. One also speaks of the talent of a hypnotist. That is, there is verbal magic. You can successfully cast spells and magic spells with such power of words and persuasion.

Deuce speaks of the presence of healing ability. You can transfer energy through your hands. Learning healing practices will bring success. However, do not forget to replenish the expended energy in time to restore your potential.

Troika speaks of the ability to materialize things through words. Be careful with your thoughts and words so as not to attract trouble. By knowing your gift, you can use it to create rather than destroy.

Four speaks of powerful energy potential. You have strong natural protection that will repel any evil eye and negative influence. This potential can be used in the practice of extrasensory perception.

Five characterizes the presence of a predictive gift. You can become clairvoyant if you develop this potential.

Six suggests that you can read people's thoughts. If you develop, you can become a good telepath.

Seven- you see prophetic dreams and can interpret dreams.

Eight speaks of the ability to read minds. If you practice, you can learn to transmit thoughts at a distance. Mental magic techniques will suit you.

Nine speaks of the gift of communication with the other world. You can conduct séances, receive contact information from the universe, and know things that other people don't know.

Date of birth and tarot

How to determine the nature of a magical gift from tarot cards? The tarot arcana can tell a lot about a person's abilities. You need to add up the numbers of your date of birth and contact an interpreter of the major arcana of the tarot.

Unlike the numerological calculation method, here it is necessary to carry out 3 calculations:

  1. add the digits of the birth number if it exceeds 22;
  2. add up all the numbers of the date of birth;
  3. bring the final digits of the day, month and year of birth to a single digit and add them together.

Everything is clear with the birth number, but there is a nuance. There are 22 major arcana in the tarot deck, so if the birth number is greater than 22, we perform a mathematical operation. We need to subtract 22 from the birth number to get the required number. For example: 23 (birth number) - 22 = 1.

In the second option, you need to add all the numbers together. If we get a number greater than 22, proceed as in the above option. Let's say we get 32: 32 - 22 = 10.

The third option is the most difficult. It is necessary to reduce all the final digits of the date of birth (day, month and year) to a single number and add them together.

  1. day 11: 1 + 1 = 2.
  2. month 11: 1 + 1 = 2.
  3. year 1985: 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5.

Now we add 2 + 2 + 5 and get the number 9. As a result, we got three numbers:

  1. birth number digit - 1;
  2. date of birth - 10;
  3. the overall figure is 5.

Now you need to look at the interpreter of the major arcana.

First Arcana - Magician

A person with the number 1 in his date of birth has strong magical potential and can practice any magic. This is a born magician, gifted with extraordinary abilities. He can literally work miracles. Usually people with these abilities intuitively choose mental magic, NLP and verbal techniques. That is, persuasion with words and changing circumstances with thought.

Second Arcana - High Priestess

This lasso also speaks of outstanding magical abilities, especially in women. A penchant for the magic of nature - plants, animals, minerals, potions. This person has a very highly developed intuition and the gift of foresight.

Third Arcana - Empress

A person can successfully practice village magic and magic associated with household items. There is also a penchant for knotting techniques (nauzy) and culinary magic. Working well with wax and puppet magic (volts).

Fourth Arcana - Emperor

This magic is associated with objects of male use and metals - a knife, a dagger, scissors, needles. The person has a penchant for attacking magic using force.

Fifth Arcana - Hierophant

This lasso speaks of a penchant for classical rituals and the use of religious egregors in practice. Spells with prayers and religious objects work well.

Sixth Arcana - lovers

Here one can see the ability for the magic of partnerships, as well as for the teachings of Reiki.

Seventh Arcana - Chariot

The person has the ability of verbal magic; he is good at spells and making talismans. The lasso also speaks of gypsy magic.

Eighth Arcana - Strength

These are shamanic techniques and voodoo magic. In practice, animal body parts, bird feathers, amulets and talismans are used.

Ninth Arcana - Hermit

This is a card of strong psychic abilities. It also talks about the successful practice of meditation, the use of mantras and following the path of spiritual development.

Tenth Arcana - Wheel of Fortune

This is working with karma and past lives, as well as money magic. Good talismans for attracting money and good luck, fortune spells.

Eleventh Arcana - Justice

If this lasso falls out, a person needs to be very careful in using magical techniques. The Arcanum has little to do with magic; it speaks more about engaging in earthly affairs.

Twelfth Arcana - Hanged Man

This lasso speaks of working with runes and nature. The person is good at astral exits and trance states.

Thirteenth Arcana - Death

This is a sign of outstanding magical abilities. The person has good abilities for healing techniques and working with the world of the dead.

Fourteenth Arcana - Moderation

The man is more a psychologist than a magician.

Fifteenth Arcana - Devil

This is a pointer to working with dark egregors. Man is a born dark magician.

Sixteenth Arcana - Tower

Working with the elements, as well as Feng Shui.

Seventeenth Arcana - Star

A person can work with the energies of the universe. This includes cosmoenergetics, angelic magic, and work with the spirits of the planets. The magic of color works well.

Eighteenth Arcana - Moon

Humans have highly developed magical abilities. These are nature magic, Wicca, moon and village magic, and water magic.

Nineteenth Arcana - Sun

Magic associated with fire. A person has a powerful natural energy, strong will.

Twentieth Arcana - Judgment

Ancestral magic, that is, following the traditions of ancestors. Judgment is not connected with the world of the dead, like the lasso of Death, but a person can use the help of the dead in his practices. The lasso also shows a penchant for the magic of sounds, for example, a shaman's tambourine or bells.

Twenty-first Arcana - Peace

A penchant for unconventional magic, such as new technologies and cybermagic.

Twenty-second lasso - jester

This is simoron and any types of game magic. The lasso also indicates a person’s penchant for innovation and experimentation. Puppet magic works well.

So, the following arcana speak about strong magical abilities - 1, 2, 9, 13, 15, 18 and 22. The following arcana speak about unexpressed abilities - 4, 8, 14, 19, 21.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:


First of all, it is necessary to accept on faith the fact that every person “by default” has a whole set of hidden, “magical” abilities. The thing is that their manifestation is almost always associated with a lot of difficulties.

If we think about it, many of us simply do not need such properties as, for example, telepathy. Why should a person be a telepath and try to mentally communicate with another person when he has a mobile phone?

However, if you still have a desire to check exactly the manifestations of your hidden qualities/abilities, that is, it is very simple ways to detect them.

Observe yourself carefully and analyze your life. Answer the question - has this ever happened to you when your random thoughts about someone led to certain consequences for that person?

Thus, many cases have been described when the seemingly unconscious thoughts of energetically strong people led others to illness or some kind of trouble.

Observe the attitude of pets, especially cats, towards you. These animals react very sensitively to any type of energy and have a great sense of whether a person in front of them is good or bad. If a person has a lot of negative energy, a cat or male cat is unlikely to allow him to stroke himself for a long time, much less pick him up. They will most likely sniff you and then try to put more distance between themselves and you if they don't like you.

Remember that the use of certain energies imposes great responsibility on a person. Moreover, the laws of life are such that when using negativity, the responsibility is orders of magnitude higher, because in this case, you may harm others with your actions. Therefore, to experimentally test your abilities, it is better to use positive qualities.

Try wishing someone something good. For example, recovery or a speedy solution to problems, and then follow the further fate of this person. If everything works out for him, try again. If successful, you will be able to think that it was your good intentions that helped this person. This means that you have the necessary basis for developing your abilities.

In any case, remember the responsibility that rests with you. The greater the power, the greater the responsibility for its use. Rashly disposal of great force can lead to dire consequences. On the contrary, using your energy for good will only increase your strength. In order to receive a lot, you have to give a lot.

Helpful advice

Wish only good things for others. Every evil intention will return to you with increased force, and you will not even suspect the origin of your troubles, thinking that it is all accidental.


  • How to find out about your magical power
  • what kind of magical abilities do I have?
  • Your abilities by hand

"What is the strength in, brother?" - asks the main character of the famous film. Completing diverse test tasks will help you find out your strength and predisposition to certain qualities.


Take a blank sheet of paper and draw two columns. The first one will be titled “My Strengths (What I Can Do Easily)” and the second one will be called “My Weaknesses”. Fill out each column of the table honestly and do your analysis. Which column has more qualities? In the first? This means you are strong in many qualities. Remember the situations when you needed data. How well you did it, you were noticed and certainly appreciated. Now it’s worth thinking about how these strong qualities will help you in your future endeavors. Where can you effectively apply them? Reflect on the strengths you have identified and try to develop them.

If you have written more characteristics in the “My weaknesses” column, then you should not dwell on them for a long time. There are no ideal people, and you shouldn’t engage in self-criticism. The main purpose of the test is to identify strengths, and therefore we focus on developing these qualities.

You can visit specialized centers for the development of a strong personality. Experienced psychologists will interview you, may ask you to answer test questions and, in accordance with the results obtained, will assign you to a group for developing these strengths.

You can learn your strength by gaining experience. Feel free to go towards everything unknown, new and incomprehensible. Unusual circumstances allow a person to open up, show talent and discover reserves within himself. A person is a treasure of multifaceted abilities and skills, revealing which is one of the main tasks. Don't stop there, keep discovering new sensations, and then you will become stronger.

Video on the topic

A craving for everything unknown and mystical is inherent in a person from birth. A huge number of magic salons, various television programs, astrological forecasts in almost every magazine testify to this more eloquently than words. No matter how strange it may sound, each of us can become a magician and sorcerer, if desired. Here are some tips.


Buy a magician's kit and learn Tarot. This game can be purchased at most toy stores or ordered online. Firstly, it develops imagination, trains memory and intelligence. Secondly, it will be a wonderful change in a series of gray everyday life. If you have children, they will be interested, and if not, you will show it to your friends at various parties, employees at corporate parties and at family celebrations. Don't forget to buy an astrologer's hat and robe to create a complete ambience. As for fortune telling, it’s interesting and sometimes even comes true, and if you also learn to speak in the voice of a ventriloquist, you can even start making good money from it.

Visualization or materialization. There is now quite a lot of literature devoted to this topic. Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" made a big splash two years ago. In it, she provides evidence, using the example of herself and other people, of how this works. Many writers talk about how the most striking stories described in books begin to happen to them in real life. Conspiracies are another confirmation that the ancestors knew about the power of words. Any rhymed or simply words spoken from the heart have a huge energy message. It’s not for nothing that they say that words can kill. Everything we persistently think about sooner or later happens in reality. Either way, you have nothing to lose, start dreaming right now. Can you imagine how nice it will be if everything you dream about suddenly begins to come true?

Be surprised, be surprised and smile more. There are a lot of interesting and amazing things in the world. Look for the surprising in the ordinary. Look at the clouds and, with the power of thought, turn them into various animals, birds, and characters. See how the rain flows down the glass in intricate streams, or how beautiful and perfect the shape of a snowflake is, and what extraordinary color the darkening evening sky sometimes acquires at the moment when day and night meet. It can also be surprising to see how a duck scolds its ducklings. Or find a thousand rubles on the street. There is a lot of beautiful and inexplicable things in the world, learn to be attentive.

Surprise your loved ones with care and attention, small gifts, arrange small holidays just like that. Make it a tradition to organize small competitions and games at work for every holiday. In the end, give up your seat on public transport to an old woman; in our time this can be considered a real miracle. And most importantly, smile more, everyone. You yourself will be surprised how, following these simple rules, the world around you will change. All living things are drawn to the light. Give warmth and kindness, and the world will reciprocate.

Video on the topic


“When you understand what this world is and how it works, miracles will begin to happen to you... What other people will call miracles,” Richard Bach.

Helpful advice

Fortunately, everything in the world is quite simple - it is the way you see it. Every person is a magician and wizard, the creator of his own happiness. The world does not give challenges beyond our strength. Every problem is an opportunity to develop. Let yourself be yourself, you don’t have to live up to other people’s expectations, because no one knows what’s best except you. Let everything take its course.

Some people have supernatural and magical abilities from birth, they do not have to make any effort to manifest and realize them. But there are few such people. There are much more of those who dream of discovering a magical gift within themselves and revealing new possibilities of their body and their psyche. It is possible to develop magical powers in yourself, and this development will be especially effective if you start it in childhood. But if parents did not pay due attention to the development of the child’s characteristics, a person can show these powers in adulthood.


If you feel that you have lost many of your abilities and want to regain and develop them, your task is to complete a series of exercises and tests that will allow you to understand whether you have magical powers at all and will reveal your magical potential.

Place a magnet anywhere in the room, then turn off the light, close your eyes and try to feel the magnet's pull without touching it. If you have a gift, even a hidden and weakened one, you should feel the magnetic field after some training.

Then try the exercise - you need to guess which envelope contains the bill and which envelope remains empty. Take two absolutely identical opaque envelopes, put a banknote in one of them, and then close your eyes and shuffle. Place them in front of you and try to intuitively determine which one contains the .

Another effective method explorations of magical potential are Zener cards. Cut out five identical rectangular cards from cardboard and draw a circle, square, plus, star and wavy lines on them - one shape for each card. Take the cards from behind your back without looking and guess what is shown on them.

Pay attention not only to real events that happen in reality, but also to events that happen in your dreams. Your dreams can tell you a lot about hidden abilities, since it is in your dreams that you are closest to your unconscious. Remember your dreams, look for connections between them, think about what you saw.

The more dreams you remember and the more real events are connected with what you dreamed, the more your abilities will reveal themselves. Try to predict the fates of people you see for the first time. If it later turns out that a person’s fate turned out exactly as you predicted, you can congratulate yourself - you really have a gift.


  • how to find out about magical abilities

It is believed that previously people’s intuition was so developed that it bordered on magic. Over time, these abilities were lost and were retained only by a limited number of initiates. Are you part of this narrow circle?


To find out if you have magical abilities, ask your loved ones for help. Let them try to remember if there were any magicians, sorcerers, etc. in the family. In this case, extraordinary qualities could well be inherited from you.

Analyze the segment of your life you have lived. Perhaps unusual abilities have already manifested themselves. Remember situations when you gave up something, and subsequently it became the right decision. We didn’t go on vacation - the resort was hit by a hurricane, we decided not to buy - we inherited it. All this indicates the presence of paranormal intuition, which may well develop into real intuition.

Look at a person you know and try to imagine what will happen to him in the future. Write down your visions, indicating the time period when they should happen. Compare the events that actually happened with those recorded in the notebook.

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